Hello Peter, I see this more and more youtubes removed, especially on Obama, his administration does not want anyone to say or see anything negative on him. This is dictatorship yet still so many do not see it this way "This Video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by RenTV"Quote: Hello Friends,
Aside from the fact that this video is hilarious and probably should be in my joke thread (hmmmm, I'll post it there too) but what it mainly shows is the disdain and disrespect the world has for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.
He's shown his weakness time and again in world affairs and he himself dissed the United States and it's people so many times that the world apparently thinks he deserves nothing less then the "finger" the Russian news presenter gave him during a news broadcast. He's bowed to Putin ,the Saudi King, the Japanese Emperor and others and what he's getting in return is the finger he so deserves.
Let's hope the American people will give him the "finger" in 2012 by voting him out of office. Let him and peanut brain Carter fight it out as private citizens and as ex presidents who was the worst president ever.