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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/19/2011 8:09:27 AM
Hi Jim,

I had to decide which of your last posts to quote I decided on this one cos it documents the crimes these occupiers are guilty of.

Why is that important ? Cos when you read posts in other threads here in Adland and other places on the net you find for the past few days many posts and articles on the supposed attacks of the police on those "innocent" demonstrators and not the causes for the police reactions. It's not surprising that the supporters of these Soros funded , paid protesters, druggies, rapists, murderers (and much more) and worst of all the useful idiots who have no idea why they're there did to cause the police to arrest them and what I would call protect themselves from their aggressive provocations and violence. It's all in the Alinsky work book and they're following it to a T. In one video one of the speaker even thanked the police for being there in order to advance their "public relations".

They lived in squalor and filth, stole, killed, raped, used drugs and so much more and these people are supported by the Soros', union thugs, Nazis, Communists, Anarchists etc. etc. and yet people are supporting and defending their right to live off other peoples efforts and endeavors. Sorta makes you think doesn't it?



Ain't it funny how anyone with a bone to pick with the US is happy as hell for the OWS crowd. Yet their own countries are now thrivjng because of the capitalism that brought them from their dirt floors to indoor toilets and running water.

Yet they still do not understand it is the greed of the OWS types that gives c
ancer a good name. IMHO

When you add up the atrocities(OWS, Progressives and Soros funded entities) these idiots are responsible for, in the name of their so called equality. As their leaders continue to live the good life they sleep in the cold in parks. What idiots.

Hello Friends,

I remember when these Occupier protests started and I read in other threads about the love and change these protests will bring about. The same people were also speaking against the elites and the NWO. Well as time passed we found that these same elites are behind these protests and are using the useful idiots some of whom are being paid to protest in order to bring about their NWO by destroying the America. We also found out that aside from Soros and his ilk these protests are being supported and funded by communists, Nazis, anarchists, socialists, the unions and their goons, the KKK with David Duke in open support and the list goes on and on and on.

Violence, crimes, squalor, thefts, rapes, murders, drugs etc. etc.etc. is what is happening at these occupier camps and protests and the bottom line is that the majority still don't know what they're doing there aside from getting free meals and sponging off the taxpayers dime.

The MSM and the liberal progressive socialist politicians who support these occupiers with B Hussein, Nancy Pelosi and many others tried to compare the occupiers to the "hated" Tea Parties but were unsuccessful in their endeavors.

So let's compare the rap sheets of the Occupiers vs the Tea Party. The below article does just that. And don't forget the fraud and great pretender B Hussein supports these protests.



Obama-Endorsed #OWS Occupy Rap Sheet PLUS White House Shooter Lived at Occupy DC Camp

And the guy who shot at White House lived in Occupy DC Camp

The Occupy Wall Street Rapsheet (So Far), With Numbers, Statistics, and Sources Aurelius
While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free.

Instead, I decided to make a list of all the crimes that OWS has committed that I can actually cite with news articles. Therefore, prejudiced or racist vulgarities, and the like, screamed by Occupy protesters has not been included.

And simply because I could, I included the number of Tea Partiers who committed the same crimes. I'll give you a hint at what that number is: it's less than 1 and it is not a negative number.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/19/2011 8:13:30 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's a video with an interesting breakdown of how the progressive liberal socialist communist left is using propaganda in many of their productions in Hollywood.

After watching it and understanding the ideologies behind the progressive liberal socialist communist Hollywood "artists" you understand and are not surprised why they are supporting the occupiers even though the majority of them are high up in the "1%".



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/19/2011 12:37:49 PM
Hello All,

I think by now most of you know what I think of the occupiers and they're founders, funders, supporters from across the Isms, union goons, Soros, Democ rats and of course last but not least the nefarious support of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

Below is an article many of you might find interesting. David Horowitz the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and other online publications was interviewed by Newsmax and his thoughts on the occupiers and other issues are very interesting. For those who want to watch the video go here there is additional info there not in the below article.



Horowitz: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are ‘Idiots’

Posted by Bio ↓ on Nov 18th, 2011

Reprinted from Newsmax.

