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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/21/2011 3:21:55 PM

Hello Friends,

We've seen some ex military supporters of the different occupier movements and no one ever thought to ask what do the soldiers on active duty think about these occupiers. Below is a graphic that more or less tells us what they think. Thanks Atlas Shrugs.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/22/2011 5:51:22 AM
Hello Friends,

Below you'll Dry Bones' take on what drives the "Occupiers" and keeps them going. Some say they see love but when you follow the facts and statistics of all the crimes committed in the name of "love" you gotta think whoa where's the love???

I won't go into the list of all the crimes that have been committed and continue to be committed in the name of love I'll paste in the Stats below the Dry Bones graphic and you decide for yourself. But what does amaze me is the one sided videos of supposed police brutality which of course doesn't report on the reasons for the police presence.

Interestingly enough according to national polls the majority of "we the people" do not support the occupiers and they are the real 99% and not the moochers and those only interested in the downfall of the United States in the name of Socialism, Marxism and all the other failed ISMs.



I'm playing with a new set of characters. The Devil teaching his young students about human beings and how they behave.

your reaction?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

These statistics are from last week and are on the rise daily nationwide.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/22/2011 6:28:06 AM
Hello Friends,

Once again Ron Paul blames the United States for the Jihadi 911 attack. It comes full circle with this guy. In an interview with Face the Nation he stated his opinion but hemmed and hawed when pressed for a definitive answer.

According to him there is no threat or danger to the world if Iran goes Nuclear and the list of his child like foreign policies and opinions are endless.

His only positive attributes are his fiscal policies and fight against the FED but that alone isn't sufficient to vote for this joker considering his stance on all other issues some of which are down right dangerous.

Below is an article form The Hill reviewing his interview and for those interested in listening to parts of the interview please go here.



By Justin Sink - 11/20/11 11:25 AM ET

Ron Paul said that American policymakers were at least partially at fault for the country being attacked on 9/11 during a discussion of foreign policy on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday.

Paul argued that the American military presence in Saudi Arabia - rather than ideological differences or anger over American prosperity - were motivation for the September 11 hijackers.

"Just remember that immediately after 9/11, we removed the base in Saudi Arabia, our policies definitely had an influence," Paul said. "To argue the case they want to do us harm because we're free and prosperous I think is a very dangerous notion, because it's not true."

Host Bob Schieffer then pressed Paul on whether that wasn't the equivalent of blaming America for the attacks.

"If you have a flawed policy, that may have influenced it… that's a far cry from blaming America," Paul responded.

"So what you're saying is that it was the government's fault," Schieffer then said.

"I'm saying the policymaker's fault," Paul responded. "[They] contributed to it, contributed to it."

Paul went on to say that if he became president, he would pull troops out of overseas bases, arguing that submarines and long-range missiles would work just as well as deterrents.

"Absolutely, and the people are with me on that, those troops oversees aggravate our enemies," Paul said.

The Texas congressman went on to warn against posturing towards Iran after a recent intelligence report found that the nation was more aggressively seeking nuclear weapons.

"I think the greatest danger for us now is to overreact… Iran doesn't have a bomb, there's no proof, and for us to overreact and talk about bombing Iran is much more dangerous," Paul said.

He also said that he did not support sanctions against the nation, arguing they were the "initial steps towards war."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/22/2011 3:36:46 PM
Hello Friends,

If you thought Solyndra and other personal bailouts for companies that supported him in the past with very big campaign contributions is a thing of the past well think again. This time it's actually worse cos when an American company Hawker Beechcraft was notified by the Air Force they wouldn't be allowed to compete for an American military aircraft contract after working with the AF for 2 years and spent over $100 million to insure compliance with their requirements were simply thrown under the bus.

The most interesting part of this scandal is that Hawker Beechcraft was the only American company placing a bid for this contract but it was awarded to another company without any bids at all. Guess who the fraud and great pretender awarded the contract to? A foreign company in Brazil which is also controlled by the Brazilian government. Another very interesting point is that this same government has very close ties to the lunatic Iranian government and supplies them with different goods they need for their nuclear projects and other military activities.

