I did get a chance in between going into town to get some groceries and feeding the horses - now I have lost Leo (dog) who got away from me with his long rope still attached to him and it is dark out and I have seen nor heard from him in nearly 2 hours...I hope he has not got caught up somewhere with his rope.
I did not see the affiliate site and still looking over the various pages in the menu
This page:
http://thrivemovement.com/the_code-new_energy_technologyTalks about energy that is freely produced like air,
However it got suppressed to the point that no one has ever heard of this free energy...sounds about right that some 'bully big corporation' comes in and shuts it down because they cannot bare that it could be more popular and put them out of business..
I did a forum thread of Industrial Hemp which was called the billion dollar plant because of it vast uses which also got demonized and labeled marijuana which is a different type of plant and it got disbanded and now illegal to have it grow on your property..
I have read and listened to accounts of many people whom have invented different energy type products/electricity to get the population off the main grid so we can be more self reliant and all these inventions have been declined to get a patent for them so no one ever hears about them - There has never been new inventions on these free God given resources - wind, sun, air, water etc because some big company has to put a patent on them and charge a price.. Makes on think how can you put a price tag on these free resources - yet they do..
In a time of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
Meanwhile these inventors are being relentlessly and often brutally suppressed by the financial elite, by national governments, and by delusion and dishonesty amongst some of the inventors. The suppression goes back at least as far as the early 20th Century when Nikola Tesla, tapped into what he called “radiant energy.” It sparked white instead of gold. It ran cold instead of hot in wires. He was going to offer it to the world wire-lessly, so all you needed was an antenna in your yard to access it – as easy as a radio or TV today. But his financier, J.P. Morgan, did not want to risk the fortune he was making off of controlling the copper mines that provided the wires for conducting the electricity, so he shut Tesla down.
Here is part 1 of 13 parts to the movie
Hi Amanda & Jim,
Interesting about the affiliate program cos when I went to the site I didn't check out all the links there. I saw the same trailer that Amanda posted here and I thought it might be interesting to watch the documentary to see what they have to say. I was going to ask that if Amanda is considering buying it then to upload it so we can all watch it.
I see they are capitalists too :
We are excited to offer a comprehensive affiliate program for the THRIVE Movie. The program will launch in early December. Please check back then or email us at affiliate@thrivemovement.com with your name and email and we'll get in touch with you with more details. http://thrivemovement.com/affiliate_program
Thank you,
The Thrive Team
This trailer video came to my attention on Facebook page..I have not seen or watched the full version.
Many of the youtube links I had to follow before I found this one have been taken off which makes me wonder why.. or what is on there that is so threatening that the public cannot see it.. Your guess is as good as mine.
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary premiering online on 11.11.11 at http://thrivemovement.com
THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future