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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2011 4:56:13 AM


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2011 7:58:02 AM
Hello Friends,

Aside from the fact that this video is hilarious and probably should be in my joke thread (hmmmm, I'll post it there too) but what it mainly shows is the disdain and disrespect the world has for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

He's shown his weakness time and again in world affairs and he himself dissed the United States and it's people so many times that the world apparently thinks he deserves nothing less then the "finger" the Russian news presenter gave him during a news broadcast. He's bowed to Putin ,the Saudi King, the Japanese Emperor and others and what he's getting in return is the finger he so deserves.

Let's hope the American people will give him the "finger" in 2012 by voting him out of office. Let him and peanut brain Carter fight it out as private citizens and as ex presidents who was the worst president ever.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2011 11:47:56 AM
Hi Amanda,

These videos are very well done and quite enjoyable watching. The scientific data is very interesting and definitely well presented. There have been numerous videos over the years with free energy inventions and this video gives more information on what sort of technologies can be used to supply free energy.

The historical extraterrestrial visitations are not in my belief structure but I will speak with some of my scientist friends and see what their take is on the presented information.

In regards to the Elite/Illuminati they're rehashing information that's been around for years and there was nothing new there.

Their solutions are a bit simplistic and the love is the answer is something we've all heard in the past too. In my opinion that's the weak part of the videos.

There are elements that are missing that I find perplexing but I will do more research on them before I make any comments on it.

Thanks for taking the effort to post the videos here and I'm glad that they weren't suppressed as you implied at first. I will mention though that in the past when documentaries were made on different issues they were presented for a limited time in their entirety and then only trailers cos the producers and owners were selling them on the net. They were upfront about it and said in advance that the videos would be available for a limited time for free viewing. I have a feeling as the launch date nears in December they'll remove the videos and only leave teasers and trailers on youtube and their website.



Hello Peter,

I meant to edit and tell you all that Leo came back after running at large for over 2 hours. He is the only one that I keep on a leash - after loosing all 3 of our original dogs this time last year from our property and not knowing whom or what happened to them I do not trust the same and keep our new adopted dogs close. We have an enclosed back yard for them and I am waiting for James to come for the weekend to help me with some improvements on the fencing because one can jump up, over and out... that this time I cannot tackle on my own, The doggies have been living inside with me - they are happy, but not always the best arrangement for hours.

I watched all 13 video's as I put them on the page and was interested and intrigued through all over them. The early video's gave me a great deal of food for thought.. I do not want to comment further in discussion until you have a chance to watch.

Hi Amanda,

Sorry to hear about your dog and I hope he gets home safely.

Thanks for the videos and I will watch them shortly. We know many videos are removed for different reasons but in this case I see you have a series of 13 videos that I assume are their documentary so if they're up they weren't suppressed.

Another thought while checking their website is that they might have removed the videos cos they want to sell them as you can see from their online store and the soon to be affiliate program. So while there might be many companies that are opposed to them they aren't being censored or at least it appears they are able to post their videos freely and remove them at will.



I did get a chance in between going into town to get some groceries and feeding the horses - now I have lost Leo (dog) who got away from me with his long rope still attached to him and it is dark out and I have seen nor heard from him in nearly 2 hours...I hope he has not got caught up somewhere with his rope.

I did not see the affiliate site and still looking over the various pages in the menu

This page:
Talks about energy that is freely produced like air,

However it got suppressed to the point that no one has ever heard of this free energy...sounds about right that some 'bully big corporation' comes in and shuts it down because they cannot bare that it could be more popular and put them out of business..

I did a forum thread of Industrial Hemp which was called the billion dollar plant because of it vast uses which also got demonized and labeled marijuana which is a different type of plant and it got disbanded and now illegal to have it grow on your property..

I have read and listened to accounts of many people whom have invented different energy type products/electricity to get the population off the main grid so we can be more self reliant and all these inventions have been declined to get a patent for them so no one ever hears about them - There has never been new inventions on these free God given resources - wind, sun, air, water etc because some big company has to put a patent on them and charge a price.. Makes on think how can you put a price tag on these free resources - yet they do..


In a time of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
- George Orwell

Meanwhile these inventors are being relentlessly and often brutally suppressed by the financial elite, by national governments, and by delusion and dishonesty amongst some of the inventors. The suppression goes back at least as far as the early 20th Century when Nikola Tesla, tapped into what he called “radiant energy.” It sparked white instead of gold. It ran cold instead of hot in wires. He was going to offer it to the world wire-lessly, so all you needed was an antenna in your yard to access it – as easy as a radio or TV today. But his financier, J.P. Morgan, did not want to risk the fortune he was making off of controlling the copper mines that provided the wires for conducting the electricity, so he shut Tesla down.

Here is part 1 of 13 parts to the movie

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2011 11:53:14 AM
Hi Amanda,

I watch David Manning and receive all his videos. As with many of the people whose message I find interesting and agree with part of their political views there are many things I disagree with at the same time.

I wonder if you notice the fallacy in his statements in this video?

He disparages the politicians who totally ignore B Hussein's ineligibility to be President something I have done in his thread numerous times and wholly agree with. There is a spinelessness in their inaction and that does raise separate questions that need to be asked. He uses the same argument to knock the Tea Party too and I agree that should also be one of the issues they deal with but not the major issue.