This at a time when the administration is calling for additional sanctions along with some European countries. Needless to say this will effect Hawker Beechcraft's financial situation and they've already notified that they'll have to fire workers. This joker who claims that creating jobs are one of the most important issues facing America but the only problem is that he's creating jobs for other countries and throwing the American workers under the bus yet again.

The below article goes into more detail and you'll also find a video with Tom Buffenbarger president of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) who shows B Hussein as a 2 faced liar who can't be depended on.

This really is a president that hates his country and embraces its enemies.



Obama Administration Sends Weapons Contract to Foreign Company with Ties to Iran

What the heck? It's only our national security.

Monday, November 21st at 6:00AM EST

Late Thursday night, American company Hawker Beechcraft was informed by the U.S. Air Force that they were not going to be allowed to compete for an American military aircraft contract.

The Air Force has notified Hawker Beechcraft Corp. that its Beechcraft AT-6 has been excluded from competition to build a light attack aircraft, a contract worth nearly $1 billion, the company said.

The company had been working with the Air Force for two years and spent over $100 million to ensure compliance with the requirements for the plane and says the craft (Beechcraft AT-6) met all requirements as shown through a demonstration actually led by the Air National Guard.

“We have followed the Air Force’s guidance close, and based on what we have seen, we continue to believe that we submitted the most capable, affordable and sustainable light attack aircraft,” the company said.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t appear to be a question of being outbid or outclassed. In fact, this seems to be a classic example of a contract being awarded without any bidding process at all, something you may remember infuriated the left when the recipient of the contract was American company Haliburton.

There’s a big difference this time. The company the no-bid contract went to isn’t an American company. Worse yet, the company it did go to has questionable friends. Namely, Iran.

Embraer, a Brazilian aerospace giant which is currently under investigation for potentially making illegal payments to obtain government contracts, is essentially owned by the Brazilian government. Through their “Golden Share,” Brazil essentially has control over the company’s business operations.

According to Embraer’s website, that Golden Share provision empowers the Brazilian government with veto rights over: “Creation and/or alteration of military programs, whether or not involving the Federative Republic of Brazil;” “Development of third parties´ skills in technology for military programs;” and “Interruption of the supply of maintenance and replacement parts for military aircraft,” among other things.

But Brazil has their own explaining to do regarding their long and sordid history with the rogue country of Iran.

According to the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, “In 1989, Brazil chose to sell Tucanos, Embraer’s relatively low cost and basic military aircraft, to Iran.” Currently, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Air Force operates around 40 Embraer T-27 Tucanos, according to the Washington Institute. In fact, the Iranians use the Tucano as their primary close air support aircraft.

In recent years, Brazil has continued its troubling friendship with Iran and ruthless leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Hudson Institute notes that, “Another area of tension between Brazil and the United States relates to Iran. In November 2009, President da Silva invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Brazil. In May 2010, da Silva helped broker a deal in which Iran would ship only a portion of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey for reprocessing; the rest would remain in Iranian hands, where it could be further enriched for nuclear weapon production.”

According to the Financial Times, building war planes is actually part of an industry that Embraer is fairly new to as they are only just “venturing into the defence industry.” Yet, the U.S. government has found them to be more capable and trustworthy than an American manufacturer that already builds hundreds of U.S. military aircrafts and would employ as many as 1,400 new workers across 20 states.

To make matters worse, Hawker was already experiencing trouble as a result of the tumultuous economy and had already announced potential layoffs. With news that they won’t be offered the opportunity to compete as the only American manufacturer for the light air craft contract, expect more bad news to come out of their offices.

Of course, the employees of Hawker Beechraft may not be on President Obama’s nice list these days anyway. It turns out that Hawker Beechcraft employees are represented by the International Association of Machinists (IAM). IAM president, Tom Buffenbarger, is one of the few union presidents without direct access to the White House. Here’s why:

For the video impaired, here’s the takeaway:

“Barack so loved his own performance that he made Galesburg part of his presidential stump speech. That’s right, he’s damn proud of his performance. Well I’m not. All he proved is like Janus, the two-faced Roman god of ancient times. He could act like a friend to the workin’ man. Even as he danced to tune dictated by billionaires. Yes, we’ve seen this act before.”

