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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/18/2011 10:51:40 AM
Hello Friends,

By now you all know that Rep. Alan West is my favorite politician. He consistently tells it like it is and has no fear to attack the establishment and the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

He's fought for his country in the military and is now fighting for all Americans within the political system trying to change the corruption and progressive liberal socialists from within and with more people like him in Washington who knows what's possible.

Florida has supplied Congress with two excellent examples of decent uncorrupted politicians who believe their job is to represent their constituents and the American people. Alan West and Marco Rubio. What a ticket that would make.

I for one still believe Alan West should run for President and believe me he would be a President for "we the people" and not the puppet masters. He would be a candidate we all can stand behind and support with pride and know that when he wins and takes office as President of the United States things will indeed change but as opposed to B Hussein's promises of change West's changes will be for the rebuilding of the United States and not the path of destruction that B Hussein's change is orchestrating.

Alan West For President.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/18/2011 10:56:09 AM
Hello Friends,

The below video with Mark Levin raises the issue of B Hussein's fiscal irresponsibility and how to insure his defeat and combat it. Like him or hate him Levin makes a valid case to shut the Federal Government down in order to save America from the clutches of this incompetent puppet and destroyer.

The video is well worth listening to (not youtube) and you can watch/listen to it here.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/18/2011 12:43:22 PM
Ain't it funny how anyone with a bone to pick with the US is happy as hell for the OWS crowd. Yet their own countries are now thrivjng because of the capitalism that brought them from their dirt floors to indoor toilets and running water.

Yet they still do not understand it is the greed of the OWS types that gives c
ancer a good name. IMHO

When you add up the atrocities(OWS, Progressives and Soros funded entities) these idiots are responsible for, in the name of their so called equality. As their leaders continue to live the good life they sleep in the cold in parks. What idiots.

Hello Friends,

I remember when these Occupier protests started and I read in other threads about the love and change these protests will bring about. The same people were also speaking against the elites and the NWO. Well as time passed we found that these same elites are behind these protests and are using the useful idiots some of whom are being paid to protest in order to bring about their NWO by destroying the America. We also found out that aside from Soros and his ilk these protests are being supported and funded by communists, Nazis, anarchists, socialists, the unions and their goons, the KKK with David Duke in open support and the list goes on and on and on.

Violence, crimes, squalor, thefts, rapes, murders, drugs etc. etc.etc. is what is happening at these occupier camps and protests and the bottom line is that the majority still don't know what they're doing there aside from getting free meals and sponging off the taxpayers dime.

The MSM and the liberal progressive socialist politicians who support these occupiers with B Hussein, Nancy Pelosi and many others tried to compare the occupiers to the "hated" Tea Parties but were unsuccessful in their endeavors.

So let's compare the rap sheets of the Occupiers vs the Tea Party. The below article does just that. And don't forget the fraud and great pretender B Hussein supports these protests.



Obama-Endorsed #OWS Occupy Rap Sheet PLUS White House Shooter Lived at Occupy DC Camp

And the guy who shot at White House lived in Occupy DC Camp

The Occupy Wall Street Rapsheet (So Far), With Numbers, Statistics, and Sources Aurelius
While it is easy to point to the thousands of ugly, violent, and prejudiced things that so many Occupy Wall Street protesters have done so far, it is tough to put a specific number on them. Thanks to liberal mayors and OWSers intentionally not reporting crimes, many criminals have gotten off scott free.

Instead, I decided to make a list of all the crimes that OWS has committed that I can actually cite with news articles. Therefore, prejudiced or racist vulgarities, and the like, screamed by Occupy protesters has not been included.

And simply because I could, I included the number of Tea Partiers who committed the same crimes. I'll give you a hint at what that number is: it's less than 1 and it is not a negative number.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/18/2011 3:01:58 PM
Mark Levin is a must listen to personality. His support of Hillsdale College and his continued rant against the regime. He makes a lot of sense and another one whose facts are hard to dispute just like Glenn Beck, John Stossel and Eric Bolling.

Hello Friends,

The below video with Mark Levin raises the issue of B Hussein's fiscal irresponsibility and how to insure his defeat and combat it. Like him or hate him Levin makes a valid case to shut the Federal Government down in order to save America from the clutches of this incompetent puppet and destroyer.

The video is well worth listening to (not youtube) and you can watch/listen to it here.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/18/2011 10:34:54 PM
No matter how many OWS articles are flashed about will justify their actions. The best response to them has already been made by Bill Whittle and the average "Bob" that actually works, supports their educations via the Student Loans programs. We fund and carry the note for them on them. I am glad they are being sent home for the holidays, myself.

Anyways play the video below and if you ain't rooting for "Bob" you ain't with us.

Hey Jim,

Gotta agree with you. BOB is definitely what we should strive for. Realizing our dreams and goals and having a purpose in life as opposed to expecting entitlements and living at the expense of other.



All I have to say is Be a BOB not a 99%er
Every Entrepreneur, business owner, MLMer and Internet Marketer Should realize they are BOBs
Hello Friends,

Bill Whittle has the ability to explain things in such a way that even the dimmest of dim can understand.

In this edition of Afterburner he explains all that's wrong with the occupiers and why they won't succeed unless they change their mindset and crawl out of the entitlement mentality and redistribution of wealth to get what belongs to others with out doing anything to earn it.

I'll not get into the crime, rape, murders, arrests, violence, drugs, stealing and so much more going on in all the occupier campsites. I'll not mention that OWS was evicted FINALLY from Zuccoti park.

Today let's hope Bill's message hopefully sinks in to these useful idiots minds and it just might give them a future to look forward to.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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