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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 10:44:42 AM
Hello Friends,

The union goons are doing quite well despite the recession.

While the average union member isn't making the monies their bosses are yet they continue to pay their dues like zombies and allow the bosses to live like kings and ruin our economy in the process.

It's also very important not to forget that union monies are being freely spent on political campaigns and as you all know we're talking about hundreds of millions.

Below is the detailed account of the high rollers in the different unions and their enormous salaries. If you can't read some of the lists click on the link above the article.



Click here if you can't properly read all the lists below.

TDU’s New $150,000 Club Shows Teamster Bosses Still Doing Well Despite Recession

Posted by LaborUnionReport (Diary), Sunday, December 4th at 7:30AM EST

The 2011 $150,000 Club was released on Friday and shows, unlike many of their members who have suffered job and pay cuts, Teamster bosses are still doing quite well for themselves.

According to the TDU’s Report:

  • 123 Teamster officials made over $150,000 in salary in 2010; 35 made over $200,000. The total paid to that group went up $259,636 over the previous year.
  • 129 Teamster officials got paid a multiple salary by the International Union, most of them appointees of James Hoffa.
  • For the first time since he took office, James Hoffa did not get a salary increase. This is
    because his salary goes up by a percentage equal to the rate of inflation, and inflation did not rise.
    Hoffa did take a $6,000 hike in his total compensation: Hoffa is paid a very lucrative “housing allowance” on top of his salary.

Below is the listing of the Teamsters’ Top Ten Money Makers, based on salary and total compensation.

[Note: Because Teamster bosses can collect multiple salaries, the column listed as "Affiliation" indicated whether the individual collected salary from the Teamsters International (INTL), a joint council (JC) and/or Local Union (L).]

Here is the entire report:

Teamsters’ 2011 $150,000 Club Full Report

Read the rest here.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 1:50:16 PM

Exclusive: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across U.S.

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Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
December 7, 2011

Follow this link for more information
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 10:10:29 PM
Hi Peter, sometimes I wish I could just go bury my head in the sand and forget about most of the things I read now a days. Just like the last presidential election I do not have a good feeling about the way things are going this time and I fear that whoever wins we are not going to be any better off. I was so excited to see Herman Cain jump in the lead and I loved to listen to his speeches but evidently he was too much of a threat to the progressive liberals as they proceeded to attack him unrelentlessly until he decided to end his campaign and in my opinion America lost out again.

I have never liked Newt Gringrich, just another career politician who is only out for what he can get and not for the citizens of the USA. He made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with mortgage company Freddie Mac, not good at all.
As for Ron Paul - I would vote for Newt before I'd vote for Ron Paul, that is how much think of him.
I'm including two articles that pretty much sums it up in my opinion, or at least they do to me.

Media Manipulation:

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Felicia Benamon Sunday, December 4, 2011
AddThis Button BEGIN AddThis Button END I salute you, Herman Cain! I salute you for your courageous stand against a relentless media that singled you out for deletion in your quest forward to become our next president. The attacks were indeed specifically targeted at you to bring about the end to your campaign as any person with a brain could see, through media manipulation of what was supposed to be a clean, balanced electoral process.
I wonder now, will we see any more of this nonsense in the media about these ridiculous women and their claims of sexual harassment? No. More than likely, we’ll continue to see the media fawn over Newt Gingrich, now that he’s the selected, preferable winner to take the nomination.
Gingrich arrogantly declared himself to be the winner as all of the dirty slander against Cain in the media, unfolded. If Gingrich, or any of the candidates running, or the media respected the process and had faith in the people’s choice to pick who they thought was fitting to hold the nomination, such comments would not fly.
Are the voters tired of the arrogant, smug demeanor exhibited by the established politicians from Washington?
The latest Iowa poll shows Newt Gingrich at the top, surprisingly Ron Paul sneaked in second, with Mitt Romney in third. Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann were tied for fourth with 8%.
Cain, who enjoyed top poll numbers, started trailing due to unfounded sexual allegations that also threatened to cause a rift in his marriage and family life. The media had done their dirty job.
I will say that polls fluctuate and each candidate has the chance to move up or down in the polls. But they all should be afforded the chance to make their mark before the voters have their say come election day. If the media was fair about the election process, it would give ALL the candidates fair time in presenting their ideas to the public. If it were fair, ALL candidates, including Herman Cain, would be on the ballot!
The media swears that support that Cain incurred while in the race will go to Newt Gingrich.
As if they can read my mind or yours?! HA!
Newt Gingrich is a Washington insider and FAR from the candidate Herman Cain, the businessman, was. How is it the media automatically assumes I will flock to the Gingrich camp?
Gingrich has displayed arrogance. Herman Cain was humble but tenacious and bold to fight back attacks in the media from unscrupulous women. Both men differ in many ways.
Cain has suspended his campaign. Regardless of if he will be on the ballot or not, legitimately, he was a candidate in the race for the GOP nomination who endured as long as he could and deserves to know that what he has presented before the American public was heard loud and clear, and that we stand behind him.
I will not float to any other candidate just because Herman Cain has decided to suspend his campaign. Cain is still active articulating his message; he is not a quitter by any means. He was forced out by the establishment. And so, now, are we to pick from among the candidates left who embody the establishment to the letter?
The people DO have a voice. We can make a difference, by doing things differently. If things stay the same, and we continue like sheep to do things the way they have always been done… holding our noses and voting for the lesser evil, things won’t change.
This voter is seriously considering Herman Cain as a write-in during the primary elections.
Felicia Benamon
And then this article.
The Anti-Semitism of Ron Paul Supporters

