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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/5/2011 7:34:41 PM

Hello Gaby, my friend, that he did, but too many had their eyes and ears closed and unfortunately a lot still have their eyes and ears closed. But then I guess we shouldn't expect too much out of those unwilling to educate themselves, should we? They fail to see what is so obvious to the majority and I am sooooo glad that everyday more and more people are waking up. Of course there will always be those who haven't got a clue and never will. It is beyond their comprehension. :)

He did warn us!.....

Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments"

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injusticewhich is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path..My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

------ WHAAAAAAAT, the Hell is that???
I, for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post
Yes, you read it right - He DID warn us!

Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/5/2011 8:24:45 PM
[if !mso]> To get things right again, as anywhere else in the world, it needs a huge counter weight. Spain managed it with Franco, Chili with Pinochet and Argentina via a huge bankrupt hardship; those are only some of the recent hard hitters against Communism and socialism. The latter seems to have a hard time dying off anywhere in the world once a foot has taken hold of a country’s people. For this there is a lot more needed than a ballot box. If BHO is not washed out with a Kärcher hot water pressure washer before 2012 he will be in for a second term because as I see even a gross birth certificate long form fraud denounced officially by Adobe and Microsoft is irrelevant.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/6/2011 3:41:15 PM
Hello Friends,

Rick, your article was excellent and thank you for sharing it with us. Gaby, your 2 posts were right on and the second one I remember well from when we were involved in the campaign discussions at the time. He certainly did warn us and unfortunately over 50% of Americans voted for him either never saw it or read it as was their blindness to all the other damning evidence against him that was brought to the fore during the campaign. Frightening stuff isn't it add that to his being a fraud and great pretender and we're in big trouble until we vote him out or get him impeached.

Robert that video is one of many now and it's well known that B Hussein's long form BC is a fraudulent document and he's once again giving the citizens if the USA the proverbial finger. I wonder when the 2 houses will take a stand on this issue and impeach him once and for all.



quote] [if !mso]> [endif]To get things right again, as anywhere else in the world, it needs a huge counter weight. Spain managed it with Franco, Chili with Pinochet and Argentina via a huge bankrupt hardship; those are only some of the recent hard hitters against Communism and socialism. The latter seems to have a hard time dying off anywhere in the world once a foot has taken hold of a country’s people. For this there is a lot more needed than a ballot box. If BHO is not washed out with a Kärcher hot water pressure washer before 2012 he will be in for a second term because as I see even a gross birth certificate long form fraud denounced officially by Adobe and Microsoft is irrelevant.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/6/2011 3:43:22 PM
Hello Friends,

It seems that aside from B Hussein, Hillary and so many others in his administration there are a few Congressmen that are also out there supporting despots and criminals that are butchering their citizens.

The latest ardent supporter of Syria's Assad is Rep. Dennis Kucinich. We saw reports of his visit here in the local newspapers and on the news on all the different stations in Israel. Not much coverage in by MSM in the United States but what's new with that? As you'll see from the below article He came out and claimed Assad is a reformer during his visit to Syria while Assad continued killing the rebels throughout Syria. In addition to that some of you might remember he also came out in support of Libya's Gaddafi. Now while I'm not supporting Gaddafi in any way manner or form NATO along with B Hussein's attacks in Libya are without reason cos they have no idea who the rebels are. Oooops, that's not really true we do know many of them are Al Qaeda members and other terrorist groups some of whom fought against American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. So in effect Nato and B Hussein are directly supporting terrorists and supplying them with arms. Hmmmm, nothing new about that either.

You know whenever I read about Kucinich I have to smile cos there are those that believe he's a Galactic along with B Hussein from the planet Sirian (sp. ?). :) :) :) Now we know B Hussein is the great pretender and fraud and not Constitutionally eligible to be President but according to them he's also a Galactic Ex-Pat. :) :) :) Hmmmm, maybe Kucinich is supporting Assad cos of the similarity of the 2 names and it reminds him of home. :) :)



Kucinich: Tyranny Propagandist

Posted by Frank Crimi on Jul 5th, 2011

Offering singular praise for the reform efforts being enacted by Syria’s embattled leader, President Bashar Assad, noted anti-war Democrat Dennis Kucinich urged the United States and the rest of the international community to lift economic sanctions against the Syrian regime.

