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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/23/2011 7:02:33 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I watched this interview a few days ago and thought what a shame Herman Cain was forced to suspend his candidacy. He was a needed breath of fresh air and could have made a difference.

The progressive liberals,MSM and some in the GOP tried their d*amnest to destroy this man and unfortunately partially succeeded in that he suspended his run for the GOP nomination. But the "man" is not destroyed as we can see from this interview and we'll be hearing from him in the future as well.



Hello friends, I was so disappointed when Herman Cain dropped out of the presidential race but it seems as though he's still going to be around.
Here is a wonderful video where Dick Morris interviewed him yesterday. There is so much information in this 8 minute video where they touch on several subjects.
Everyone knows how dirty the progressive liberals attack anyone they perceive to be a threat and Herman Cain was definitely a threat, who had to be silenced, what ever the cost to him and his family.
One thing that stuck out to me in this interview was where they discussed the Reagan tax cuts and how these tax cuts caused the economy to boom. So those of you that keep yelling for more taxes on the rich, listen very closely and hopefully you'll realize how wrong you are.
I was so happy to hear Herman Cain say he's not going away but has plans to keep fighting to help defeat Obama. Be sure and listen very carefully at the 6:55 point. Fantastic!!!!
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/23/2011 12:31:01 PM
Hello Friends,

It's interesting that time and again Ron Paul denies knowing about the racists articles written in the Ron Paul news letters. As you'll see in the below videos he admits to publishing a Ron Paul news letter in order to "educate" people. So he did read them and promoted them personally back in 1995 in addition to being the editor and publisher.

In the second video he walked out on the CNN interviewer cos she didn't accept his denial that he was involved in the news letters while in the first part of the same interview he admitted to reading "some" of the articles and then contradicted himself a few seconds later and said he
never read them and only became aware of them 10 years later.

He's obviously lying and finds it inexplicable that his "denials"
aren't accepted as the gospel truth. Well, his own words in both videos put paid to his denials and the only logical conclusion is that he "educated" his ronbots with his racist views and they have remained his loyal followers till this very day.

Ron Paul the racist is a fact that his own words prove beyond any doubts. The double standard that he's employing by throwing dirt at other candidates and is amazed that it's a two way street and that his denials aren't accepted as the gospel truth is in a way quite funny. But that's what you can expect from a kook and moon bat rolled into the Ron Paul package.

Below the videos are two articles I read after preparing this post with the 2 videos. The first article uses the same 2 videos and the second is a general commentary on the same issue, namely Ron Paul's racism.



Ron Paul admits to "educating" through his news letter.

Ron Paul walks out on an interview when asked about his news letter. Thinks that it's sufficient that he denies it. In one part he admits to reading them and then says he didn't read them at all.!

About Those Racist Ron Paul Newsletters that He Didn’t Read and Completely Disavowed

Posted by Leon H. Wolf (Diary)

First of all, let me apologize for all the Ron Paul stuff lately. Being a dumb yokel from Nashville who has never lived or worked in or near Washington, DC, I am powerless to resist the mind control rays from the Establishment, who have ordered me to continuously assault Ron Paul (or at least this is the answer to my posts that I most often find from Paul’s followers). Almost nothing I have written on in the last week is new from 2008, so I know that many of you already know it. On the other hand, based on the response, a surprising number of people didn’t know a lot of this stuff – which I guess makes sense. It’s difficult to explain Paul’s rise in the most recent Iowa polls without theorizing that he is duping at least some actual Republicans, as opposed to leftists disgruntled by Obama’s aggressive foreign policy stance [pause for hysterical laughter]. This one, however, is genuinely new to me.

A lot of ink has been spilled about Ron Paul’s racist newsletter that was printed in the late 80s/early 90s. At this point, literally no one will defend the content of the letters, not even Paul himself. It is universally recognized that some truly repugnant stuff went out in Paul’s name during this time period. If you want a sampling of this material, click here. Now, this stuff has been known about for years, and was known about in 2008. Paul’s explanation back then was that he didn’t know about what was going out in the newsletter, didn’t read most of the issues, completely disavowed their content. In other words, the exact same thing he is saying today. So although this demonstrates that Paul is not really built to withstand the sort of scrutiny that every other frontrunner has to take as a matter of course, you can at least understand why he got exasperated and walked off during an interview with CNN’s Gloria Borger on the topic: (see video above)

What I did not know until just today is that when these original allegations came to light back during Ron Paul’s 1996 Congressional run, his defense was absolutely not that he didn’t write them or know what was in them; his defense was that he was being taken out of context. He defended the comments on their merits. His campaign spokesman literally said that the problem was that the media was too intellectual to understand them. Yes, well, admittedly some people miss the intellectual nuance in statements like “If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be” (a statement which Paul specifically defended when questioned by the media).

