Hi Gaby, Evelyn & Friends,Gaby your 2 articles are very poignant. Both in a way show 2 of the major problems the United States is facing now. The collapse of the economy and illegal immigrants. If you think about it they are interconnected when you consider the amount of money the Federal Government is spending on the "illegals", money it doesn't have but what won't B Hussein do to enlarge his voter base. He's not interested in correcting the problematic issues but rather compounding the problem like with their latest proposal to fund the illegals with Social Security which is already on the verge of bankruptcy. The below info should get those progressive liberal B Hussein supporters in a tizzy since they'll slowly learn its not the conservatives who are reducing their incomes but their "savior". Shalom, Peter
It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Obama. You need to sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?
As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow 'illegal' aliens access to Social Security benefits. Attached is an opportunity to sign a petition that requires citizenship for eligibility to that social service.
I received the above in an email with a petition to be sent to the White House. I am not adding the over 1200 names here but anyone interested can contact me and I'll sent them the email so they too can add their name and pass it on to their friends. When the list hits 1500 names the last person has to send the petition to the White House (the email address is in the body of the petition).