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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/22/2011 11:17:15 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting twist to the Ron Paul saga. The fact that he's a racist and many of his supporters are racists up to and including the Nazi party and David Duke from the KKK his non racist supporters are in denial and claim that this kook is lily white clean like virgin snow.

The below article by Erick Erickson goes into more detail on this issue with some interesting facts and comparisons that are quite insightful and thought provoking.



The Ron Paul Newsletter and His Jeremiah Wright Moment

Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)

Thursday, December 22nd at 4:45AM EST

If you’ve been under a rock somewhere recently you may not know that Ron Paul published a bunch of crazy, racist newsletters in the late 80′s and early 90′s.

Ron Paul, ten years ago, took responsibility for the content, even admitted at one point that he had written some of them.

Today, Ron Paul claims he knew nothing about them even though they generated around a million dollars in income for him.

The newsletters were the “Ron Paul” newsletters and each was written in the first person as if from Ron Paul, without an author’s byline, conveying that the views expressed were Ron Paul’s.

No one doubts that someone other than Ron Paul wrote them, but they were written as if they were from Paul and he profited handsomely and at one point took responsibility for writing some of them himself.

One of the newsletters claimed that gays were going to donate blood en masse in hopes of infecting the American blood supply with AIDS.

Let’s presume Ron Paul did not write that.

But I know many Ron Paul supporters, including some in my church, who cast aspersions on Barack Obama for attending Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years. They don’t believe Barack Obama didn’t know Rev. Wright believed the CIA invented AIDS to kill black men. They will give Ron Paul a pass, but they will not give Barack Obama a pass.


I fail to see how Ron Paul’s eponymous newsletter written in the first person as if from Ron Paul claiming gays intended to infect other Americans with AIDS through compromising our blood supply is any different from Reverend Wright claiming the CIA invented AIDS to kill black men.

If you know all these things about Ron Paul, and know he was perfectly fine with Neo-Nazis raising money for his campaign in 2008, and know he was perfectly fine going on Iranian national television to claim Israel keeps concentration camps wherein it routinely kills Palestinians, and you still intend to vote for him, I don’t really see that the Republican tent needs to be big enough to accommodate you.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/22/2011 12:09:37 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another interesting article on Ron Paul's instability and moon bat kookiness. This actually surprised me cos it's the first I heard about this. I've said in the past that aside from his fiscal policies and fight against the FED he sounds more like a Democrat and the most progressive and liberal amongst them with all his other foot in the mouth beliefs and policies.

The below article sorta adds credence to that and sorta makes you think what really makes this person tick.

It's about time that the pundits and the politicians start telling the truth about Ron Paul. He has no problem bashing all the other candidates and I have a feeling he's delusional enough to believe he won't get his fair share as well. Especially when there is so much to say about him that in the end he'll get much more then all the other candidates combined.

In one of the comments to this article a video was posted that is hilarious but unfortunately isn't a youtube video. But you can watch it here.



Ron Paul Hates Republicans and Everything They Stand For

Posted by Leon H. Wolf (Diary)

Most people already know that Ron Paul refused to endorse John McCain in the 2008 general election. While I don’t necessarily agree with that decision, especially from a contender for the GOP nominee, I can certainly understand it. Lord knows I hated every nice thing I had to say about John McCain and wasn’t entirely pleased about pulling the lever for him (which is a dramatic understatement). Most people assume that Paul endorsed Libertarian candidate Bob Barr in 2008, which is partially true. However, that is not the entire story. Paul also endorsed three other candidates.

The first of those was Chuck Baldwin. I don’t really know a lot about Baldwin except that he has been on record early and often in support of the proposition that the South should have won the Civil War. This sort of thing would ordinarily disqualify most normal people from endorsing Chuck Baldwin, but Ron Paul is not most normal people. And given what most Ron Paul supporters seem willing to forgive, a little Confederate sympathy (or even a lot of Confederate sympathy) seems like small potatoes.

The second was Cynthia McKinney. Yes, you read that correctly, Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008. For those who do not know, Cynthia McKinney is a certifiably insane anti-American anti-Semitic lunatic. She first came to widespread public attention when she was arrested for punching out a member of the capitol police who tried to stop her when she wasn’t wearing her pin. Cynthia McKinney is so crazy that she got defeated in a primary by a guy who thought Guam might tip over and capsize. McKinney was once arrested by the Israelis while trying to give aid to Hamas and penned a bizarre anti-American and anti-Israeli screed. See more of her anti-Americanism here.

