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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2011 4:15:30 PM
Hi Rick,
I am in total agreement with the message at the end of your post. Unfortunately the graphics don't show up and I'm assuming you copied it directly from an email. You have to upload the graphics to an online album (like Picasa) or to a website you own and then post them from there separately.
Peter Fogel
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2011 4:55:18 PM
Hello Friends,

I didn't bother posting about the Anthony Weiner wiener "scandal" cos for a change it was well covered not only on the net but by MSM as well. Guess they didn't have any options and had to "report" for a change after he admitted to tweeting his wiener. But before he admitted it they tried to demonize Andrew Breitrbart and he took them to task for that publicly at Weiner's press conference.

The true story in the end is not about Anthony Weiner's wiener but his Muslim wife's families affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood. MSM is not reporting about that story and the question is why? The below articles fully cover the story so no need to add any additional comments. You read it and decide how serious an infiltration the Muslim Brotherhood has within the State Department with Weiner's wife Huma Abedin being such a close associate and adviser to Hillary Clinton? No big surprise that the B Hussein Administration doesn't see the Muslim Brotherhood as a danger to the Western world or as the future government in Egypt is there?



[Editor's note: See also our blockbuster feature: Abedin/Weiner: A Marriage Made by Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood?]

Anthony Weiner resigned yesterday, unable to withstand the relentless pressure put on him for his sexting extravaganzas. Yet if an article written by former PLO terrorist-turned-Christian and Israel supporter Walid Shoebat (along with KTEM radio host Ben Barrack) is any indication, it may very well be that the wrong member of the family resigned. According to Arabic sources translated by Mr. Shoebat, Huma Abedin’s mother and brother are both associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ms. Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen, is reportedly part of a special woman’s unit known as the Muslim Sisterhood or the International Women’s Organization (IWO) which, according to a counter-terrorism report obtained by the Terrorism Committee of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, operates within the Brotherhood in Egypt and possibly other Arab nations as well. The Egyptian newspaper Al-Dostor confirms that the Sisterhood includes 63 international members in 16 different countries.

The group is being portrayed by Western media in a benign fashion, as noted in Der Spiegel and on its Facebook page. But a report by the Egyptian opposition newspaper Al-Liwa Al-Arabi paints a far more ominous picture. It reveals that these women, who are “the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood” are being recruited to:

[S]muggle secret documents for the members since women go undetected by security surveillance…to spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes…to lay the plans for the Sisterhood to work at the state level…[and]…to fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood and also to benefit from international women’s conferences and unify all efforts to benefit the Brotherhood globally.

Furthermore, the Sisterhood’s mission includes:

[O]rganiz[ing] projects which will penetrate its prohibited ideology into the decision making in the West and in an indirect way under the guise of “general needs of women”…through the university and the state capitals and institutions and is done in accordance to the project Al-Islam Huwa Al-Hal (Islam is the solution).

The newspaper then lists the names of the women who belong to the organization on a country-by-country basis. There are a dozen members of the Sisterhood from Saudi Arabia. Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen (Abedin) is one of them.

It has also been revealed in the Arab media that Huma Abedin’s brother Hassan is a fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) at Oxford University in England. A number of Muslim Brotherhood members sit on the board, including Qatari cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has incited violence against Jews and Israel on numerous occasions. In 2009, Qaradawi’s role at Oxford and the Muslim Brotherhood was supported by Sheikh Rached Ghannouchi, one of 90 Muslim leaders who, in the same year, signed a pact in support of Hamas and for military action against the British Navy if it stopped an arms shipment headed for Gaza. Another member of the OCIS is Abdullah Omar Naseef, who founded the Rabita Trust, which was included in the first post-9/11 list of al-Qaeda supporters whose financial assets could be frozen. Naseef is chairman of the board of OCIS.

