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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/24/2011 12:56:20 PM
Hello Friends,

Today I read an article in which Hillary Clinton questions the two Houses actions in defunding B Hussein's Libyan war activity. She asks "who's side are you on" and goes on to say that B Hussein and his partners are right in siding with the Libyan people (read the rest here). As an aside I'll ask if Hillary and B Hussein have any idea who the "people" they are siding with are? It's already been shown that many of them are Al Qaeda terrorists, terrorists who fought against American troops in Iraq, Iranian subversives and so many more radical jihadi groups. Now all this is already known but this administration along with Hillary's State Department are continuing to support, aid and abet the enemy.

That said and knowing her history and those she favors and supports the Weiner/Abedingate scandal becomes much more understandable. Hillary has a woman who is virtually with her 24/7/365 days a year and is known to be one of her closest advisers who has Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood ties as we've sen in the two previous posts. Hillary's been advocating that the Muslim Brotherhood is a benign organization and is "moderate" and we all know that's a load of bull.

Walid Shoebat is a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist broke the Huma Abedin/Muslim Brotherhood connection and is interviewed on Front Page today. His information added to the previous articles is a damning conviction of Hillary and B Hussein's administration. Read it and understand that this is way beyond foreplay and we're in the trenches now and fighting for our lives with the enemy in the highest offices in the land.



The Dark Muslim Brotherhood World of Huma Abedin

Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 24th, 2011

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist who is the author of the new book For God or For Tyranny.

FP: Walid Shoebat, welcome to Frontpage.

Shoebat: Thanks for having me.

FP: You were the first to break the news on Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner’s wife, being linked to her mother Saleha Abedin, who, as you have exposed, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

First, let me ask you: how credible are your sources?

Shoebat: Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) leaked an extensive list, which was partially published by Al-Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers. The detailed list included Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin.

Another piece of the puzzle and what was common knowledge in the Arab world is that Huma Abedin has a brother named Hassan Abedin who sits in on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where Huma’s brother is a fellow and partners with a number of Muslim Brotherhood members on the Board, including Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees. Naseef continues to serve as Board Chairman.

This becomes an issue since Huma sits in the U.S. State Department with eyes and ears to classified government secrets. Was Huma unaware of all this as she accompanied Hillary Clinton to the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Jedda-Saudi Arabia? Huma’s mother is the co-founder and a Vice Dean at the college and an active missionary on issues regarding Muslim women and is considered by the Egyptian security services as a dangerous member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

FP: What would you say to those who would argue that the Sisterhood organization is a farce and that the Egyptian Al-Dostor broke the news but that there is nothing really to substantiate this case?

Shoebat: The “Women’s Division” within the Muslim Brotherhood can be found at the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website. Here is an excerpt of its goal translated from Arabic states:

The Womens Organization’s goal in accordance with the Muslim Brotherhood rules, is to gain and acquire a unified global perception in every nation in the world regarding the position of women, and the necessity of advocacy work at all levels in accordance to the message of the Brotherhood as written in Women in Muslim Society, and the rearing of women throughout the different stages of life.”

Al-Dostor’s article is confirmed by top experts in Egypt including the Arab Center for Studies, headed by researcher Abdul Rahim Ali. That with the Muslim Brotherhood’s own official statement gives us a solid case that this clandestine group called The Sisterhood exists, very active and very influential. So influential that they succeeded in getting Hillary Clinton to speak alongside two of its members; Abedin and Suheir Qureshi were also listed as members by several major Arab sources.

Then we have the links, which shows damning evidence that this list was not created haphazardly. We did the research which we shall release shortly; so many of who are on the list are official members or wives/daughters of members ranging from spies, Nazi-style propagandists, Nazi affiliates from the Brotherhood’s inception, Hijab advocates in Europe, and prominent theory conspiracy advocates with a span of influence over several international organizations from the United Nations to women advocacy groups worldwide.

All these are not without a central direction and seem to follow the same agenda shown on the Brotherhood’s official website.

Our research will show links from the Muslim Brotherhood’s own website and other media regarding the list. Be tuned in for the next press release and get ready for some serious shock therapy.

FP: Can you please give us an example of one case?

Shoebat: I will give a taste of one case.

Keep in mind the Muslim Brotherhood is Egyptian and so is Huma’s heritage. The Sisterhood List includes wives/daughters of top Brotherhood leaders mostly from Egypt. We have Najla Ali Mahmoud, the wife of Mohammed Aidalmrsi, who is a member of the Guidance Bureau of the Muslim Brotherhood and the current leader of the Justice and Freedom Party, (the new name for the Muslim Brotherhood). No one can deny his affiliation and his wife is definitely following his footsteps.

