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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 11:52:57 PM
Sorry I am hogging this thread but new news is coming up on my Facebook page to share

Ron Paul Tells Newsmax: I Support Israel

Wednesday, 07 Dec 2011 01:02 PM

By Doug Wead

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In an exclusive Newsmax interview, Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul confirmed his support for Israel, but cautioned that while the United States should be a “friend” of the Jewish state, America should not be the “master” of Israel.

Paul also says the United States should not dictate Israel’s borders or try to “buy her allegiance” with massive amounts of foreign aid. He argued that foreign aid has actually hurt – not helped – the Jewish state.

The interview was conducted by Newsmax contributor Doug Wead, a presidential historian and New York Times best-selling author.

Paul has recently come under fire from some Jewish groups in America. The Republican Jewish Coalition banned Paul from a debate on Jewish issues in Washington this week because of his “misguided and extreme views,” according to the group’s executive director, Matt Brooks.

Newsmax chatted with Paul to get his side of the issue as the Texas Republican is surging in some presidential polls.

A new Washington Post-ABC News survey in Iowa shows him threatening Mitt Romney as the second-leading candidate behind Newt Gingrich. Paul is now tied with Romney in the early caucus state with 18 percent of the vote, behind Gingrich’s 33 percent.

Rep. Paul’s interview with Newsmax follows:

Newsmax: What should our relationship be with Israel?

Ron Paul: We should be their friend and their trading partner. They are a democracy and we share many values with them. But we should not be their master. We should not dictate where their borders will be nor should we have veto power over their foreign policy.

This is not just about Israel, by the way, this is about how we should conduct ourselves with other countries around the world.

Newsmax: But Israel is not like other countries. We have a large Jewish population in America. What do you say to those who criticize your policy toward Israel?

Ron Paul: I think that some not only misunderstand the American Constitution and the role we should have in the world, they also misunderstand Zionism. Part of the original idea of Zionism, as I understand it, was that there should be Jewish independence and Jewish self-reliance. Today, America doesn’t want anyone to be self-reliant. We want to rule the world and be the saviors of the world and we are going broke in the process.

Newsmax: Some object to your policy of cutting foreign aid to Israel.

Ron Paul: I have objected to all foreign aid. I define foreign aid as taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. We just can’t keep doing this. We don’t have the money anymore.

Stop and consider America’s policy: We give $3 billion a year to Israel in loans; and we give $12 billion or more in assistance to Israel’s self-declared enemies. Some of these are countries that say they will drive Israel into the sea.

Newsmax: What do you say to evangelical Christians who want that aid to continue?

Ron Paul: I say to them that our aid in the region is out of balance and it is wrong. Foreign aid does not help Israel. It is a net disadvantage. I say to them that “the borrower is servant to the lender” and America should never be the master of Israel and its fate. We should be her friend.

In October, 1981, most of the world and most of the Congress voiced outrage over Israel’s attack on Iraq and their nuclear development. I was one of the few who defended her right to make her own decisions on foreign policy and to act in her own self-interest.

Newsmax: What then, if anything, should we do for Israel?

Ron Paul: We should share intelligence for mutually agreed-upon goals. We should honor our pledge to refuse any arms sales that would undermine Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region.

But we should stop interfering with them. We should not announce bargaining positions even before she begins her negotiations. We should not dictate what she can and cannot do. We should stop trying to buy her allegiance. And Israel should stop sacrificing their sovereignty as an independent state to us or anybody else, no matter how well-intentioned.

© Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/8/2011 12:15:15 AM
Not sure I would bet my bottom dollar on Alex Jones' reporting. Peter and I covered this years ago.

The significance of his latest article is they put the anticipated services in case of an emergency up for bids from its contractors. This is typical every day business so they know how to budget for a disaster. It does not mean they are going to round people up. FEMA is called in case of disasters. After Katrina they need to plan better. I beleive Jones is fanning flames here. The article is just an update of what he has already reported on. Here is how was reported in '09 .

Glenn Beck Talks Fema Camps w/ Ron Paul


Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

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Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
December 7, 2011

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Jim Allen III
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/8/2011 5:28:51 AM

I found this video of Glen Beck rescinding and I will try and find a better one.

although I notice that many times youtubes disappear when they have telling information that 'we should not get to know about' sound familar then watch on after to Jesse..