Now comes this: in 1995 CSPAN did an interview with then-former Congressman Ron Paul, asking what he’d been doing with his time. One of the questions that came up was, essentially whether he was still involved in politics. Paul’s answer? “Oh, yeah, I’ve got this great newsletter, let me tell you about it…” (see video above)

“Along with that I also put out a political, uh, type of business investment newsletter, sort of covered all these areas. And it covered, uh, a lot about what was going on in Washington and financial events, especially some of the monetary events since I had been especially interested in monetary policy, had been on the banking committee, and still very interested in, in that subject.. that, uh, this newsletter dealt with that… has to do with the value of the dollar [snip] and of course the disadvantages of all the high taxes and spending that our government seems to continue to do.”

You know, for not reading the newspaper and not having any inkling about what was in it, Paul was remarkably well informed as to its contents and general thrust.

Apparently, Paul did not change his story on these newsletters until 2001, when he started to tell people that maybe the racist remarks in his newsletter were not okay and he in fact did not write them. When asked why he did not just say that in the first place, Paul responded that he felt like he had a “moral responsibility” for these words since they were published in his name (and presumably since he profited from them). Suppose we believe this story – what has happened since then to change that?

So Hang On A Minute

Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)

Let me get this straight.

Twenty years ago someone put some crazy, racist stuff in newsletters bearing Ron Paul’s name and written in the first person as if they were from Ron Paul.

Ron Paul never read them.

Ten years ago, when confronted with some of the crazy stuff (I’m trying really hard not to use “crazy s**t” here), Ron Paul says he wrote them, but they must be taken in their whole context to understand them.

Fast forward to the present and Ron Paul never wrote them, does not know who wrote them, cannot recall the names of anyone who worked for him who might have written them, is shocked to learn he made big money off them, and people think this guy has the qualifications to be President of the United States?

Letting someone write bat crap crazy stuff under your name, not knowing who they are or what they are doing, profiting from them, then taking responsibility before denying responsibility is credible?!

If we’re to take Ron Paul at his word, maybe we need to get him an Alzheimer’s test. He is old. Hell, if pigs did fly and he did get elected President, he’d be 81 at the end of his first term.

Peter Fogel
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/23/2011 2:32:45 PM

Hi Peter,

Just the fact that he also walked out of a TV interview proves that he's not presidential material either. What's he going to do during meetings with other "bat crap crazy" world leaders? When I see Ron Paul in some of the debates, he really looks like he's one millimeter away from totally losing his composure.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/23/2011 5:52:33 PM
Hi Kathleen,

Very true and his walking out shows he can't take the pressure of having to answer legitimate questions. His denials contradict past admissions and contradictory statements even during this interview. A petulant guy who's used to his adoring ronbots and not those that question his veracity.




Hi Peter,

Just the fact that he also walked out of a TV interview proves that he's not presidential material either. What's he going to do during meetings with other "bat crap crazy" world leaders? When I see Ron Paul in some of the debates, he really looks like he's one millimeter away from totally losing his composure.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/23/2011 5:53:41 PM
Hello Friends,

For a moment let's set aside Ron Paul's racism which is beyond any doubts a proven fact whether from self admission (relating to his "educating" people with his news letters in the 80s and 90s) to the massive support he has from racists nationwide. The Nazi's, KKK, David Duke and all the rabid ronbot racists that comment whenever there are negative articles about their guru. There are other issues that are equally as important if not more important then his racist beliefs and views.

I've mentioned these many times in previous posts and they are more important to the security of the United States then his racism is.

1. He has no problem with a nuclear Iran and would take no steps to abort their nuclear agenda. Even though Iran publicly stated that Israel and the United States are their targets. Add to that their supplying their proxy terrorist organization Hamas and Hezbollah with nuclear devices we're facing a very dangerous situation

2. He blames the United States for Jihadi terrorist attacks and terrorism in general and forgets that Islamic Jihadi terrorism has been going on much longer then the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which negates his theories and beliefs as naive and bordering on the stupidly idiotic to the extremely dangerous.

2. He has no problem with Shariah law cos he claims there's no way it will replace the law of the land even though it's already happening across the United States. What's happening in Eurabia seems to be beyond him and apparently thinks that it could never happen in the US even though it already is.

The list of dangers his philosophy and views will bring down on the heads of the American people if by some fluke he would ever be elected is unthinkable and he'd easily replace B Hussein as the worst president ever. Thank God that will never happen even though as a third party candidate he might be the cause of B Hussein being reelected cos there's no way he would get the GOP nomination.

The below article discusses these issues and is a good read.



Ron Paul is dangerous

Mr. Paul is many things, but conservative is not one of them. He’s a died-in-the-wool libertarian. That’s one part conservative, two parts anarchist

Matt Barber Thursday, December 22, 2011
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After the most recent GOP presidential debate, reasonable people can disagree as to who came out on top. It was abundantly clear, however, who was smothered beneath the pile.