So what is the leader of the Justice and Freedom Party (Muslim Brotherhood) saying these days under the new guise of moderation? We have volumes to fill worth of doublespeak that would take decades to translate. But perhaps to show how sick these people are: He recently stated on national television as to “why Egypt needs to ban western dress” and “no one with a full mental faculty can believe in the Trinity”. He even condemned Egyptian monuments as “idols”.

Idols? Does this set the stage for what happened to the Bamian Buddha statue in Afghanistan? Will we see the Sphinx be blown up if this party wins? And according to this “moderated” leader, all Christians have a mental deficiency? And he is serious.

This brings us back to Nazism. This is Nazi-style propaganda and nothing more.

We have much-much more to say about this clandestine group called The Sisterhood. So stay tuned.

FP: What do you say in response to those who would say that bringing Huma Abedin into all of this is an unfair and unwarranted “guilt-by-association” tactic?

Shoebat: When westerners say “guilt-by-association” regarding Huma, they are comparing the Middle East with the Middle West. Westerners need to shift gears into the Muslim World and when they do they will begin to comprehend the significance of this connection.

Huma’s links to a family that is directly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, including her brother and mother, creates a question that no one on earth can easily answer:

Other than Huma Abedin, has there ever been any member of the Muslim Brotherhood or a prominent Islamist who will not openly denounce a “daughter” or “sister” that married a non-Muslim Jewish male?

It is extremely rare to have Muslim women marry non-Muslims, much less to have conservative Muslims look the other way, unless Huma has a “higher calling” and a unique exception was made for her, since she is an ear into top U.S. sensitive information, or Anthony Weiner has converted to Islam or even both.

There is no other way to answer this unless Huma comes up with an astonishing revelation. The highest authority in Islamic Sharia Faculty in Kuwait has deemed Huma’s marriage to a male Jew as null and void, yet no word from her family or the Muslim Brotherhood to affirm the Isamic Sharia Faculty? Huma—keep in mind—was in contact with her mother when she visited Dar Al-Hikma University with Hillary Clinton. Huma’s dress code alone would be a problem for her mother, much less her unequally yoked marriage to a male Jew.

Huma’s marriage should be a stab in the heart to religious Muslims. She comes from a prominent family. It’s like saying a nun stabbed the Pope in the heart, yet the Vatican issues no condemnation and instead was sympathetic to the woman for simply being a woman. Something would be very fishy. Huma’s Muslim Brotherhood connected family still has contacts, admiration and appreciation for her.

FP: Ok, wait a minute. What do you mean exactly by saying that Huma might have a “higher calling”?

Shoebat: The Middle East has already addressed Huma’s “higher calling” long ago while the West slumbers. Take Dr. Mumen Muhammad in a news piece (translated from Arabic) gleefully wrote about Huma:

Abedin assures in press releases her continuance on the path with Hillary Clinton, even if Clinton failed as a candidate. The candidate’s aids and other influential figures in the Democratic Party assure that they do not disregard Abedin running for election or taking her position in the political arena by the help in successive political administrations with the aid of the Clinton family itself.”

Huma has higher aspirations already to get well entrenched into the system and the Middle East is all but excited while the Brotherhood stays silent.

FP: Look, some skeptics would still say: “So What? Huma is still not a member of the Sisterhood. And that’s that.” How would you respond?

Shoebat: Imagine during World War II, the U.S. government accepted Eva Braun, Hitler’s mistress or one of Hitler’s henchmen daughters to work with our State Department and even be with the Secretary of State 24/7?

After all “Braun” they argue “is not a member of the Nazi Party”; how will that bode with the American people?

FP: H-mm. Ok, well then why is the U.S. State Department not taking this issue seriously?

Shoebat: The U.S. current policy is to gain what they deem a “moderate Muslim Brotherhood.”

This is like saying that in order to win the Cold War with Russia, that we needed to promote “Capitalistic-Communism” or during WWII we should have promoted “pro-Jew Nazism” in Germany.

To take our Nazi example during World War II and compare this to today’s attitude, this policy is as if we decided to engage the Nazis through an inclusion policy in order to moderate them.

This would be a moron inventing an oxymoron.

FP: What would you say to those who would contest that it is not legitimate to compare the Muslim Brotherhood with the Nazis?