Rep. Kucinich’s comments were made to reporters during a visit to the Syrian capital of Damascus. There, Kucinich chastised the media for overly “dramatizing” the chaotic events transpiring in the country. According to Kucinich, Assad was “highly loved and appreciated by the Syrians,” adding that those opposing him were still free to speak their minds.

It should be noted that when his remarks appeared in the Syrian paper Al-Watan, Kucinich was quick to state he had been misquoted, saying the report contained “a number of mistranslations and mischaracterized statements. It is unfortunate that translation errors can create such problems.”

Of course, there was confusion as to why Kucinich happened to find himself in Damascus in the first place. While Kucinich said he was on a “fact-finding mission” on behalf of his constituents, Al-Watan pointed out his visit was organized by the Syrian embassy “as part of a campaign intended to relieve external pressure on the regime, and allow it to present its situation.”

In any case, whether he was misquoted or not, Kucinich has demonstrated a soft spot for the Syrian despot. In a recent interview with an American newspaper, Kucinich said he thought Assad “will move in a direction of democratic reforms. He has already made that commitment from what I can see.”

To speed that reformist commitment, Kucinich has now urged the United States and the rest of the international community to lift the economic sanctions they have imposed against the Syrian regime. Those US sanctions – which have frozen assets of selected Syrian officials – were first slapped on Syria in May 2011 by the Obama administration.

The European Union soon followed with its own sanctions, which included a travel ban and the freezing of assets for 30 additional Syrian officials. Ironically, Kucinich’s plea came on the same day the US announced a new set of US sanctions that would be placed on additional Syrian individuals and entities.

While many have viewed the sanctions as nothing more than symbolic gestures, the Syrian economy has nevertheless been undergoing some very difficult times. In May, a report by the Institute of International Finance forecast a shrink of 3 percent to Syria’s $52 billion economy this year.

Additionally, Syria’s $18 billion in reserves have been falling at a rate of $70-80 million a week. Underlying the financial insecurity, the current spate of political unrest has hindered foreign investment, leading to high unemployment and inflation.

Despite Kucinich’s belief in Assad’s Jeffersonian impulse, it’s a view not shared by many Syrians these days. To illustrate that point, in Assad’s last public speech on June 20, he trotted out his latest reform plank, which included a move towards multi-party democracy, a crackdown on government corruption, and a reduction of the political role of his Baath party

The response to the speech, however, sparked widespread demonstrations in 19 Syrian cities, including in Damascus, with crowds chanting “liar.” Of course, it’s certainly understandable that Syrians remain skeptical of Assad’s motives.

Since the Syrian uprising began in March, an estimated 1,600 civilians have been killed and 10,000 arrested. Moreover, many of those killed came at the hands of Syrian security forces opening fire on funeral processions being held for slain anti-government protesters.

Moreover, Assad has shown no inclination to ease up on the bloodbath. Only yesterday, Syrian tanks and helicopters assaulted the village of Rameh, killing seven people and wounding scores. The result has been a mass exodus of Syrians fleeing the country. It is estimated that over 12,000 Syrians have fled to Turkey, apparently unaware of the reforms being enacted on their behalf by Assad.

However, Assad still commands loyalty among his mainly Alawite forces led by his brother Maher, including the Republican Guard and the 4th Armored Division. Each of these units contains nearly 10,000 highly trained soldiers equipped with large numbers of heavily armored tanks. In comparison, the rest of Syria’s 200,000 troops are mostly poorly trained and poorly equipped conscripts.

Still, while it’s easy to be hard on Kucinich for his romantic view of Assad and his regime, he certainly hasn’t been alone in that stance. The Obama administration, despite its recent stance, has long been an advocate for Assad’s role as a strategic ally in the Mideast region.