Not that the radicalization of English universities is anything new. In 2007, Professor Anthony Glees, professor of politics and director of the Center for Security and Intelligence Studies at Buckingham University, warned that British universities, “including Cambridge and Oxford” had been infiltrated by Islamic extremists. ”We must accept this problem is widespread and underestimated. Unless clear and decisive action against campus extremism is taken, the security situation in the UK can only deteriorate,” he said. Glees stated that as many as 46 other schools had been infiltrated as well.

Hassan Abedin himself has expressed an interest in spreading Islam in the West, meeting with billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Alwaleed is one of the largest shareholders in both Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and Citigroup. He is also the same prince Alwaleed whose $10 million dollar check for post 9/11 disaster relief was rejected by then-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani when the prince suggested U.S. policies in the Middle East contributed to the attacks.

It is up for debate to what extent Hassan Abedin’s associations with the Muslim Brotherhood, OCIS and Prince Alwaleed could be construed as “innocent.” But one thing is certain: as Abdul Rahim Ali, Director of the Arab Center for Research and Studies pointed out in a speech at the International Center for Future and Strategic Studies (ICFS) in Cairo on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, the next generation of al-Qaeda and other Islamist organizations “will be better educated and more adopted to using technological means, particularly communications and modern weapons,” noting that they are “born in the West, flamboyant, multilingual, well-traveled, and eager for personal notoriety in addition to excelling in modern technology, physics and chemistry.” This sentiment was echoed in Senate testimony by the former leaders of the 9-11 Commission, Chairman Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton, both of whom noted that the United States hadn’t done enough to protect itself from an “ever evolving” terrorist threat.

Which brings us to Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, who is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff. Ms. Abedin was born in Kalamazoo, MI, but moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia at the age of 2, before returning to the United States 16 years later to attend college. A detailed report from 2007 shows that the aforementioned Abdullah Omar Naseef was instrumental in the Abedin family’s move around 1977 — the same year that the Muslim Sisterhood was established. Huma Abedin has been working for Mrs. Clinton since 1996. Between that job and being married to a Congressman — in a ceremony officiated by Bill Clinton — Ms. Abedin is privy to sensitive and secret information. Walid Shoebat explains the significance: “Huma Abedin is a practicing Muslim and is still well-connected to her family. She also has access to highly sensitive State secrets–admitted by Hillary herself–as well as significant influence in the Obama administration.”

This brings us to a curious sidebar: how it is possible for a “practicing Muslim” woman to be married to a Jewish American? Islamic scholarship and Sharia law forbid Muslims from marrying non-believers. Mr. Shoebat translated the Al-Marsid newspaper, which reported on the Weiner/Abedin marriage specifically:

Dr. Anwar Shoeb of the faculty of Islamic law in Kuwait declared that the marriage between Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin is null and void, considering it adultery as confirmed in the Sharia position, prohibiting the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim, regardless of whether he is a Jew or a Christian. In this case, he assured the invalidity of the marriage certificate between them.

Yet far more importantly, how is it that Huma Abedin’s mother’s and brother’s associations with the Muslim Brotherhood, direct and indirect respectively, have remained beyond scrutiny? As for Ms. Abedin herself, it strains credulity to assume that she is unaware of those associations, just as it is impossible that Mrs. Clinton doesn’t know. NPR reported that Mrs. Clinton visited Dar al-Hekma college last Tuesday, where Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen is a vice dean and the school’s co-founder. Yet it took an Arabic news report translated by Shoebat to confirm the obvious:

Saleha Abedin spoke after Shuheir Qureshi (another member of the Muslim Sisterhood) and beamed in the presence of Secretary Clinton. Saleha’s speech preceded the former First Lady’s. Then Hillary stood. She donned a broad smile as she approached the podium… Clinton started with a strong word and she spent a long time complimenting Dr. Saleha Abedin regarding her daughter. Hillary explained that Huma holds an important and sensitive position in her office. She ended her speech by speaking of Saleha Abedin’s daughter (Huma), that a person must be happy if mentioned in a positive light but there is no happiness that equals the compliment given to children in front of a parent.