As I expected, there were a large quantity of comments by Ron Paul supporters to my article critiquing his foreign policy. Alas quantity often doesn't mean quality. There were, of course, exceptions to the rule but they were few and far between.

It is worth noting that I made not a single reference to Israel in the article and yet the commentary by Paul supporters was rife with anti-Israel references. And then there were comments along these lines:

"It would be great if "jews" like Aaron Goldstein would not incite the wars Christians and Muslims die in."

"Goldstein? That ain't a Smith or Jones, now is it? I wonder where his slant comes from? We just gotta have a bogey man to chase and fight, don't we? Ron Paul 2012!"

"Some influential persons in the US have ties to AIPAC, or are Jewish, or even have dual citizenship (US and Israel). Do any of these apply to you?"

"Last name is Goldstein. Well I think that about sums up the bias in this article. Ron Paul 2012!"

Are Ron Paul and his campaign team are proud of these endorsements? How is it that Ron Paul attracts people of such dubious character to support him? Apparently, anti-Semitism is a socially acceptable prejudice amongst his supporters. Mr. Paul would be wise to denounce their behavior in no uncertain terms. But I'm not holding my breath. Why would he alienate his most reliable constituency?

Now I could have deleted those comments but I have chosen not to do so. After all, Ron Paul ought to be judged by the company he keeps.

Yes, my name is Aaron Goldstein, I am an American Jew with dual citizenship (I was born in Canada) and I am pro-Israel. I am proud of it and I will not apologize for it. If Ron Paul supporters don't like it then too damn bad. That's their problem, not mine.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 11:29:19 PM
Hello Evelyn, Peter and friends,

I can identify with your feelings of wanting to bury our head in the sand and forget - or be little again and not have to worry because our parents did all the worrying for us.. However, we have to be realistic and face up to the fact - We are in deep DoDo. Satan has got this country especially, by the throat and using the Global Elite as his tools and he ain't letting go anytime soon because God's children are in denial and many are in Willful denial to realise that we are in a Spiritual battle. They will not pray to repent and release this strangle hold.

I am so saddened that so many think that is the end like in Revelations and Jesus will be coming to take them up in the clouds any day... What if He doesn't come soon like they think but this is a 'false flag' set up by Satan?

We have been deceived for centuries our Great great Grandparents down, while Satan has worked his evil with these Global Elite/Illuminati and people before them in secret manipulating circumstances or wars against each other, other countries. Satan knows what is in the bible and deceived Eve in the garden into eating of the Forbidden fruit of good and evil..He tried to Tempt Jesus in the desert when He went up to the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights - Satan used scripture on Eve and Jesus..We are even more open to deception, because of the massive mind control, brain washing, vaccinations, food, water and air etc to dull our senses - especially our children whom we notice have been dumbed down. Adults have been effected too.

Shouldn't we still be praying for repentance on the country and world in faith and trust and also preparing for Famine, water shortage, rolling blackouts etc that I am seeing prices soaring in the grocery and recognizing that we are headed for a famine because of the many ruined crops from bad weather etc than sitting around waiting for the Police, Army etc to come and take us and throw us in the FEMA camps

Evelyn, I have never disagreed with you before, but I am this time.
Newt Gringrich is not only a career politician but a Global Elite satan worshiper too member of the Bilderburg Group and I think Trilateral Commission. (do a search) We would be getting another Obama maybe even worse if he got elected in.
I have done research on these people so Newt will be all for hurrying along the fall of the US, pass tax laws on Global Warming, CO2 taxes, because cows pass too much gas, trees breath too much and so do humans which warms the planet!! etc and mass genocide to the human population that the Pope Benedict 8 and Queen Elizabeth II has ordered.