In fact, it was only in March that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also referred to Assad as a “reformer,” even as his regime was already in the midst of its brutal crackdown on Syrian demonstrators. As such, she insisted the United States, unlike in Libya, would not intervene militarily to stop the Syrian regime’s murderous repression of its own people.

To his credit, at least, Kucinich is nothing if not consistent in his support for some unsavory figures, including Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi. To that end, he recently issued his own 10-point plan calling for the saving of the Gaddafi regime with calls for an immediate ceasefire followed by political reforms to be ushered in by the Libyan despot.

In the end, however, despite Kucinich’s support, the future path of Bashar Assad and his regime remain in doubt. For Kucinich, his path may be much clearer. As his Ohio congressional seat is being redistricted out of existence, there has been speculation that he is exploring options to run in some out-of-state ultra-liberal congressional district.

However, if that proves to not be a viable option, he can always find work in the Syrian government. After all, Bashar Assad appears to be in the market for an experienced political reformer.

Frank Crimi is a writer living in San Diego, California. You can read more of Frank’s work at his blog,

Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/6/2011 4:05:25 PM
It is sad these buffoons and would be tyrants are in office. We can only blame ourselves for playing in their game. We spend too much time on the small things that divide us not the BIG things we agree on. We have to look at the long term results.

Most of the current paths are leading to centralized government where "WE THE PEOPLE" are unable or unwilling to be heard by our government. We are at the turning point for mankinds survival in many ways.

Powerful centralized government is oppression which leads to slavery then to revolution.

Knowing this are your ready to take your stand? I am not sure I am ready to shoot anyone over petty differences of opinions. Are you?
How about over our right to have this discussion? Now thats worth fighting for isn't it?

Hello Friends,

It seems that aside from B Hussein, Hillary and so many others in his administration there are a few Congressmen that are also out there supporting despots and criminals that are butchering their citizens.

The latest ardent supporter of Syria's Assad is Rep. Dennis Kucinich. We saw reports of his visit here in the local newspapers and on the news on all the different stations in Israel. Not much coverage in by MSM in the United States but what's new with that? As you'll see from the below article He came out and claimed Assad is a reformer during his visit to Syria while Assad continued killing the rebels throughout Syria. In addition to that some of you might remember he also came out in support of Libya's Gaddafi. Now while I'm not supporting Gaddafi in any way manner or form NATO along with B Hussein's attacks in Libya are without reason cos they have no idea who the rebels are. Oooops, that's not really true we do know many of them are Al Qaeda members and other terrorist groups some of whom fought against American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. So in effect Nato and B Hussein are directly supporting terrorists and supplying them with arms. Hmmmm, nothing new about that either.

You know whenever I read about Kucinich I have to smile cos there are those that believe he's a Galactic along with B Hussein from the planet Sirian (sp. ?). :) :) :) Now we know B Hussein is the great pretender and fraud and not Constitutionally eligible to be President but according to them he's also a Galactic Ex-Pat. :) :) :) Hmmmm, maybe Kucinich is supporting Assad cos of the similarity of the 2 names and it reminds him of home. :) :)



Kucinich: Tyranny Propagandist

Posted by Frank Crimi on Jul 5th, 2011

Offering singular praise for the reform efforts being enacted by Syria’s embattled leader, President Bashar Assad, noted anti-war Democrat Dennis Kucinich urged the United States and the rest of the international community to lift economic sanctions against the Syrian regime.

Rep. Kucinich’s comments were made to reporters during a visit to the Syrian capital of Damascus. There, Kucinich chastised the media for overly “dramatizing” the chaotic events transpiring in the country. According to Kucinich, Assad was “highly loved and appreciated by the Syrians,” adding that those opposing him were still free to speak their minds.

It should be noted that when his remarks appeared in the Syrian paper Al-Watan, Kucinich was quick to state he had been misquoted, saying the report contained “a number of mistranslations and mischaracterized statements. It is unfortunate that translation errors can create such problems.”

Of course, there was confusion as to why Kucinich happened to find himself in Damascus in the first place. While Kucinich said he was on a “fact-finding mission” on behalf of his constituents, Al-Watan pointed out his visit was organized by the Syrian embassy “as part of a campaign intended to relieve external pressure on the regime, and allow it to present its situation.”