So, we essentially have a parent who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, and a daughter who holds an “important and sensitive position” in one of the highest echelons of the federal government. In this context, would it really be that out of line to suggest that the real scandal in the Weiner family has less to do with Anthony, and far more to do with his wife Huma and her apparent enabler, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? And just how much of an enabler? In 2008, Dr. Mumen Muhammad wrote about why Huma promised to stay with Clinton even if she were to lose the presidential nomination to Barack Obama:

Abedin assures in press releases of her continuance on the path with Hillary Clinton, even if Clinton failed as a candidate. The candidate’s aids and other influential figures in the Democratic Party assure that they do not disregard Abedin running for election or taking her position in the political arena with the help in successive political administrations of the Clinton family itself.

If one good thing has come from the Weiner scandal, it is that this deeply troubling association has been brought to light. A thorough investigation and intense media scrutiny are immediately needed.

Arnold Ahlert is a contributing columnist to the conservative website

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2011 5:07:16 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's the second article about the Weiner/AbedinGate. More information and questions that no one's answering ........... so far.



Abedin/Weiner: A Marriage Made by Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 21st, 2011
Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad.

Frontpage: Robert Spencer, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today about Anthony Weiner’s marriage to his Muslim Brotherhood wife, Huma Abedin.

How is it exactly that a Muslim woman connected to the Muslim Brotherhood is married to a Jewish man? Something is not fitting here, right?

Spencer: Jamie, Islamic law prohibits a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim man. A Muslim man may marry a non-Muslim woman, but not the other way around. This is yet another manifestation of Islamic supremacism: the idea is that a wife will become a member of her husband’s household, and the children will follow the religion of the father. Thus, Muslim men marrying non-Muslim women ultimately enriches the Islamic community, while the non-Muslim community must forever be made to diminish.

Consequently, when a non-Muslim man begins a relationship with an observant Muslim woman, he is usually pressured to convert to Islam, and such conversion is made a condition of the marriage. Of course, laws are often honored in the breach, and this is not always true. So while we know that Huma Abedin’s parents were devout and observant Muslims — indeed, her father was an imam — we don’t know what exactly is going on with her marriage to Anthony Weiner.

Certainly the most likely scenario is that Weiner did convert to Islam, as Abedin’s mother, a professor in Saudi Arabia, would almost certainly have insisted that he do so. Weiner has made no public statement of this conversion, but since it would almost certainly have cost him politically if he had announced it, this silence is not any indication that he didn’t actually convert.

However, it is also possible, given the recent scandal involving Weiner’s apparently frequent and sexually charged contact with other women, that the rumors that the Abedin/Weiner union is a political marriage of convenience are true. After all, in 2008, Hillary Clinton was running for president. There were widespread insinuations that she was involved in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with Abedin, her ever-present personal assistant. Those whisperings persisted into Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. Abedin’s 2010 marriage to Weiner, at which Bill Clinton presided, put those rumors to rest.

In Islamic law, a Muslim must officiate a marriage ceremony; hence if Bill Clinton was the only one officiating, the marriage was not valid according to Islamic law. Huma Abedin would undoubtedly have known that. Thus, if no Muslim was officiating along with Clinton, Weiner would not have had to convert to Islam, as the whole thing was a charade from the outset, apparently entered into with the full awareness of all parties concerned.

FP: This all seems very strange. What do you personally think is going on?

Spencer: Either Weiner converted to Islam to marry Abedin, and a Muslim was officiating at the ceremony along with Clinton, or the marriage is a sham and Abedin, at very least, is fully aware of that — and probably the others are also. I don’t see any other possibilities.

FP: Sorry, I am a bit confused about the Bill Clinton angle. Isn’t this a bit of a bizarre person to ask to officiate your wedding? One would think that in getting married, you have things like faithfulness and loyalty on your mind, no?

Spencer: Yes, Bill Clinton is a strange choice, indeed — unless the whole point of the union had to do more with the Clinton connection than with faithfulness and loyalty.