You did not cover this topic very well because it is all over Youtube from many sources, but here is Jesse Venture Conspiracy Theory 3 parts..

Not sure I would bet my bottom dollar on Alex Jones' reporting. Peter and I covered this years ago.

The significance of his latest article is they put the anticipated services in case of an emergency up for bids from its contractors. This is typical every day business so they know how to budget for a disaster. It does not mean they are going to round people up. FEMA is called in case of disasters. After Katrina they need to plan better. I beleive Jones is fanning flames here. The article is just an update of what he has already reported on. Here is how was reported in '09 .

Glenn Beck Talks Fema Camps w/ Ron Paul


Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

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Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
December 7, 2011

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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/8/2011 9:57:58 AM
Hi Amanda,

You stated in one of your posts that Alex Jones is one of your favorite alternate news sources and for me he's the exact opposite. I've given my reasons in the past as Jim mentioned and also to you in the recent past.

This head line is one of the reasons he's very far from being on my favorite list. From the "sensational" headline you understand that it's happening now and that's not true is it? I read the article and it's a rehash of things he's written over the years and preached on in his many videos. You'll find that what he has in common with MSM is his reporting on his own commentary as facts rather then reporting news. Had he simply reported on the email alone that he got through anonymous sources that would be news (not very exciting or interesting news but still news) but the rehash of old stuff as if it's all new is a typical Alex Jones tactic.

We all know there are FEMA camps and have known for a few years now so all he's doing is copying the MSM whose forte is presenting commentary as news or creating news rather then reporting on news. The difference is that he had an agenda for his latest move and that was to get more people to his "infowars" website. I didn't count but he repeated himself a few times recommending to his listeners that they tell all their friends and give them the link to his site.

Nuff said about Alex Jones.




Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

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Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
December 7, 2011

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/8/2011 10:20:26 AM
Hello Amanda,

I know I'm repeating myself here but here goes. While none of the remaining GOP candidates would have been my choice of preference I would be able to support them in the upcoming presidential election for the simple fact that they would be better then the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

The only one that wouldn't get my support is Ron Paul and if by some fluke he would be nominated the GOP candidate he will not get my vote or support. I'll either write in a name or a blank ballot.

Paul's fiscal policy and fight against the FED are the only points in his favor as far as I'm concerned and with everything else his views and opinions are abhorrent to me on a personal level.

When you think about it there are parallels between him and B Hussein. They both believe that America is to blame for the Jihadi attacks, forgetting that there were terrorist attacks before 911 and before the Iraqi war. Afghani war, intervention in Libya etc. Jihad has been going on for centuries and will continue in the future cos it's in their DNA and belief structure (much more on that in my HSIG thread, Jim's threads and many other places).

His foreign policies are non existent. And what he spouts as his foreign policy is simplistic, stupid and goes so far as to be infantile.

His stance on a nuclear Iran is well documented and dangerous for the USA and the world at large.

The fact that he denied his racism and antisemitism that was prevalent in his news letters was not convincing since it wasn't a one time occurrence but a repeated one and always had his signature at the bottom of the news letter.

He's learned from past mistakes but if you think he's changed his colors think again. You can believe what you will but for a person that claims to be able to read between the lines you're missing a lot of reading.

Your post from a Newsmax interview that he supports Israel is ludicrous. Read between the lines again. He doesn't support Israel and never has as his congressional voting record shows. He's consistently voted against any and all pro Israel proposals over the years. As an aside and a point of interest the aid/loans Israel receives from the USA every year is contingent on the fact that Israel spend this money for security reasons and only for American products. Many people aren't aware of this but what ever the aid/loans might be they are poured right back into the American economy every year.

Another point is an interesting one. Have you or any of the other readers ever noticed the rabid antisemitism of the paulbots? If not you might find it interesting to read their comments on articles that aren't complimentary to Paul. Ask yourself this, why only he amongst the different candidates attracts these antisemites? I wonder why that is and why he hasn't distanced himself from them??? Could it be he agrees with them and doesn't want to lose their support by condemning their rabid antisemitic views?

In any case Paul would never get my support and I know that there are many others who think as I do on this. Woe be to America is this guy should ever hit the WH. He'd be just as bad as B Hussein if not worse ...... if that's possible.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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