In any case, whether he was misquoted or not, Kucinich has demonstrated a soft spot for the Syrian despot. In a recent interview with an American newspaper, Kucinich said he thought Assad “will move in a direction of democratic reforms. He has already made that commitment from what I can see.”

To speed that reformist commitment, Kucinich has now urged the United States and the rest of the international community to lift the economic sanctions they have imposed against the Syrian regime. Those US sanctions – which have frozen assets of selected Syrian officials – were first slapped on Syria in May 2011 by the Obama administration.

The European Union soon followed with its own sanctions, which included a travel ban and the freezing of assets for 30 additional Syrian officials. Ironically, Kucinich’s plea came on the same day the US announced a new set of US sanctions that would be placed on additional Syrian individuals and entities.

While many have viewed the sanctions as nothing more than symbolic gestures, the Syrian economy has nevertheless been undergoing some very difficult times. In May, a report by the Institute of International Finance forecast a shrink of 3 percent to Syria’s $52 billion economy this year.

Additionally, Syria’s $18 billion in reserves have been falling at a rate of $70-80 million a week. Underlying the financial insecurity, the current spate of political unrest has hindered foreign investment, leading to high unemployment and inflation.

Despite Kucinich’s belief in Assad’s Jeffersonian impulse, it’s a view not shared by many Syrians these days. To illustrate that point, in Assad’s last public speech on June 20, he trotted out his latest reform plank, which included a move towards multi-party democracy, a crackdown on government corruption, and a reduction of the political role of his Baath party

The response to the speech, however, sparked widespread demonstrations in 19 Syrian cities, including in Damascus, with crowds chanting “liar.” Of course, it’s certainly understandable that Syrians remain skeptical of Assad’s motives.

Since the Syrian uprising began in March, an estimated 1,600 civilians have been killed and 10,000 arrested. Moreover, many of those killed came at the hands of Syrian security forces opening fire on funeral processions being held for slain anti-government protesters.

Moreover, Assad has shown no inclination to ease up on the bloodbath. Only yesterday, Syrian tanks and helicopters assaulted the village of Rameh, killing seven people and wounding scores. The result has been a mass exodus of Syrians fleeing the country. It is estimated that over 12,000 Syrians have fled to Turkey, apparently unaware of the reforms being enacted on their behalf by Assad.

However, Assad still commands loyalty among his mainly Alawite forces led by his brother Maher, including the Republican Guard and the 4th Armored Division. Each of these units contains nearly 10,000 highly trained soldiers equipped with large numbers of heavily armored tanks. In comparison, the rest of Syria’s 200,000 troops are mostly poorly trained and poorly equipped conscripts.

Still, while it’s easy to be hard on Kucinich for his romantic view of Assad and his regime, he certainly hasn’t been alone in that stance. The Obama administration, despite its recent stance, has long been an advocate for Assad’s role as a strategic ally in the Mideast region.

In fact, it was only in March that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had also referred to Assad as a “reformer,” even as his regime was already in the midst of its brutal crackdown on Syrian demonstrators. As such, she insisted the United States, unlike in Libya, would not intervene militarily to stop the Syrian regime’s murderous repression of its own people.

To his credit, at least, Kucinich is nothing if not consistent in his support for some unsavory figures, including Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi. To that end, he recently issued his own 10-point plan calling for the saving of the Gaddafi regime with calls for an immediate ceasefire followed by political reforms to be ushered in by the Libyan despot.

In the end, however, despite Kucinich’s support, the future path of Bashar Assad and his regime remain in doubt. For Kucinich, his path may be much clearer. As his Ohio congressional seat is being redistricted out of existence, there has been speculation that he is exploring options to run in some out-of-state ultra-liberal congressional district.

However, if that proves to not be a viable option, he can always find work in the Syrian government. After all, Bashar Assad appears to be in the market for an experienced political reformer.

Frank Crimi is a writer living in San Diego, California. You can read more of Frank’s work at his blog,

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Jim Allen III
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