Conservative activist and author David Horowitz tells Newsmax that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are “morons” being exploited by the organized left.

He also says the Republican presidential candidate could win in a landslide in 2012, warns that the Democrats are “character assassins” who will vilify their GOP rival, and predicts that the tea party will play a huge role in the outcome.

Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and editor of FrontPage Magazine. His latest book is “A Point in Time: The Search For Redemption in This Life and the Next.”

The Freedom Center’s stated mission is to “combat the efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values in a time of terror.” The organization will convene its annual Restoration Weekend in South Florida beginning on Nov. 17.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Horowitz, a former radical leftist who converted to conservatism in the 1980s, was asked about the Occupy Wall Street protesters and their ongoing demonstrations in Manhattan and elsewhere.

“They are idiots,” Horowitz declares.

“If you’ve watched their interviews you know that they’re morons. But what is behind them is ACORN, George Soros, and the core of the Democratic Party. That’s why we ought to pay attention to them.”

As to whether the Occupy movement has been spontaneous or manipulated by the organized left, Horowitz says: “I think it’s both. It’s like a chicken-and-an-egg question.

“Some of the motivation must have been that the Democrats have created this horrific situation in our education system, where you get what looks like a free ride because there are all these student loans, and it’s not a free ride.

“So you have these kids, they’ve got a $100,000 debt and there are no jobs, thanks to the Democrats. So that became an occasion, and once there’s a happening — the first Occupy Wall Street — then these big unions come in behind it, there’s money there, and ACORN. So there’s already a very organized left and it grows.

“When you’re 20 years old and kind of stupid, you want to be involved in what’s happening. It’s exciting. We’re making history. No you’re not. You’re just dirtying the streets and the neighborhood.”

Asked about the Occupy Wall Street movement’s future, Horowitz responds that it’s fueled by the old left “that was demoralized by the collapse of socialism and was dormant for a few years, and then came back. We can expect this to go on and on in the future. You’re not going to persuade them. They’re going to be there.”

Asked whether he agrees with conservative pundits who predict the Republicans will win the White House next year, Horowitz responds: “I think it could be a landslide in our favor, and I think we can lose, so I wouldn’t be so confident.

“A lot depends on the candidate. All of our candidates have vulnerabilities that worry me, and the Democrats are character assassins. That’s what they do. They don’t have ideas or plans to fix things. What they have is the weapons of slander and vilification and the politics of personal destruction, which is what is going on now with Herman Cain.”

As for the tea party’s role next year, Horowitz declares: “The tea party is the most important development in the history of modern conservatism, and of this country. If it is out there it will be a hugely important force for stiffening the Republican spine, which is the big problem that Republicans have.”

Horowitz also says Obama is “easily” the most radical president in American history.

“Obama comes from the left that I came out of, except the worst part of it,” he says.

“These are the people on the left who didn’t leave when they saw all their lies exposed. The left said socialism is the answer and still says that. They said America was wrong in Vietnam. They were wrong. They killed a lot of people. Some of us woke up but most stayed, and that’s who they are.

“Obama presents himself, at least in the first campaign, as a centrist, a uniter, and so forth. Those were all bald-faced lies. Based on his whole career you would have known that.

“The left doesn’t really have a positive agenda. It’s an anti-American agenda. Bankrupting the country for a leftist is a good thing because America is the ogre.”

Horowitz adds that his organization’s upcoming Restoration Weekend is “a kind of rejuvenation. We have a stellar cast — Glenn Beck, Herman Cain, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, and others.

“It’s to fire up the troops and give them some hope in these dark times that we live in.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/21/2011 7:52:36 AM
Hello Friends,

We've seen some ex military supporters of the different occupier movements and no one ever thought to ask what do the soldiers on active duty think about these occupiers. Below is a graphic that more or less tells us what they think. Thanks Atlas Shrugs.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/21/2011 3:20:54 PM
Hey Peter,
I think one of the most salient things said in this article "the Democrats are character assassins. That’s what they do. They don’t have ideas or plans to fix things. What they have is the weapons of slander and vilification and the politics of personal destruction, which is what is going on now" sounds a lot like some folks we all know. Thanks for sharing.