As Ron Paul waxed naive from his perch in Sioux City, Iowa, on issues ranging from foreign policy to judicial activism, one could almost hear his campaign bus tires deflate. Although some polls indicate that Mr. Paul has surged in Iowa, most national polls suggest that, beyond a relatively fixed throng of blindly devoted “Paulbots,” support for the eccentric Texas lawmaker has a concrete ceiling.

Mr. Paul did himself no favors during the debate. Afterward, former Iowa House Speaker Christopher C. Rants blogged, “Ron Paul finally lit a match after dousing himself with gasoline.”

Putting aside for a moment Mr. Paul’s leftist policies on a variety of social issues ranging from his unwavering support for newfangled “gay rights” – to include open homosexuality in the military – to advocacy for across-the-board legalization of illicit drugs, Mr. Paul demonstrated that he has a dangerous, fundamental misunderstanding of the threat posed to every American citizen by radical Islam. This alone disqualifies him for serious consideration as our future Commander in Chief.

During the debate, moderator Bret Baier asked Mr. Paul: “Many Middle East experts now say Iran may be less than one year away from getting a nuclear weapon. … Even if you had solid intelligence that Iran was in fact going to get a nuclear weapon, President Paul would remove the U.S. sanctions on Iran - including those added by the Obama administration. So, to be clear, GOP nominee Paul would be running left of President Obama on Iran?”

Mr. Paul responded: “But I’d be running with the American people because it would be a much better policy.” (The only American people running with this policy risk running the rest of us off a cliff.)

He went on to reject a U.N. agency report that indicates Iran is within months of developing nuclear weaponry, calling it “war propaganda.” He then spouted the same anti-American talking points we’ve come to expect from the hard-left “progressive” establishment, blaming America for Iran’s efforts to go nuclear.

In defense of Islamic terrorists, not unlike those responsible for Sept. 11, Mr. Paul said, “Yeah, there are some radicals, but they don’t come here to kill us because we’re free and prosperous. … They come here and want to do us harm because we’re bombing them.

“I don’t want Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” he continued, all the while demonstrating to everyone watching that a President Paul would be unwilling to lift a finger to prevent it.

His pacifist ruminations prompted fellow presidential candidate Michele Bachmann to respond: “With all due respect to Ron Paul, I think I have never heard a more dangerous answer for American security than the one that we just heard from Ron Paul. … I’ll tell you the reason why, the reason why I would say that is because we know without a shadow of a doubt that Iran will take a nuclear weapon, they will use it to wipe our ally Israel off the face of the map, and they stated they will use it against the United States of America. Look no further than the Iranian constitution, which states unequivocally that their mission is to extend jihad across the world and eventually to set up a worldwide caliphate. We would be fools to ignore their purpose and their plan.”

Mr. Paul evidently is one of those fools. Iran is today’s version of Nazi Germany, and Mr. Paul’s obtuse strategy of reckless inaction affords him the dubious title of this generation’s Neville Chamberlain. Like Chamberlain’s fruitless appeasement, Mr. Paul’s similar strategy simply feeds the insatiable beast.

Don’t get me wrong. I personally like Ron Paul. He’s that affable - if not a little “zany” - uncle who has the whole family on edge at Thanksgiving. “Oh boy; what’s Uncle Ronny gonna say next?”

Still, you wouldn’t give Uncle Ronny the carving knife for the turkey, much less the keys to the Oval Office.

Mr. Paul is many things, but conservative is not one of them. He’s a died-in-the-wool libertarian. That’s one part conservative, two parts anarchist.

Ronald Reagan often spoke of a “three-legged stool” that undergirds true conservatism. The legs are represented by strong free-market economic principles, a strong national defense and strong social values. For the stool to remain upright, it must be supported by all three legs. If you snap off even one leg, the stool collapses under its own weight.

Mr. Paul is relatively conservative from an economic standpoint, but in true libertarian form, has snapped off the legs of national defense and social values.

The libertarian is a strange and rare little animal – a bit like the woolly flying squirrel. It spends its days erratically darting to-and-fro atop this teetering, one-legged stool in a futile effort to keep it from toppling. America witnessed Ron Paul doing this squirrelly libertarian tango Thursday night. Cute but unstable.

Ron Paul never had a chance; but now, with the possible exception of his most committed devotees, I suspect most people will finally admit it. Regardless of what happens in Iowa, the Paul engine has run out of steam. During the debate it pulled into the station and released its final wheeze right alongside the Cain Train.

Matt Barber
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Matt Barber is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Counsel and Liberty Alliance Action. Send comments to Matt at:

Peter Fogel
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