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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/26/2011 9:03:08 PM
This should probably have been posted in your joke thread Peter. It is hilarious!!
The Queen Snubs Obama’s Toast at State Dinner

Here in the UK they are saying that the band started playing before they should.


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/27/2011 9:01:50 AM
Hi Roger,
Good to see you here and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
What's to enjoy having B Hussein in your country? I believe that at least the Royal family made their feelings about him known to the world by not inviting him to the Prince's wedding. That was a real slap in the face (and well deserved) especially when you consider the minor heads of countries that were invited and some that were crossed off the invitation list at the last minute.
As to the Iron Lady. I think that if she or someone of her caliber and ilk were leading GB now the country wouldn't be in the situation she is at the moment. Give credit where credit is due.


Oh Well.

We have enjoyed having him here in the UK anyway.

Isn't it strange?

Some years ago when Margaret Thatcher (then Prime Minister UK) visited the USA I kept getting messages from the U.S.A. saying how lovely she was. Grrrrrrr. I didn't think so.

Takes all sorts.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/27/2011 9:08:38 AM
Hi Evelyn & Robert,
Evelyn thanks for the amusing article and video on B Hussein's gaffes in GB. The funny part is that this was only one of many but we are used to that on his international trips. One embarrassment after another. The guy does more harm then good when he travels and he should have learned that by now. Enough is enough when it comes to making the USA the laughing stock of the world.
Robert, thanks for the video. I believe we all felt the filtering of Google and FB. Many of us are using other search engines for that very reason and I personally very rarely use FB.

Before we realize what’s going on, it will once again be too late. Freedom is yours for as much as is it keeps the majority of sheeples happy.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/27/2011 9:26:06 AM
Hello All,
I posted this in my HSIG thread and thought it deserves to be her too.

Hello Friends,

I had a bit of deja vu when I watched the below Glenn Beck video in regard to B Hussein's tactics and planned ambush to PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before the joint session of Congress. I wrote about it 2 days ago in the "Tale of Two Speeches" post in this thread. Scroll up and you can read it if you haven't already. If you're reading this post in the President That hates His Country thread you can read it here.

Glenn covers many topics in the below video and his message along with the facts in it are eye openers. I urge you to watch it. I'm not posting the youtube channel here cos it is a 1-3 videos series running one after the other. So the link is to the first youtube video and will follow with 2 and 3 automatically.

For the Glenn Beck detractors reading this please understand that truth can't be ignored and many times people dislike hearing the truth. Facts and not obfuscations, lies and misleading information are what should interest you and listening to the message and learning new things you might not know cos no one else is "reporting" on it should at least give you pause to think why have I not heard this elsewhere!?



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Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/27/2011 1:15:42 PM
Hello Friends,

I can't believe I'm doing this and Robert will get a good laugh out of it but I'm posting 3 Alex Jones videos interviewing Dr. Jerome Corsi author of the book "Where's The Birth Certificate" (even Bogdan who knows my aversion to Jones' grandstanding and finding conspiracies under every rock and the moss growing on it might enjoy this).

We all know B Hussein's long form COLB is a forgery and the proof is all over the internet from different angles. The reason B Hussein was forced to release this obvious forgery was the knowledge that Dr. Corsi's book will be released shortly. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't post an Alex Jones video cos of all the conspiracy theories in them that are allegations in most cases without any substantial proof. In this case the interview deals with proof and the only possibility of a conspiracy theory in them is Donald Trump's media campaign about the legitimacy of B Hussein's holding the office of President. After watching the videos you'll understand what I'm talking about. If true The Donald trumped himself out of ever being taken seriously again .......... politically.

Never has the White House and a President come out so strongly against a book and that alone says much about the validity of the book and the secrets B Hussein doesn't want you to know or believe if you've read it.

In any case this interview is quite shocking and "Where's The Birth Certificate" could very well be the beginning of the end of the fraud B Hussein. AND the sooner the better! This is one Waterloo I'm looking forward to.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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