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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/4/2011 6:00:21 AM
Hello Friends,

You know this video with the mother of 15 from 3 different fathers with one the father of 10 is an indication of the "some one's needs to pay for all my children" mentality that is running rampant throughout our society that the B Hussein regime is actively advocating and promoting.

This is what the progressive liberal socialist/marxist democrats want to happen. Total dependency on the system and and then anger when they don't get all they expected to receive and think they "deserve". The arrogance of her demands and lack of shame for actually saying it publicly in a way shows that this woman is one of many. Granted 15 children is quite the exception to the rule but there are many more like her in our society .....unfortunately.

Watch the shocking video and this woman's abysmal attitude and see for yourselves. The question that any normal person would ask is why has she not used birth control?? Relying on the "state" is not the solution and think what these 15 children are learning from their mother who is supposed to be their "role model". What a farce.

This is the occupier mentality if you think about it.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/4/2011 6:05:56 AM
Hello Friends,

Listen to the below video with Newt Gingrich. Whether you agree with him politically or not he hit the nail on the head in his comments here.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/4/2011 6:38:15 AM

Hi Peter,

The find-a-baby-daddy...any-baby-daddy unfortunately IS a rampant mentality. I know a young woman who's in her early 20's and has 3 kids from 3 different fathers who somehow weaseled away, she had the first one when she was around 15, now spends her time focusing on a middle aged man who received compensation for an accident...he better be careful she doesn't mix his pain-pills with booze & sit on his lap and make a 4th baby and call him the daddy of all of them! (not attractive, LOL...anyone would need a mixture to get involved with that baby machine!)

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/4/2011 7:13:35 AM

Newt Gingrich makes it easy to understand:

People come here from every country on earth to find a better life...

Why would we want America to become like every country on earth that everyone left to come here for?

That does not make sense, President Obama, that's easier than some fill in the dot questions on a kids school test.

Go to America for better than your old country...want America to become just like that and make you wonder why you came here?

Who came here? Everyone except the Native Americans who were already here. So basically, everyone else arrived here at some time in the past few hundred years.

America: 5% of the world's population, created from every country on earth. There's already 95% of the world's population that's not America, so why does 100% of the world's population have to be not-America? Why should this country stop being what it was made to be? People don't stop being who each of us were made to be, so how and why should an entire country stop striving to do the best it can? Obama's grandma became a bank vice-president, and Obama became President of USA. They didn't stop striving for success, so why does he expect everyone else besides himself to accept his downing-down of America?

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/6/2011 1:36:46 PM
Hello Friends,

The strangel hold the unions have on B Hussein's National Relations Labor Board (NLRB) is stifiling and destroying the voices of the union free workers of America.

Their assault has to be stopped and they are ways each and every one of us can help. More about in the below article.



Help Halt the NLRB’s Assault On America’s Union-Free Workplace

Posted by LaborUnionReport (Diary)

Last week’s NLRB vote to give unions the ability to ambush union-free workers and the companies that employ them, as well as to deny due process on bargaining unit issues, is only the latest in a long line of attacks on America’s union-free workforce by the union extremists controlling Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board.

Notwithstanding the recent agreement between Boeing and the Machinists’ union to end the prosecution* of Boeing opening its second 787 in South Carolina, listing out of all of the attacks on job creators and America’s union-free workforce would necessitate more than an entire post. However, here are just a few of the NLRB’s assaults on America’s union-free workforce:

  • Micro-unions: In a recent ruling, the NLRB has given unions the green light to begin unionizing portions companies by what are called “micro-unions.” Now, union can unionize small segments of a company by classification (or department).
  • Reducing employees’ rights to rid themselves of unwanted unions: In a reversal of a previous NLRB decision, the Obama-NLRB has made it much more difficult for employees to decertify unions where highly flawed card-check method of unionization had been utilized. The NLRB’s reversal was only outdone by the NLRB’s destroying of ballots from elections that were already held, but were awaiting the outcome of the NRLB’s decision.
  • Requiring union-free employees to post union posters. Though delayed, the NLRB is requiring all union-free, private-sector employers to post NLRB posters explaining workers’ rights to unionize.
  • Legitimizing union ‘sweetheart deals.’ Last year, the NLRB approved unions’ ability to negotiation pre-recognition agreements in exchange for ‘card check,’ thus undermining employees’ rights through “sweetheart deals.”

It’s time to put pressure on Washington to halt the NLRB’s assault and here’s how you can help:

Our friends at the Free Enterprise Alliance‘s Halt the Assault campaign have put together an online petition (above) to send a message to Washington to Rein in the Rogue NLRB.

You can even embed a Rein in the Rogue NLRB widget on your blog or website.

Help America’s union-free workforce by sending a message to Washington: Halt the Assault on America’s Union-Free Employees and Job Creators–Rein in the Rogue NLRB.

Pass it on.

Go here to add your name and sign the petition
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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