Shoebat: It’s not a far-fetched comparison. Americans are rarely educated on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood was in bed with the Nazis. Hassan Al-Banna was well connected and collaborated with Haj Amin Al-Husseini the Muslim Nazi who was Hitler’s henchman in the Middle East. In fact, and just in case one might think that this is an old issue and that the Muslim Brotherhood no longer takes pride in this dark history—think again—the Muslim Brotherhood takes pride in their Nazi connection, it’s all over their websites. Al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Godfather was a friend of Al-Husseini. I should know this and like Tareq Ramadan, Al-Banna’s grandson, Al-Husseini knew my grandfather too.

FP: Ok, so Huma is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and you have demonstrated that this is a serious problem. So how does this make Hillary look?

Shoebat: Was the State Department not aware of all this? Hardly.

Could someone claim that the State Department was oblivious to what was written publicly in Egyptian newspapers?

The reason for all the silence by the State Department is that the current policy is to engage the Muslim Brotherhood and attempt to include them into what they believe is Moderate Islam.

Hillary knew who Saleha Abedin is; she met with her in Dar-Al-Hikma in Jedda while the Arabic sources made fun of how all the girls at Dar Al-Hikma in Jedda mocked Hillary to her face. Of course only the Arab media covered this.

Was it not Hillary Clinton, the Muslim Brotherhood mule who lifted the ban on Tariq Ramadan? Was it not her who allowed him entry into the United States? Ramadan is the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Nazi Hasan al-Banna and has ties to Islamic terrorist groups.

Was it not her husband Bill Clinton that heaped praise on the Naqshabandi Sufi Imam Fethullah Gülen, the Turkish Imam and notorious Islamist conspirator that fled Turkey for the U.S. after attempting to overthrow Turkey’s secular government?

Yet Americans haven’t got beyond the myth that Sufis are not as “peace loving” as they thought. Perhaps they need to watch Naqshabandi Sufist Imam Nazim Kibrisi giving a lecture in Turkish in Germany to Recep Erdogan of Turkey and see how he vowed to “make the West bow to Islam” and yes “by military might.”

Gülen is also Sufi and since Sufis are “peace-loving mystics,” they are given refuge. Gülen even airs his messages on Turkish television on how his followers could best seize power from the Turkish secular government.

But this is an old story; the Islamists have already ceased all the power thereof in Turkey with little to be done in amending the Constitution. What has the U.S. Government done besides passing gossip that later leaked via Wikileaks?

Today, the Muslim Brotherhood has been legalized in Egypt. The AKP Islamist Party in Turkey has become the admiration throughout the Muslim world. Islamists have never seen more opportunity in decades as much as they have seen in 2011 and have accomplished more than in any other time in recent history. The victories are well expressed throughout Middle Eastern news, yet the West seems to only like to address the sex scandals.

FP: I want to return to something you said as it piqued my curiosity. You said that when Hillary met with Saleha Abedin in Dar-Al-Hikma in Jedda, that the Arabic sources made fun of how all the girls there mocked Hillary to her face. Tell us what happened. What were the themes of ridicule about Hillary and why? And how come the western media didn’t report this?

Shoebat: Anyone can put it in ‘Google Translate’, Nabd and several Arab news agencies reported articles on how Hillary was denounced by many who came to her face point blank and told her off. One of the reports describes the scene:

“Unlike the reports that came out of the New York Times, a group of girls who were educated with high moral values, came out donned with the Palestinian scarf …and after all the orchestrated questions were finished and all the phony photo ops were done…these girls with the Palestinian scarf walked up to the American Secretary of State and spoke to her seriously: ‘We do not respect you. You occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. You struck Pakistan. You support Israel. It would be a shame to get your autograph. We object to your policy’. Then these girls continued one after the other, with the same sentiment objecting to America’s terrorism.”

This was the truth that was kept out by American mainstream media and never told by Hillary.

FP: Alright, so what do you think the media should be investigating and why do you think the U.S. government is silent about all of this?

Shoebat: Jamie, national security should always take precedence over sexual scandals. But it’s not the fault of the media that it wants to feed the demand for gossip. It’s the American people that are concerned more about “diet for the body” then “food for the mind”.

Today we find rumors that Hillary is having a lesbian affair with Huma; this is food for the tabloids.

Let me ask: how many agencies are there that monitor what is said in the Middle East? Who is exposing the doublespeak?

Why was I the first to break the truth of Feisal Abdul Rauf Islamist manifesto from his Arabic? Why was I the first to translate from Arabic his open support for terrorism in the Middle East?