Now, I know that the above is not necessarily persuasive to the average Ron Paul fan – after all, if they were bothered by siding with terrorists, they’d have probably jumped off the Paul bandwagon already. What is perhaps more important is that Cynthia McKinney is also next door to being a communist in terms of her domestic policy. McKinney is an open and avowed enemy of free market capitalism, preferring instead Ghadaffi-style socialism. Seriously, she literally and openly favors dictatorial socialism. McKinney ran on the Green Party ticket, whose platform explicitly includes guaranteed open-ended welfare (at a living wage) for everyone regardless of their ability or willingness to work, among other quasi-communist and far-left economic policies.

The fourth and final candidate Ron Paul endorsed for President was Ralph Nader. Yes, the same Ralph Nader who was so far to the left on economic matters that he could see no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush. The same Ralph Nader who also longs for the day when the last vestiges of capitalism have died in America. Nader, you remember was the guy who made running as the Green Party candidate famous.

Why, you might ask, would Ron Paul, champion of economic freedom and limited government, endorse two avowed socialists for President? Well, you see, they signed a document:

Paul will offer this open endorsement to the four candidates because each has signed onto a policy statement that calls for “balancing budgets, bring troops home, personal liberties and investigating the Federal Reserve,” the Paul aide said.

You see, despite a lengthy and public history of supporting massive government expansion and infringement upon personal liberties, and despite running on a party platform that explicitly calls for the massive expansion of Government welfare, these people would clearly have been better at shrinking the government than the Republicans on the basis of signing this absurd pledge. To be fair, Paul was probably just following the Golden Rule here – after all, Paul had just spent the last two years being a truther in front of truthers and denying trutherism in front of the media, so he doubtless was extending the sort of blind eye towards Nader and McKinney’s insanity that he wished everyone else would turn towards his.

For whatever his failings as a Presidential candidate and conservative (and they were legion), no reasonable person would say that John McCain was worse than any of these clowns. It was one thing for Paul to not endorse McCain – but we have to ask what sort of person affirmatively supports anti-American avowed socialists and confederate sympathizers over a Republican? The answer: Someone who, like Howard Dean, hates Republicans and everything they stand for.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/22/2011 2:54:55 PM
Hello Friends,

Now this is an interesting turn of events. It's not surprising nor is it as far fetched as some might think since there are so many Democrats willing to shift their allegiance from the fraud and great pretender B Hussein and that includes many Democratic elected officials from both houses.

They realize what a total failure B Hussein is and some are already holding up their heads and speaking out against the president since they now consider him to be an impediment and should be dropped like a hot potato.

Not that I believe Hillary would be a much better president then B Hussein but she couldn't be any worse. She too allowed her State department to be infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and the disastrous effects of that can be seen through her actions, words and policies.

This would be a good chance for all the Hillary supporters who jumped ship and became instant Republicans and conservatives after she lost the primaries to B Hussein to return to their natural home and support her once again. Some of them not feeling at home within the conservative Republican side are promoting a third party or channeling their support to Ron Paul who's more a Democrat then a Republican in any case.

That said the situation could pose an interesting race should she decide to accept the challenge and run in a primary battle against an incumbent president from her own party.



Hillary 2012

December 22, 2011 by

Hillary 2012
A mysterious robo-call urges voters to ask Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2012.

A robo-call being received in many States is pushing Hillary Clinton to enter the 2012 Presidential race.

“America would be better off today if Hillary Clinton was our president,” says the call. “The Wall Street robber barons would be jailed, young people could afford college and find jobs and 6 million homeowners wouldn’t face foreclosure.”

The call then directs people to go to and sign a petition to persuade the onetime Presidential candidate to run again. The call claims to be a “project of the 99 percent.”

This is not the first time that a Clinton 2012 suggestion has been mentioned; Former Vice President Dick Cheney in September suggested on ABC News that the Secretary of State make a Presidential bid.

“I think she’s probably the most competent person they’ve got in their– in their cabinet. And– frankly, I thought she was gonna win the nomination last time around,” Cheney said. “Maybe if– the Obama record is bad enough– and these days it’s not very good, given the shape of the economy maybe there will be enough ferment– in the Democratic Party so that there will be a primary on their side.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/22/2011 5:00:03 PM
Hello Friends,

I read the below commentary in today's Rasmussen Report and found to to be very interesting. It's a short 'historical' glimpse of Ron Paul over the years and the continuous support of the most extreme racists and racists organizations he garners and who he caters and panders to with an unparalleled success year after year and presidential campaign after presidential campaign.