Hello All,

I think by now most of you know what I think of the occupiers and they're founders, funders, supporters from across the Isms, union goons, Soros, Democ rats and of course last but not least the nefarious support of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

Below is an article many of you might find interesting. David Horowitz the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and other online publications was interviewed by Newsmax and his thoughts on the occupiers and other issues are very interesting. For those who want to watch the video go here there is additional info there not in the below article.



Horowitz: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are ‘Idiots’

Posted by Bio ↓ on Nov 18th, 2011

Reprinted from Newsmax.

Conservative activist and author David Horowitz tells Newsmax that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are “morons” being exploited by the organized left.

He also says the Republican presidential candidate could win in a landslide in 2012, warns that the Democrats are “character assassins” who will vilify their GOP rival, and predicts that the tea party will play a huge role in the outcome.

Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and editor of FrontPage Magazine. His latest book is “A Point in Time: The Search For Redemption in This Life and the Next.”

The Freedom Center’s stated mission is to “combat the efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values in a time of terror.” The organization will convene its annual Restoration Weekend in South Florida beginning on Nov. 17.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Horowitz, a former radical leftist who converted to conservatism in the 1980s, was asked about the Occupy Wall Street protesters and their ongoing demonstrations in Manhattan and elsewhere.

“They are idiots,” Horowitz declares.

“If you’ve watched their interviews you know that they’re morons. But what is behind them is ACORN, George Soros, and the core of the Democratic Party. That’s why we ought to pay attention to them.”

As to whether the Occupy movement has been spontaneous or manipulated by the organized left, Horowitz says: “I think it’s both. It’s like a chicken-and-an-egg question.

“Some of the motivation must have been that the Democrats have created this horrific situation in our education system, where you get what looks like a free ride because there are all these student loans, and it’s not a free ride.

“So you have these kids, they’ve got a $100,000 debt and there are no jobs, thanks to the Democrats. So that became an occasion, and once there’s a happening — the first Occupy Wall Street — then these big unions come in behind it, there’s money there, and ACORN. So there’s already a very organized left and it grows.

“When you’re 20 years old and kind of stupid, you want to be involved in what’s happening. It’s exciting. We’re making history. No you’re not. You’re just dirtying the streets and the neighborhood.”

Asked about the Occupy Wall Street movement’s future, Horowitz responds that it’s fueled by the old left “that was demoralized by the collapse of socialism and was dormant for a few years, and then came back. We can expect this to go on and on in the future. You’re not going to persuade them. They’re going to be there.”

Asked whether he agrees with conservative pundits who predict the Republicans will win the White House next year, Horowitz responds: “I think it could be a landslide in our favor, and I think we can lose, so I wouldn’t be so confident.

“A lot depends on the candidate. All of our candidates have vulnerabilities that worry me, and the Democrats are character assassins. That’s what they do. They don’t have ideas or plans to fix things. What they have is the weapons of slander and vilification and the politics of personal destruction, which is what is going on now with Herman Cain.”

As for the tea party’s role next year, Horowitz declares: “The tea party is the most important development in the history of modern conservatism, and of this country. If it is out there it will be a hugely important force for stiffening the Republican spine, which is the big problem that Republicans have.”

Horowitz also says Obama is “easily” the most radical president in American history.

“Obama comes from the left that I came out of, except the worst part of it,” he says.

“These are the people on the left who didn’t leave when they saw all their lies exposed. The left said socialism is the answer and still says that. They said America was wrong in Vietnam. They were wrong. They killed a lot of people. Some of us woke up but most stayed, and that’s who they are.

“Obama presents himself, at least in the first campaign, as a centrist, a uniter, and so forth. Those were all bald-faced lies. Based on his whole career you would have known that.

“The left doesn’t really have a positive agenda. It’s an anti-American agenda. Bankrupting the country for a leftist is a good thing because America is the ogre.”

Horowitz adds that his organization’s upcoming Restoration Weekend is “a kind of rejuvenation. We have a stellar cast — Glenn Beck, Herman Cain, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, and others.

“It’s to fire up the troops and give them some hope in these dark times that we live in.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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