Who in the U.S. translated Rashad Hussein’s words to Al-Ahram newspaper in Egypt on how he will intervene to gain president Obama’s ear regarding Iran’s nuclear issues? How many even published the findings?

Why was I the first to translate terrorist Abu Hammam Yusuf Al-Balawi’s blog on how he wanted to detonate and kill American guards? Was that an exaggeration? Conspiracy theory? Indeed he did detonate himself and CIA agents were massacred. Where were the CIA Arabic interpreters? How well can we trust them? What are their affiliations? How have the FBI and police been infiltrated by Islamists?

These are “checkmate” style questions. They are not easily answered and the American people need to start waking up instead of dreaming about sex scandals and tabloids.

FP: Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked it up on this story?

Shoebat: Fact is: Islamists have already conditioned people to be afraid of being labeled with Islamophobia — while during World War II everyone was a proud Nazi-phobe.

Today everyone is afraid of being accused of racism. The Islamists figured it all out long ago and like a typical Arab bazaar, the American naïve “tourist” cannot detect the “terrorist” in plain sight dragging him into his shop of goodies. “Welcome welcome” the Islamist says “you want moderates? We have them, come in just take a look. Moderates in all shapes colors and forms. We have moderates with Hijab, without Hijab, professors, Imams…” and while the tourist thinks he is buying something worthwhile, he is not aware that he is being sold as a slave in the bazaar and only learns when it’s too late.

And the Islamists understand very well how America thinks. They know very well that America is concerned more with racism than anything else. So they made it tight proof for the customer not to escape the bazaar and they question any suspension with: “Are you being racist”?

Yet I am dumbfounded; since when does questioning a religion or an ideology constitute racism? We are a nation that has less racism than anywhere on earth, yet we seem to be discussing it more than anywhere else on earth and yet they rarely discuss it where it truly happens everywhere else on earth, especially in the Muslim World where they exercise more Islamophobia-phobia than anywhere else on earth.

This is a longwinded explanation, but it fits—perfectly.

FP: Walid Shoebat, thank you for joining us today and thank you for being such a courageous warrior for the truth.

Shoebat: Your Welcome. God Bless America.


Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/24/2011 11:44:36 PM
Well the spineless bastards failed to defund the Libya action after voting not to engage. Does this tell us we already have troops on the ground enmass? Why would they continue to fund a civil war action? Just makes no good sense especially when the American public is against the involvement? Anyone care to explain?

Hello Friends,

Today I read an article in which Hillary Clinton questions the two Houses actions in defunding B Hussein's Libyan war activity. She asks "who's side are you on" and goes on to say that B Hussein and his partners are right in siding with the Libyan people (read the rest here). As an aside I'll ask if Hillary and B Hussein have any idea who the "people" they are siding with are? It's already been shown that many of them are Al Qaeda terrorists, terrorists who fought against American troops in Iraq, Iranian subversives and so many more radical jihadi groups. Now all this is already known but this administration along with Hillary's State Department are continuing to support, aid and abet the enemy.

That said and knowing her history and those she favors and supports the Weiner/Abedingate scandal becomes much more understandable. Hillary has a woman who is virtually with her 24/7/365 days a year and is known to be one of her closest advisers who has Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood ties as we've sen in the two previous posts. Hillary's been advocating that the Muslim Brotherhood is a benign organization and is "moderate" and we all know that's a load of bull.

Walid Shoebat is a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist broke the Huma Abedin/Muslim Brotherhood connection and is interviewed on Front Page today. His information added to the previous articles is a damning conviction of Hillary and B Hussein's administration. Read it and understand that this is way beyond foreplay and we're in the trenches now and fighting for our lives with the enemy in the highest offices in the land.



The Dark Muslim Brotherhood World of Huma Abedin

Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 24th, 2011

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist who is the author of the new book For God or For Tyranny.

FP: Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked it up on this story?

Shoebat: Fact is: Islamists have already conditioned people to be afraid of being labeled with Islamophobia — while during World War II everyone was a proud Nazi-phobe.

Today everyone is afraid of being accused of racism. The Islamists figured it all out long ago and like a typical Arab bazaar, the American naïve “tourist” cannot detect the “terrorist” in plain sight dragging him into his shop of goodies. “Welcome welcome” the Islamist says “you want moderates? We have them, come in just take a look. Moderates in all shapes colors and forms. We have moderates with Hijab, without Hijab, professors, Imams…” and while the tourist thinks he is buying something worthwhile, he is not aware that he is being sold as a slave in the bazaar and only learns when it’s too late.

