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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/19/2011 10:01:32 PM
Hello Friends,

The lunacy of the progressive left wing liberals in Congress never ceases to amaze me. What won't they do or say in order to insure the votes of the unemployed and all those professional freebiers out there? Unemployment which in a large part is due to their inept policies in spite of all their bailouts and promised handouts escapes this idiot.

Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. demanded that the fraud and great pretender pay all the unemployed $40,000 a year, another form of redistribution of wealth but that's besides the point cos according to this idiot all you have to do is print more money. Then again the bottom line is that it will be at the expense of the people who work and pay taxes and if you're one of them it's on your dime.

Worst part of all is that he wants the fraud and great pretender B Hussein to do all this without Congressional approval. Sounds logical doesn't it? So, people who don't work will end up earning $40,000 a year so there would really be no need for them to look for a job ...... ever would there? Great "stimulus" and example for future generations to be productive people. This idiot wants a country full of dependent voters to insure that the Democ rats get their votes in spite of or despite the Constitution. Friends, you can't fix stupid but you can vote them out of office and that includes the fraud and great pretender too.

Below you'll find a discussion on Jackson's idiotic proposal you might find interesting and a video about the Constitution.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2011 4:21:15 PM
Hello Friends,

I've posted about a few of the organizers of OWS and other "occupied" areas around the country. We've seen the trash piling up and not only the garbage but that includes the protesters too. The majority still don't know why they're out there and many are still getting paid to "protest".

Aside from the banners against Capitalism and all the rest of their communistic drivel they're also sending a sharp anti Jewish message. In other words anti Semitism is shamelessly on the march there too.

Let's take a closer look at one of the organizers and see if this woman is your cup of tea. I certainly hope not but if she is ....... then I personally pity you.




  • Longtime community organizer and direct-action agitator
  • A key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle
  • Served as a human shield in actions conducted by the International Solidarity Movement in the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus
  • Has accused Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day in Gaza and the Occupied territories”
  • Seeks to “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible”
  • Is the top street-level organizer of the Occupy Wall Street movement

See also: Occupy Wall Street Cindy Sheehan

United for Peace and Justice

Born in 1961
, Lisa Fithian is a longtime community organizer who specializes in aggressive “direct action” tactics and, as journalist Byron York puts it, “operates in the world of anti-globalism anarchists, antiwar protesters, and union activists.”

After attending Skidmore College, Fithian in 1983 began working with “Yippie” movement co-founder Abbie Hoffman at the environmental organization Save the River. Also during the 1980s, Fithian actively protested against American aid to the Nicaraguan Contras and worked with Pledge of Resistance, an organization that used civil disobedience to register its opposition to U.S. military intervention in Central America.

In 1987 Fithian was the national coordinator of a large demonstration aimed at shutting down the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia. That same year, she served on the national coordinating group for a gay-and-lesbian-rights rally outside of the Supreme Court building—a protest sparked by the Court's 1986 decision to uphold anti-sodomy laws in Bowers v. Hardwick.

During her seven years as coordinator of the Washington Peace Center in the 1980s, Fithian organized hundreds of demonstrations on a wide range of issues—including support for the Palestinian Intifada of 1987. In 1991, Fithian protested against America's involvement in the first Gulf War.

In 1993 Fithian joined the labor movement through the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute. During the ensuing years, she helped lead direct-action protests on behalf of workers in the nursing, farming, automobile, hospital, hotel, security, janitorial, laundry, and newspaper industries in cities across the United States. Hallmarks of those protests included displays of civil disobedience whose aim was to provoke police into arresting hundreds or even thousands of people. Fithian also served as the mobilization coordinator for the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, an 800,000-member entity .

In 1999 Fithian was a key organizer of the chaotic demonstrations which devolved into violent riots and caused the shutdown of the World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle. Afterward, Fithian helped found the Continental Direct Action Network, a confederation of anarchist groups. In 2003 she organized against yet another WTO conference—in Cancun, Mexico—where the talks similarly collapsed.

