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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/27/2011 1:33:07 PM
Hello Friends,

Bill Whittle came up with another excellent video and this time it's about the Turncoat B Hussein Obowma and how not only is he a turncoat but he's the turning America into a turncoat nation.

Bill's expertise is in his logical step by step presentation of facts and in his ability to educate in ways that many simply can't do. A video well worth watching.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/29/2011 2:46:31 AM
Hello friends. I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weekend. Robert thank you so much for the video. It certainly explains a lot. I began to notice some time back that I couldn't seem to find certain things doing a Google search that I had in the past and now that AOL has bought out the Huffington Post their search engines are pretty much useless for me.
Roger I found it amusing that you are enjoying having Obowma visit your country. Too bad you can't keep him there forever. If you could it sure would be doing the US a big favor. (I still like you personally anyway though.) :)
Peter I bet you did have a bit of deja vu when you watched the Glenn Beck videos, but then it just shows your expertise in evaluating certain situations and why you have earned the respect from, not only your numerous friends, but others as well. Kudos
Yes my guess would be that your friend Robert got a great big laugh when you posted not one but THREE Alex Jones videos after all the grief you've given him about the man before.:) As anyone watching and listening to Alex's guest, Jerome Corsi, you have to wonder when this fraud and this criminal and his criminal minions are going to be brought to justice. Dr. Corsi has proof positive and I don't see how the facts can be denied much longer.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
5/30/2011 11:40:11 PM
Peter as always, Bill Whittle does a great job of explaining how our most radical president ever is indeed turning us into a nation of turncoats and as you know we never get too old to learn and if we have an inquiring mind we can always learn. I was one of those with the preconceived ideas that a turncoat was also a traitor but in listening to his explanation I find that isn't necessarily true.
And to give Poland, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and now Israel, an IPOD with prerecorded Obama speeches? How ridiculous is that? Narcissism at it's best I guess or maybe I should say narcissism at it's worst.
For those inquiring minds who want to educate themselves further, here is the link to order. I have already ordered a copy and after I read it I will pass it around to family and friends that also want to read it.
"How The Obama Administration Threatens Our National Security" by Victor Davis Hanson.

Hello Friends,

Bill Whittle came up with another excellent video and this time it's about the Turncoat B Hussein Obowma and how not only is he a turncoat but he's the turning America into a turncoat nation.

Bill's expertise is in his logical step by step presentation of facts and in his ability to educate in ways that many simply can't do. A video well worth watching.



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/3/2011 1:20:45 PM
Hello Friends,

Just recently CNN's Fareed Zakaria claimed to be an adviser to B Hussein. This wasn't denied by the White House or by B Hussein and his many logged visits to the White House prove it wasn't idle talk.

Zakaria wants us to be like other countries and learn from them. He's minimizing the United States' greatness and claims it just isn't so.This guy is another media person on Soros' payroll and we already know he's the puppet master pulling on B Hussein's strings.

In the below video you'll get a very close glimpse of what Fareed thinks of the United States and then you just might better understand many of the things happening on the frauds watch.

For those of you who love America watch it and weep. The rest of you might gloat temporarily cos a slime ball like Zakaria has the great pretenders ear but as I said it is temporary and 2012 is drawing near. Hopefully many of the litigations against this regime and B Hussein might cause a break through and he'll be out on his a$$ before 2012. Maybe even jail where he deserves to be for criminal acts that are being ignored by MSM and his own party.



Obama Buddy Fareed Zakaria Bemoans Parochial Americans’ Love of the Founders & Constitution as the Reason We Can’t Learn to Be Better Like Other Countries

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/8/2011 3:07:47 PM
Hello Friends,

A bit of satire never hurts and after reading the below article and watching the video I figured that it's to close to the truth and what's really going on not to share it with you here.

What's B Hussein planning for the upcoming election campaign? Last time he blamed Bush and continued doing so till this very day. During the joint press conference with Germany's Merkel he blamed others for all the ills of the USA without taking any of the credit he so richly deserves. BTW, during the same period Germany's economy with Merkel at the helm is booming. In any case for those interested in a preview of B Hussein's campaign speeches read the below article and watch the very informative video. :)



Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Exclusive Video of President Obama's Secret Test of Brand New 2012 Stump Speech

Exclusive Video of President Obama's Secret Try-Out of New 2012 Stump Speech Pundits all across America are wondering, just how the heck is he going to do it. With the country in such lousy shape, unemployment up, factory orders down, economists predicting a double-dip recession, relations with our best allies such as Great Britain and Israel in such lousy shape, just how the heck does Barack Obama expect to win re-election in 2012?

Well in a Lid exclusive, you the reader will know. Thanks to a secret meeting between my cousin Ben, the spy and a not to be named member of the Obama re-election team, I have obtained a copy of a video of the President giving his 2012 stump speech a tryout.

How did Ben do it? Well lets just say that my cousin had some information that the Obama campaign operative did not want to become public knowledge.

As you can see in the video below, President Obama plans confront his challenges head-on and will give clear explanations for all his policy failures (If you cannot see video below..Click Here)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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