The fraudulent birth certificate is proof he's hiding something but the fact that B Hussein's father was not an American citizen at the time of his birth is the real cause for his ineligibility. It alone is totally unconstitutional and although there are other criminal acts like the fraudulent birth certificate they are the icing on the cake.

These facts and many more were known when he was elected and yet during the whole campaign the ineligibility issue and all his past associations and activities were ignored.

That said the Tea Party wasn't started in order to
deal with the birth certificate issue but the destruction of the United States with all his policies and trashing of the Constitution by B Hussein and his regime.

Dr. Manning's ridiculous attempt to compare the occupiers to the prophets is ludicrous. Yes some prophets were arrested for their words of condemnation but they didn't go around raping, murdering, burning places down, stealing, drugs, racism and the list goes on and on. Their Marxist tactics along with the people who support and fund them and the cry for the destruction of America is endemic to chaos and that's the objective of this movement.

Back to the fallacy in Dr. Manning's video. He's condemning the Tea Party for not raising the issue of the illegality of B Hussein's presidency and praising the occupiers for demanding freebies and living on the efforts of other peoples work and efforts. BUT, he totally ignores that these occupiers haven't raised the birth certificate issue either? He's demeaning one for not doing it and ignoring the fact that the occupiers couldn't give a d*amn where he was born cos all they want are more freebies and to be supported by their government which in the end will be the cause of their enslavement if they have their way.

All I can say is give me the Tea Party with their law abiding citizens and their demands for smaller government, less entitlements and following the Constitution any day over the Soros supported and funded, Marxist/Socialist/Nazi/Union supported and funded occupiers. They're demanding all the failed ISMs be implemented in the USA and the question is why would you support that unless you agree with the political agenda that is behind it?

So Dr. Manning in my opinion is way off base in
this video and the crimes in the statistics below should frighten you since the list of crimes keeps on growing. Whatever the total number is it's still 0 crimes for the Tea Party as opposed to the ever growing list of the occupiers. It's your choice who you support and I've made my choice.



Hello Peter and friends,

I listened to one of James David Manning's latest video's and thought it was well worth sharing.

I had not actually thought much about the blame being plaved on the Tea Party's position in avoidance of bringing up Obama's birth certificate - purely because I was felt it was everyone of notability who could be seen and heard that dropped the ball under pressure of being called 'racist' We did not have anyone to help us (the people) keep the pressure on to get this resolved once and for all.

I believe also, that dropping this blatant fake birth certificate that is slapped across our faces has given the Elite and Govt even more power to be as brazen as they are being to barge forth with their New World Order plans and bring in more ways to hedge us in.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/24/2011 12:32:14 PM
Hello Friends,

The below article is interesting cos it shows exactly what these occupiers are looking for. More entitlements and in short a welfare state. The fact that it would be counterproductive and would be the direct cause for American companies to look for workforces elsewhere means nothing to them since all their worried about is getting their freebies.

In any case as they say a picture is worth a 1000 words and these pictures are more like a 1,000,000 words.

I suggest for those interested to click on the link to see more pictures and commentary that summarize what these people want.



The entire Occupy movement summarized in one sign

Photojournalist El Marco has returned from a trip to New York during which he documented the final days of the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park. His newly published collection of Zuccotti Park portraits contains many unforgettable images (one of which we already featured here), but one particular image summarizes the entire Occupy movement — and the entire entitlement mentality as well.

I hereby present the photo I have titled “JFK’s Greatest Nightmare“:

Alternate title: Cloward-Piven’s Revenge.

Winning the Most Clueless “Useful Idiot” of the Decade award is “Colleen, age 20, from Johnston State College in Vermont,” a Zuccotti Park Occupier who informs us that…

…because, y’know, that first Cultural Revolution worked out so well.

Look deep into her eyes: Is she the stupidest person on Earth, or does she actually know what she’s advocating? The brainwashing of our modern educational system goes deep, my friend, deeper than we can even fathom.

Want more? Because these two pictures are just a sampling of El Marco’s amazing Zuccotti Park portait gallery. Click this link to see the whole thing:

Zuccotti Utopia: Portraits of The New Revolutionaries (this is definitely worth reading. A walk through commentary and pictures of Zuccotti park protesters PF)


To clarify matters for those few folks who think the question mark at the end of the “Ask not…” sign means the guy holding it is being sarcastic and is secretly a Tea Party counter-protester, or something along those lines: Sorry, no dice. As you can see at the bottom left of his sign, his name is “Marvin Knight” and he’s made plenty of other appearances at Occupy Wall Street carrying other indisputably left-leaning signs. He’s even been quoted in MSM articles about OWS saying things like this:

Marvin Knight, a 68-year-old pensioner who lives in Brooklyn, joined the Wall Street protests on October 3. Holding a large, handmade poster that read, “Jesus is not for corporate greed,” he said he lives on Social Security retirement benefits of less than $800 a month.

I am here to protest this capitalist system we have here, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and there’s no end in sight,” Knight said.

There’s no way to wriggle out of this one: He’s an authentic and sincere Occupy Wall Street protester, and he’s completely serious about his sign.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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