Hello friends, I was so disappointed when Herman Cain dropped out of the presidential race but it seems as though he's still going to be around. Here is a wonderful video where Dick Morris interviewed him yesterday. There is so much information in this 8 minute video where they touch on several subjects. Everyone knows how dirty the progressive liberals attack anyone they perceive to be a threat and Herman Cain was definitely a threat, who had to be silenced, what ever the cost to him and his family. One thing that stuck out to me in this interview was where they discussed the Reagan tax cuts and how these tax cuts caused the economy to boom. So those of you that keep yelling for more taxes on the rich, listen very closely and hopefully you'll realize how wrong you are. I was so happy to hear Herman Cain say he's not going away but has plans to keep fighting to help defeat Obama. Be sure and listen very carefully at the 6:55 point. Fantastic!!!!