In 2001 (Quebec) and 2003 (Miami), Fithian organized against Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) summits. In Fithian's view, the FTAA, which sought to expand the 1993 NAFTA agreement to include also all of South America, amounted to a corporate land grab that threatened not only to stamp out indigenous cultures but also to ravage the environment. Her goal was to “create enough brouhaha”—by such strategies as blocking delegates' access to the Miami airport and the conference center—to “undermine that city's ability to host” the event; i.e., to “shut it down.”

Since 2000, Fithian has also led direct-action trainings and helped facilitate street protests at IMF/World Bank meetings in the U.S., the Czech Republic, and Canada; she has organized against G8 Summits in Italy, Canada, Switzerland, the U.S., Scotland, Germany, and Japan; she helped organize against a World Economic Forum in New York; and she was a key planner of protests at the Republican and Democratic national conventions in 2000 and 2004.

In 2003, Fithian spent several weeks working with the International Solidarity Movement in the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus, where she acted as a human shield in an effort to prevent Israel's demolition of the homes of Palestinian extremists and terrorists.

Fithian has also worked for “environmental justice” with such Texas-based groups as the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (which she helped establish in 2002) and the Save Our Springs Alliance.

Since 2003, Fithian has served on the national steering committee of United for Peace and Justice. In 2005, she provided direct support and guidance for anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas. Thereafter, Fithian coordinated the Bring Them Home Now tour, which featured more than 200 anti-war events in 28 states during a 25-day period. After the tour, Fithian went to New Orleans and spent a year working with Common Ground Relief on projects designed to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

More recently, Fithian has provided training and support to such groups as the new Students for a Democratic Society, the Fair Immigrants Rights Movement, ACORN, National People's Action, and many others.

Fithian says that she and others “who are trying to create a new world ... have to dismantle or transform the old order” because “I just fundamentally don't believe it will ever serve our interests as it's currently constructed.” Citing the late-19th and early-20th century anarchist movement in Spain as her inspiration, Fithian refuses to limit her activism strictly to methods of nonviolent civil disobedience. “I am not a pacifist,” she says, explaining that “I was raised in this culture, which is a very violent culture and I understand that I have some violence in who I am.”

In an effort to fulfill her moral “obligation” to “undo all the oppression” that exists in American society, Fithian seeks to “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.” "Every choice you make," she says, "is choosing to liberate something or oppress something."

In the spring of 2010, Fithian led members of the United Auto Workers union in a rowdy protest designed to “close” a branch of Bank of America for allegedly paying too little in taxes, handing out too many subprime loans, and refusing to renegotiate mortgages for homeowners facing foreclosure. In October 2010, Fithian led activists from the Service Employees International Union in a similar demonstration at the American Bankers Association's Business Expo in Boston.

At a May 31, 2010 protest in Austin, Texas, Fithian publicly accused the state of Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day in Gaza and the Occupied territories.” “It is time for the U.S. tax dollars that fund that [Israeli] occupation to end,” she said. During the same event, fellow demonstrators chanted such slogans as Long live Intifada! and Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea!

Fithian has been the top street-level organizer of the Occupy Wall Street movement and its various urban chapters since its inception in September 2011. Charging that “the corporations [and] the big banks in this country have been destroying this country,” Fithian seeks to “make sure that the most impacted people, the undocumented folks, the poor people, the students in debt are able to have their voices heard.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/21/2011 6:06:10 PM
Hello Peter,
It has been a few days since I have managed to get back in here.

I agree Bildiberg member George Soros is behind paying protesters to 'muddy the waters' and be in attendance at OWS. I have seen a few adverts on Craigslist (I tried to copy and bookmark and my computer froze up and I had to reboot and could not find the page again..) These paid protesters do not have a clue or an agenda why they are there.

Here is a short video I believe why there has not been a fair or proper election for President for years. Look who is related to whom and you get to see how all this is played out. They are not going to let some outsider be voted in - yet they let the public 'think' they are voting for the best candidate. US people have been manipulated and deceived for years.