The question I asked was why are these racists and racist organizations so attracted to Ron Paul.........the question remained unanswered. Personally I think the answer is obvious and I wonder why so many others don't get it. Or do they?

A very interesting read.



The Lethal Fantasies of Dear Old Ron Paul

A Commentary By Joe Conason

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The latest evidence of simmering racial resentment on the American political fringe showed up Monday in a Facebook post by a California man who urged the assassination of the president and his two daughters in obscene, racist language. Aside from the Secret Service, there was little reason for most of us to pay attention to this sick boob -- except that he was identified as a local political leader of the tea party and an avid supporter of Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas Republican who now seems likely to place first in the Iowa presidential caucuses.

To those who have followed Paul's long career as a failed presidential candidate -- these campaigns have become a family business -- the appearance of yet another racist nutjob in his orbit is scarcely news. The newsletters that earned millions of dollars for him from gullible subscribers over the decades were often soiled with vile invectives against blacks and other minorities. He is a perennial favorite of the John Birch Society and kindred extremists on the right. He once refused to return a donation from a leader of the Nazi-worshipping skinheads in the Stormfront movement.

What is it about the kindly old doctor that attracts some of the most violent and reactionary elements in society to his banner?

For many years, Paul was merely an outlying crank in the ranks of the Republican Party -- a "libertarian" who courted the paranoid bigots in the John Birch Society, whose monthly magazine featured his name on its masthead as a "contributing editor." More than a decade ago, during his 1996 campaign for Congress, the racist ravings in his newsletters were first exposed -- the same series of articles that besmirched Martin Luther King and Barbara Jordan and encouraged every racist stereotype about African-Americans as criminals and welfare dependents. He disowns those words now, but back then a spokesman defended them as merely "taken out of context."

Back then, his rhetorical flirtations with the White Citizens Councils hardly mattered. Almost nobody bothered to listen seriously to his urgings that America return to the gold standard, repeal the income tax and the direct election of U.S. senators and erase all of the advances of the past century in protecting the public from cyclical depressions, poisonous food, water, air and drugs, and the insecurities of poverty, old age and ill health. Most Americans still could remember when this Darwinian ideology influenced policy and knew that the nation was not better off -- except for a few robber barons -- back in the days before Theodore Roosevelt inaugurated the Progressive Era, beginning a century of reform.

On the far right, including wealthy figures such as the Koch family that once supported the Birch Society and now backs the tea party, there are many who share Paul's brand of political nostalgia. Kindly and gentle as he appears, Paul has always known how to sound the dog whistle that excites them, whether it was in the race-baiting that adorned his newsletters for years, the claims that medicine served us better before Medicare and Medicaid or the campaign against the Federal Reserve. Although Paul has occasionally disavowed his supporters on the ultra-right when political expediency demanded it, they have never abandoned him -- and they won't, because whether or not he is actually a racial bigot, he shares their disdain for the 20th century.

There is little reason to worry about the policies of a Paul administration, despite his current lead in the Iowa polls. But the rise of the tea party and the vacuum of leadership in the Republican Party have created a space for Paul's lethal fantasies, which if enacted would return us to the bad old days of mass poverty, rampant pollution, racial supremacy and all the other ills that characterized the America of the robber barons.


Peter Fogel
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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/22/2011 11:56:00 PM
Hey Friends,

I Came Across This Alternative Today

DIVORCE AGREEMENT between the LEFT & RIGHT!!! THIS IS SO INCREDIBLY WELL PUT AND I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT'S BY A YOUNG PERSON, A STUDENT!!! WHATEVER HE RUNS FOR, I'LL VOTE FOR HIM. Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al: We have... stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a Divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations but, sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course. <>Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.</ > Here is a model Separation Agreement: <>--Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.</ > --We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. --You are welcome to the liberal Judges and the ACLU. --Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. --We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar and biodiesel. --You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them. --We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. --You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and illegal aliens. --We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEOs and rednecks. --We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC andHollywood. --You can "make nice" with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. --You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security. --We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. --You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness and Shirley MacLaine. You can also have the U.N. but we will no longer be paying the bill. --We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Volt and Leaf you can find. --You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. --We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right. --We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem". --I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya" or "We Are the World". --We'll practice trickle-down economics and you can continue to give trickle up-poverty your best shot. --Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag. Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years. Sincerely, John J. Wall Law Student and an American P.S. Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin & Charlie Sheen, Barbara Streisand & (Hanoi) Jane Fonda with you. P.P.S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.

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