I have searched Ron Paul ever since he came on my radar several months ago when I first heard that paying income taxes was unconstitutional. I had not heard of him before and I reckon the MSM had performed that same hatchet job on him for years. I have watched old videos on through and heard him speak of the same speech, response to questions regarding Constitutional laws and has not wavered on what he stands for, whether it was popular or what his audience wanted to hear - his speech has been solid, he does not support going to wars or declaring war on other countries and said we should mind our own business and leave other countries alone to sort our their own squabbles. US has been bullies and have caused a huge amount of death and destruction to millions of innocent lives - we have blood on our hands.

If Ron Paul is Anti-Semitic which I do not believe he is - then he hates me too because God our heavely Father said we will inherit the prize that my Jewish brothers and sisters are inheriting too.
Have you heard Ron speak badly about Jews? I would like to hear Youtube video where he has - I did listen to the video.. the time several years ago that he has been interviewed about, someone from his newsletter staff wrote anti-Semitic articles under his letterhead which Ron was not aware of. He has admitted this and apologized because he was not as vigilant about what was being written in his name as he should have been. I have not heard or read anything else from later dates.

Also Ron is very aware of the Global Elite and knows what he is up against. He has been a guest of several alternative radio shows - Alex Jones my favourite has had him several times but I have seen his name mentioned on others as I compose more of my list to keep abreast with.

My opinion this Govt has poked the possum/s while it was sleeping until it did wake up and retaliated, then blame some other country or President of that country - then sending our Military, along with Aust, NZ, Canada and Britain to fight. The Global Elite are Evil, nothing more than thugs, murderers, treasonous, thieves who delight in causing as much mayhem to bring about their agenda which is the New World Order and will stop at nothing to get it. The US is seen as the biggest bullies on earth and we are hated. Yet the people sleep on!


Hi Peter, sometimes I wish I could just go bury my head in the sand and forget about most of the things I read now a days. Just like the last presidential election I do not have a good feeling about the way things are going this time and I fear that whoever wins we are not going to be any better off. I was so excited to see Herman Cain jump in the lead and I loved to listen to his speeches but evidently he was too much of a threat to the progressive liberals as they proceeded to attack him unrelentlessly until he decided to end his campaign and in my opinion America lost out again.

I have never liked Newt Gringrich, just another career politician who is only out for what he can get and not for the citizens of the USA. He made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two contracts with mortgage company Freddie Mac, not good at all.
As for Ron Paul - I would vote for Newt before I'd vote for Ron Paul, that is how much think of him.
I'm including two articles that pretty much sums it up in my opinion, or at least they do to me.

Media Manipulation:

Be careful who you choose as the Republican nominee

Felicia Benamon Sunday, December 4, 2011
AddThis Button BEGIN AddThis Button END I salute you, Herman Cain! I salute you for your courageous stand against a relentless media that singled you out for deletion in your quest forward to become our next president. The attacks were indeed specifically targeted at you to bring about the end to your campaign as any person with a brain could see, through media manipulation of what was supposed to be a clean, balanced electoral process.
I wonder now, will we see any more of this nonsense in the media about these ridiculous women and their claims of sexual harassment? No. More than likely, we’ll continue to see the media fawn over Newt Gingrich, now that he’s the selected, preferable winner to take the nomination.
Gingrich arrogantly declared himself to be the winner as all of the dirty slander against Cain in the media, unfolded. If Gingrich, or any of the candidates running, or the media respected the process and had faith in the people’s choice to pick who they thought was fitting to hold the nomination, such comments would not fly.
Are the voters tired of the arrogant, smug demeanor exhibited by the established politicians from Washington?
The latest Iowa poll shows Newt Gingrich at the top, surprisingly Ron Paul sneaked in second, with Mitt Romney in third. Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann were tied for fourth with 8%.
Cain, who enjoyed top poll numbers, started trailing due to unfounded sexual allegations that also threatened to cause a rift in his marriage and family life. The media had done their dirty job.
I will say that polls fluctuate and each candidate has the chance to move up or down in the polls. But they all should be afforded the chance to make their mark before the voters have their say come election day. If the media was fair about the election process, it would give ALL the candidates fair time in presenting their ideas to the public. If it were fair, ALL candidates, including Herman Cain, would be on the ballot!
The media swears that support that Cain incurred while in the race will go to Newt Gingrich.
As if they can read my mind or yours?! HA!
Newt Gingrich is a Washington insider and FAR from the candidate Herman Cain, the businessman, was. How is it the media automatically assumes I will flock to the Gingrich camp?
Gingrich has displayed arrogance. Herman Cain was humble but tenacious and bold to fight back attacks in the media from unscrupulous women. Both men differ in many ways.
Cain has suspended his campaign. Regardless of if he will be on the ballot or not, legitimately, he was a candidate in the race for the GOP nomination who endured as long as he could and deserves to know that what he has presented before the American public was heard loud and clear, and that we stand behind him.
I will not float to any other candidate just because Herman Cain has decided to suspend his campaign. Cain is still active articulating his message; he is not a quitter by any means. He was forced out by the establishment. And so, now, are we to pick from among the candidates left who embody the establishment to the letter?
The people DO have a voice. We can make a difference, by doing things differently. If things stay the same, and we continue like sheep to do things the way they have always been done… holding our noses and voting for the lesser evil, things won’t change.
This voter is seriously considering Herman Cain as a write-in during the primary elections.
Felicia Benamon
And then this article.
The Anti-Semitism of Ron Paul Supporters