And the Islamists understand very well how America thinks. They know very well that America is concerned more with racism than anything else. So they made it tight proof for the customer not to escape the bazaar and they question any suspension with: “Are you being racist”?

Yet I am dumbfounded; since when does questioning a religion or an ideology constitute racism? We are a nation that has less racism than anywhere on earth, yet we seem to be discussing it more than anywhere else on earth and yet they rarely discuss it where it truly happens everywhere else on earth, especially in the Muslim World where they exercise more Islamophobia-phobia than anywhere else on earth.

This is a longwinded explanation, but it fits—perfectly.

FP: Walid Shoebat, thank you for joining us today and thank you for being such a courageous warrior for the truth.

Shoebat: Your Welcome. God Bless America.


Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/25/2011 8:25:44 AM
The only thing that comes to mind now Jim is that the Congress and Senate are abdicating their power to advise and consent. Bad news and another blow to the checks and balances that is the duty of the 2 Houses.



Well the spineless bastards failed to defund the Libya action after voting not to engage. Does this tell us we already have troops on the ground enmass? Why would they continue to fund a civil war action? Just makes no good sense especially when the American public is against the involvement? Anyone care to explain?

Hello Friends,

Today I read an article in which Hillary Clinton questions the two Houses actions in defunding B Hussein's Libyan war activity. She asks "who's side are you on" and goes on to say that B Hussein and his partners are right in siding with the Libyan people (read the rest here). As an aside I'll ask if Hillary and B Hussein have any idea who the "people" they are siding with are? It's already been shown that many of them are Al Qaeda terrorists, terrorists who fought against American troops in Iraq, Iranian subversives and so many more radical jihadi groups. Now all this is already known but this administration along with Hillary's State Department are continuing to support, aid and abet the enemy.

That said and knowing her history and those she favors and supports the Weiner/Abedingate scandal becomes much more understandable. Hillary has a woman who is virtually with her 24/7/365 days a year and is known to be one of her closest advisers who has Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood ties as we've sen in the two previous posts. Hillary's been advocating that the Muslim Brotherhood is a benign organization and is "moderate" and we all know that's a load of bull.

Walid Shoebat is a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist broke the Huma Abedin/Muslim Brotherhood connection and is interviewed on Front Page today. His information added to the previous articles is a damning conviction of Hillary and B Hussein's administration. Read it and understand that this is way beyond foreplay and we're in the trenches now and fighting for our lives with the enemy in the highest offices in the land.



The Dark Muslim Brotherhood World of Huma Abedin

Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 24th, 2011

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood activist who is the author of the new book For God or For Tyranny.

FP: Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked it up on this story?

Shoebat: Fact is: Islamists have already conditioned people to be afraid of being labeled with Islamophobia — while during World War II everyone was a proud Nazi-phobe.

Today everyone is afraid of being accused of racism. The Islamists figured it all out long ago and like a typical Arab bazaar, the American naïve “tourist” cannot detect the “terrorist” in plain sight dragging him into his shop of goodies. “Welcome welcome” the Islamist says “you want moderates? We have them, come in just take a look. Moderates in all shapes colors and forms. We have moderates with Hijab, without Hijab, professors, Imams…” and while the tourist thinks he is buying something worthwhile, he is not aware that he is being sold as a slave in the bazaar and only learns when it’s too late.

And the Islamists understand very well how America thinks. They know very well that America is concerned more with racism than anything else. So they made it tight proof for the customer not to escape the bazaar and they question any suspension with: “Are you being racist”?

Yet I am dumbfounded; since when does questioning a religion or an ideology constitute racism? We are a nation that has less racism than anywhere on earth, yet we seem to be discussing it more than anywhere else on earth and yet they rarely discuss it where it truly happens everywhere else on earth, especially in the Muslim World where they exercise more Islamophobia-phobia than anywhere else on earth.

This is a longwinded explanation, but it fits—perfectly.

FP: Walid Shoebat, thank you for joining us today and thank you for being such a courageous warrior for the truth.

Shoebat: Your Welcome. God Bless America.


Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/25/2011 8:27:56 AM
Hello Friends.

Congressman Alan West is one of my favorite politicians and I wish he was running for President. Honest, ethical, a patriot and is not afraid to say what has to be said. Here's his take on the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/25/2011 12:41:36 PM
I second that! Imagine a West/Palin ticket representing a third party the American Party. I have more in common with a street thug than a Washington bubble bottom sucker.

Hello Friends.

Congressman Alan West is one of my favorite politicians and I wish he was running for President. Honest, ethical, a patriot and is not afraid to say what has to be said. Here's his take on the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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