FP: According to Islamic Law, Huma Abedin could be killed, right? If the whole thing is not a charade and a trick, it is a bit curious that her family, who are Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim Sisterhood operatives, have allowed this and not punished her, no?

Spencer: Yes, Jamie. If the marriage is not a sham, it is exceedingly strange that Huma Abedin’s mother and other Muslim Brotherhood connections would have no problem with it. She is, of course, a high profile individual in the United States, and thus is in a very different situation from that of a woman in Saudi Arabia who might enter into a relationship with a non-Muslim man. In Saudi Arabia, such a woman would almost certainly be murdered; would Brotherhood operatives murder the aide to the Secretary of State for committing the same sin? That is not so clear.

FP: Last year, Walid Shoebat translated the Arabic declarations relative to the validity of the Weiner-Abedin marriage. One publication Shoebat translated was the Al-Marsid newspaper, which reported on the marriage specifically:

“Dr. Anwar Shoeb of the faculty of Islamic law in Kuwait declared that the marriage between Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin is null and void, considering it adultery as confirmed in the Sharia position, prohibiting the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim, regardless of whether he is a Jew or a Christian. In this case, he assured the invalidity of the marriage certificate between them.”

Your thoughts on this?

Spencer: Dr. Shoeb is completely correct, of course, from the standpoint of Islamic law. In light of that, it is striking that there is no record anywhere of any Islamic anger about Abedin’s marriage or Hillary Clinton’s connection with her. This lends credence to the possibility that the marriage is a sham, and is known to be a sham among those in the Islamic world who have been responsible for stirring up and manipulating popular anger about other matters, such as the cartoons of Muhammad.

FP: So, just to crystallize the matter then, there is a remote possibility that Abedin is actually being deceptive in her marriage to Weiner to follow Muslim Brotherhood instructions and to infiltrate the U.S. government, correct?

Spencer: Certainly. That is a very real possibility, and it should be investigated. But the only ones who have the means to do so are mainstream media journalists who are either clueless or complicit.

FP: The other scenario is that Anthony Weiner converted to Islam but just kept it on the low-down, right?

Spencer: Indeed.

FP: Is there a chance that Weiner’s life might be in danger from the Muslim Brotherhood for having done what he just did and been caught for it — and for having humiliated his Muslim wife in this way?

Spencer: I think that is unlikely. If he is a Muslim, his wife is his possession and his humiliation of her is not all that important. If he is a non-Muslim and the marriage is a sham, the sham has blown up in the faces of all concerned, but Weiner is so high-profile that I think he is more likely to be cast aside than to be physically threatened. In any case, I haven’t heard anything to the effect of any threats to Weiner, but I will be monitoring the situation.

FP: Omar Abu-Namous, the imam of the Islamic Cultural Center in New York, is encouraging Huma Abedin to stand by her husband. Why would an imam support a Muslim wife to stand by a Jewish husband who has disgraced her?

Spencer: Only if he is a Muslim.

FP: I see.

Ok, you mention that Abedin’s mother is a professor in Saudi Arabia. Does she wear the niqab? How come Abedin doesn’t wear a niqab? How come her family doesn’t make her veil in some way?

Spencer: Yes, Saleha Mahmood Abedin is an associate professor of sociology at Dar al-Hekma College in Jeddah. She doesn’t wear the niqab, but she does wear the hijab. Huma doesn’t wear either the niqab or the hijab. There may be any number of reasons why not: she may not be all that devout, or she may be calculating that to wear it would be off-putting to many followers of the Clintons, and thus it is prudent in the short term not to do so. Obviously, if the latter is the case, her manifestly devout family’s apparent sanguine attitude toward her not wearing it would become completely understandable.

FP: When we see women in Saudi Arabia they are usually wearing the niqab. How come Abedin’s mother is wearing only hijab and showing her face, which we usually don’t see Saudi women doing?