As I expected, there were a large quantity of comments by Ron Paul supporters to my article critiquing his foreign policy. Alas quantity often doesn't mean quality. There were, of course, exceptions to the rule but they were few and far between.

It is worth noting that I made not a single reference to Israel in the article and yet the commentary by Paul supporters was rife with anti-Israel references. And then there were comments along these lines:

"It would be great if "jews" like Aaron Goldstein would not incite the wars Christians and Muslims die in."

"Goldstein? That ain't a Smith or Jones, now is it? I wonder where his slant comes from? We just gotta have a bogey man to chase and fight, don't we? Ron Paul 2012!"

"Some influential persons in the US have ties to AIPAC, or are Jewish, or even have dual citizenship (US and Israel). Do any of these apply to you?"

"Last name is Goldstein. Well I think that about sums up the bias in this article. Ron Paul 2012!"

Are Ron Paul and his campaign team are proud of these endorsements? How is it that Ron Paul attracts people of such dubious character to support him? Apparently, anti-Semitism is a socially acceptable prejudice amongst his supporters. Mr. Paul would be wise to denounce their behavior in no uncertain terms. But I'm not holding my breath. Why would he alienate his most reliable constituency?

Now I could have deleted those comments but I have chosen not to do so. After all, Ron Paul ought to be judged by the company he keeps.

Yes, my name is Aaron Goldstein, I am an American Jew with dual citizenship (I was born in Canada) and I am pro-Israel. I am proud of it and I will not apologize for it. If Ron Paul supporters don't like it then too damn bad. That's their problem, not mine.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/7/2011 11:46:00 PM
Well I sure hope all this exposure and leakage of nefarious plots is unravelling their plans and having them scramble as the lights are being shone upon their deeds!

Confirmed: ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize Second Amendment

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“ATF created the problem so they could be the solution to it”

Paul Joseph Watson
December 7, 2011

As we postulated when the scandal broke, the Fast and Furious program that saw the ATF deliver guns into the hands of Mexican drug gangs was admittedly exploited to demonize the second amendment and push new gun control regulations.

Confirmed: ATF Plotted to Use Fast And Furious To Demonize Second Amendment atf jacket

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation “Fast and Furious” to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.”

Emails obtained by the network show ATF agents discussing how they could tie guns involved in Mexican violence to gun dealers based in the U.S. to justify the implementation of Demand Letter 3, a regulation that would require U.S. gun stores to report the sale of multiple rifles.

One of the emails states, “Bill – can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same (licensed gun dealer) and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks.”

The emails show ATF members congratulating each other for blaming border violence on guns bought from U.S. dealers despite the fact that the feds were the ones delivering them straight to Mexican criminals under the program.

Other emails document how gun dealers involved in the program expressed concern that their firearms were ending up in the hands of “the bady guys,” only to be reassured by the ATF “there’s nothing to worry about.”

One law enforcement source told CBS News that the emails suggested the ATF created the problem itself as part of a political ploy.

“It’s like ATF created or added to the problem so they could be the solution to it and pat themselves on the back. It’s a circular way of thinking,” the source said.


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