Oh Peter, I was just remembering from the last paragraph I just finished on to add more... I have always understood that the King James bible was translated into english, this being one of the favoured books and often I understand re-translated from. Hmm (I can almost hear you thinking *lol* The Church of England that the Queen Elizabeth 2nd is head of, broke away from the Catholic church by King Henry 8th (who married 6 times) because he could not divorce one of his wives - although he had other wives beheaded! Great beginnings for the Church of England or the Anglican as it also known as with all this blood beginnings.
My husband James said to me years ago that he did not believe the bible to be a 'true' word of God as he believed many pages, verses, books even had been compromised, changed to suit or just plan left out altogether. - Well, I disagreed with him fiercely! and said if they were, then God would enlighten each of us as we were ready. Years later, I agree with James and noticed myself as I stopped reading the bible regularly many years ago from the first initial reading cover to cover upon being baptised in the Holy Spirit and where the Word has stuck in my heart. I still look up for reference when I need to look for a verse I think of or someone gives. My point is: I am going to have to search diligently to see if I can ever find the bible before King James version or a very good source that can translate from the original. Anyway just wanted to share that I read more between the lines than you may have been aware of. :)