Spencer: Jamie, women in many Saudi cities wear the niqab as a matter of social custom, and — no doubt — because of considerable pressure from their relatives, but it is not actually mandated by law. And Jeddah, where Saleha Mahmood Abedin lives, is the city in Saudi Arabia where people are least likely to insist on this strict Islamic observance; you will see the niqab worn much more frequently in cities such as Mecca, Medina, and Riyadh.

FP: Ok, let’s get back to Huma Abedin. Don’t you find it a bit concerning that we have someone with close associations to the Muslim Brotherhood advising our Secretary of State and having access to sensitive information? How come no one in the media is talking about this?

Spencer: Definitely. According to published reports, Abedin is still an observant Muslim, and given her mother’s established ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within,” that is a matter of grave concern. If the mainstream media were actually interested in reporting the news, journalists would be asking Abedin tough questions not so much about her marriage to Weiner, but about her family’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. They should also be asking Clinton about her knowledge of these ties, and examining Clinton’s record for indications that this influence has been a determining factor in her policy decisions.

Imagine if the personal assistant to the Secretary of State had a personal assistant whose family was deeply involved in the Ku Klux Klan. Do you think the media would be as indifferent to the implications of that?

FP: I’m a bit baffled; what do you make of it all?

Spencer: The questions involved in the Weiner/Abedin case are obvious, but the answers are not. And so above all, this is a glaring example of how the mainstream media is not doing its job, and is, in fact, failing the American people in neglecting to get the facts about a matter that could have serious implications for our national security. As it is, a woman with extensive ties to an organization dedicated to destroying the United States is the most trusted aide of the Secretary of State — and no one cares. If a fiction writer had turned in a manuscript containing that scenario, it would have been rejected as unbelievable.

FP: Robert Spencer, thank you for joining us here at Frontpage and thank you for having the courage to speak about the truth.

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2011 5:21:26 PM
Hello Friends,

Many of us need no additional reasons not to vote for B Hussein in the 2012 elections aside from his history that so many ignored and now his non performance as President. Forget that he's a fraud and Constitutionally not qualified to be president cos here's the humdinger of a reason not to vote for the only person able to make peanut brain Carter smile cos he's no longer considered to be the worst president ever. Here it comes my friends. The Russians want B Hussein to win in 2012!!!!! Now that alone should be reason enough not to vote for this non entity. Think about the reasons why they want him and not a conservative President.



Russian President Medvedev Says He Wants Obama To Be Re-elected To Avoid America’s “Conservative Wing”

Obama meets Putin.bbmp

Why wouldn't the Russians want their advocate in the White House? They know Obama is out of his league, not negotiating in America's self interest, and giving away the store. They have outplayed Obama (at the expense of our allies) more than once. Of course they want that quisling in the White House.

Russian President Medvedev Says He Wants Obama To Be Re-elected To Avoid America’s “Conservative Wing” (thanks to Weasel Zippers)

Along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Hugo Chavez, ChiComs etc.

(AFP) — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he wanted his US counterpart Barack Obama to win re-election next year, fearing that the two men’s efforts to improve ties may lose steam under a new administration.

“I can tell you directly — I would like Barack Obama to be re-elected president of the United States maybe more than someone else,” Medvedev said in an interview with the Financial Times whose full transcript was released by the Kremlin early Monday.

“If another person becomes US president then he may have another course,” he said.

“We understand that there are representatives of a rather conservative wing there who are trying to achieve their political goals at the expense of inflaming passions in relation to Russia, among other things.

“But what use is criticising them? This is simply a way of achieving political goals.”

UPDATE: Zilla has more here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/24/2011 2:20:52 AM

Hello Peter and friends, it looks as though there is no end in sight of the deception and corruption of the Obama administration. Thankfully there are people like Arnold Ahlert and many others who investigate and report the truth that our corrupt msm chooses to ignore so those who want to, can read and learn the truth. And why am I not surprised that Russia wants Obowma relected?


If one good thing has come from the Weiner scandal, it is that this deeply troubling association has been brought to light. A thorough investigation and intense media scrutiny are immediately needed.


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