Look who else is involved by genealogy ties. The pictures go by a little fast and I hope it does not hurt your eyes, also turn your volume down because some of the music is annoying.

I hate repeating myself, yet until the majority of people connect the dots to these high ranking family ties whom are in control all over the world and the 'wool' is pulled off their eyes they will be only seeing a small selection of problems that is wrong, rather than the whole picture.

Even far too many church pastors and members have not connected the dots and yet they should know what Revelation says and what it is about.

So sad that a bunch of high profile Elite can deceive the whole world for so long and now they are not even hiding so much - They are hiding in plain sight.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/22/2011 2:13:59 AM
Here is a youtube a little more uplifting:

Luke Rudkowski interviews Rapper David Banner and breaks down his #ows perspective.

Help We Are Change produce more videos like this and continue our coverage of occupy wall street


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/22/2011 9:09:35 AM
Hi Amanda,

I saw the video with the Bush family tree when it first came out a few years ago. I had a good chuckle then and watching it again now another good laugh. I'll tell you why.

My father was always very interested in family trees. When we had family gatherings he always made it a point to tell me how we were related to all those present. The list was something like this. This person is your first cousin, and the next is your first cousin once removed, then a second cousin and another second cousin once removed etc. We never had more then third or in some cases 4th cousins present for very obvious reasons.

How does this relate to the video? It's like this, when you go back to 12th cousin 5 times removed you're talking about families that never knew one another or even knew they were related. I'm willing to wager that if we go back far enough in our family trees we might even find that we're related (BTW, I'd have absolutely no objection to that :) ).

So this video as far as I'm concerned really doesn't prove much but for those like yourself that think it proves your point I respect your beliefs.

That said, and I know I'm repeating myself now, we all know there are elites, call them Illuminati or as many do cabal out there pulling the strings behind the scenes with many political leaders. I'm not a conspiracy theorist nor do I deal with speculations, suppositions and unproven allegations. There have always been secret societies and many of their members have risen to positions of power in government, politics, industry, banking and more as there are many that never were members of these societies. Does this prove they are all working in concert? Maybe, but again it's a possibility that hasn't been proven.

I also mentioned that I see Islam especially the radical governments and now after the so called Arab Spring they're all turning into additional radical regimes. Libya is the latest with the new leader a "former" Al Qaeda member. The Jihad against the West in my opinion is at least as dangerous as the elites of the world if not much more dangerous. Taking into account that they are working in concert with the elites as we've seen time and again over the past few years I personally consider the Islamic threat to the Western world much more dangerous and with them it's not a question of unproven speculations, suppositions, innuendos and allegations cos they are telling you outright what their plans are without shame and fear of retribution cos of the politically correct atmosphere we're living in.



Hello Peter,
It has been a few days since I have managed to get back in here.

I agree Bildiberg member George Soros is behind paying protesters to 'muddy the waters' and be in attendance at OWS. I have seen a few adverts on Craigslist (I tried to copy and bookmark and my computer froze up and I had to reboot and could not find the page again..) These paid protesters do not have a clue or an agenda why they are there.

Here is a short video I believe why there has not been a fair or proper election for President for years. Look who is related to whom and you get to see how all this is played out. They are not going to let some outsider be voted in - yet they let the public 'think' they are voting for the best candidate. US people have been manipulated and deceived for years.

Look who else is involved by genealogy ties. The pictures go by a little fast and I hope it does not hurt your eyes, also turn your volume down because some of the music is annoying.

I hate repeating myself, yet until the majority of people connect the dots to these high ranking family ties whom are in control all over the world and the 'wool' is pulled off their eyes they will be only seeing a small selection of problems that is wrong, rather than the whole picture.

Even far too many church pastors and members have not connected the dots and yet they should know what Revelation says and what it is about.

So sad that a bunch of high profile Elite can deceive the whole world for so long and now they are not even hiding so much - They are hiding in plain sight.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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