Curious that the Obama administration would push an American manufacturing company who’d been trusted in the past in favor of a company run by a government directly involved in the continuing move towards nuclear capabilities by the nation most hostile to American interests.

Then again, with a President that is known for awarding favors to allies and punishing enemies that don’t kiss the ring, perhaps it’s not that surprising at all.

Peter Fogel
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/22/2011 5:35:32 PM
Hello Peter,

I did not hear Ron Paul say he blames 'the United States' for the Jihadi 9/11 attack...I heard him say the people are the United States. He blamed it on Govt policy. Many of The Fed Govt Senators and Presidents have/are members of this Global Elite Satan worshiping murderous group who plot their evil schemes in secret..

Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Freemasons, Skull & Crossbones, includes the British Monarchy, The Vatican, Jesuits, (that often get mistaken for Jews and they get blamed) and other secret societies



It has been proved many many times via Youtubes video webpages from a host of sources that 9/11 was an inside job committed by the Bush Administration who is part of the Global Evil Elite Secret Society as a 'False Flag operation' to hasten fear into the lives of the citizens of the US and around the world to start a war in Iraq and blame Bin Laden kill off more of the population, steal their resources. Their end goal to bring in the New World Order.

The Towers fell from a demolition free fall with explosives - the Red Flag was the Tower 7 that was not hit and was 'pulled' in a demolition. There have been many interviews conducted with many professional experts unrelated to the WTC.. architects, demolition men etc whom upon viewing clips of the Tower 7 and also hearing the news from reporters standing in front of the Tower before it fell and reporting 'that it has fallen'..

Most people around the world know this as it has been talked about so widely and they can do their own research online and see for themselves. Only a few 'diehards' who don't.

People are waking up that the Global Elite have been behind ALL wars through manipulation, playing one side against the other and funding - they make their money through wars as well as it kills people. They have used wars for centuries to plunder and loot. Take over bids and buy out Corporations, Banks etc and then place their own people into high powered positions

They Create the problems
Wait and see the reaction from the citizens
then come in with the solution, stealing freedom in new laws etc - Conquer and divide strategy

Hello Friends,

Once again Ron Paul blames the United States for the Jihadi 911 attack. It comes full circle with this guy. In an interview with Face the Nation he stated his opinion but hemmed and hawed when pressed for a definitive answer.

According to him there is no threat or danger to the world if Iran goes Nuclear and the list of his child like foreign policies and opinions are endless.

His only positive attributes are his fiscal policies and fight against the FED but that alone isn't sufficient to vote for this joker considering his stance on all other issues some of which are down right dangerous.

Below is an article form The Hill reviewing his interview and for those interested in listening to parts of the interview please go here.



By Justin Sink - 11/20/11 11:25 AM ET

Ron Paul said that American policymakers were at least partially at fault for the country being attacked on 9/11 during a discussion of foreign policy on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday.

Paul argued that the American military presence in Saudi Arabia - rather than ideological differences or anger over American prosperity - were motivation for the September 11 hijackers.

"Just remember that immediately after 9/11, we removed the base in Saudi Arabia, our policies definitely had an influence," Paul said. "To argue the case they want to do us harm because we're free and prosperous I think is a very dangerous notion, because it's not true."

Host Bob Schieffer then pressed Paul on whether that wasn't the equivalent of blaming America for the attacks.

"If you have a flawed policy, that may have influenced it… that's a far cry from blaming America," Paul responded.

"So what you're saying is that it was the government's fault," Schieffer then said.

"I'm saying the policymaker's fault," Paul responded. "[They] contributed to it, contributed to it."

Paul went on to say that if he became president, he would pull troops out of overseas bases, arguing that submarines and long-range missiles would work just as well as deterrents.

"Absolutely, and the people are with me on that, those troops oversees aggravate our enemies," Paul said.

The Texas congressman went on to warn against posturing towards Iran after a recent intelligence report found that the nation was more aggressively seeking nuclear weapons.

"I think the greatest danger for us now is to overreact… Iran doesn't have a bomb, there's no proof, and for us to overreact and talk about bombing Iran is much more dangerous," Paul said.

He also said that he did not support sanctions against the nation, arguing they were the "initial steps towards war."
