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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/24/2011 9:14:18 AM
Hi Amanda,

I suppose you're referring to what is called in Ezekiel the war of Gog and Magog. The end times. I doubt very seriously that you and I will be witnesses to this war and it's not easy to imagine such a war since it'll be like nothing that ever happened in the history of mankind. If you're interested you can read more about it here.

I watched the video and found it interesting and aside from the recommendation of non compliance and love as the way to fight the Elites/Illuminati it's more of the same as most of the videos on this subject. I'm not sure exactly what non compliance is (aside from the example he gave for a soldier refusing to go to war). Should we stop watching TV (well I'm already doing that- I watch very little TV), close our bank accounts, throw away our check books, destroy our credit cards (already did that, I only pay cash), stop buying food, refuse to pay for our utilities, water etc.? And then join with our enemies to fight the Elites and sort out the problems between us later on? Not a very realistic suggestions and battle plan IMHO.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/24/2011 9:17:49 AM
Hi Phil,

Very good article and your local pundit surely hit the nail on the head. And WAKE UP AMERICA is right and hopefully sooner rather then later.




Hi Peter,

Glad you liked the story. I thought you might enjoy it!

Thanks for the excellent cartoons and comments by Bosh Fawstin. He's right on the money regarding these Hoodlums. The only difference is that I still refer to Bammy as the "Baby- Killer-in-Chief", but since as we all know, he is wrongfully occupying the White House, I guess Occupier-in-Chief fits as well.

One of our local Pundits offered an excellent comment in today's edition of our local newspaper, the "High Point Enterprise"...

If you want to better understand the whole “Occupy Wall Street” excuse for a movement, one should study the history of the Soviet Union, particularly October 1912, also known as “Red October.” These “protesters” are exactly what Karl Marx referred to as the “useful idiots” which led to the rise of communism within the Russian sphere of influence. They “occupy” at the behest of the current administration and its handlers (i.e. George Soros) even though they have no idea why they are doing it.

Of course, the benevolent leader is in the process of crisscrossing the nation at the taxpayer’s expense, which in reality is a very thinly-veiled excuse to demonize Republicans all in the name of his re-election campaign. If our “Community Organizer-In-Chief” were to use the resources he is using for re-election efforts to address some of our nation’s problems, perhaps headway would be made. Instead, the administration falls back on wealth envy and class warfare for a campaign, which is directly influenced by the Cloward-Piven Strategy, a blueprint to topple the American way of life.

History will repeat itself if America as a nation does not wake up to what is happening under our noses every single day. The American way of life is under attack, as is excellence and the basis for our free market system, capitalism. Government-run schools are mostly responsible for the masses of uneducated “voters” who simply spout the talking points handed out to them daily on the liberal media.

Wake up. We can’t survive another four years of attacks on America from the White House itself. We simply cannot survive it. Education and realization is the first step in seeing through these plans being carried out by the president of the United States and those that handle him.

Randall M. Hedrick

High Point

Read more:
High Point Enterprise - YOUR VIEW - Occupy aims to undermine American way of life
I can only echo his sentiments and say "Wake Up America!", Before It's Too Late.
Have A Great Week My Friends,
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/25/2011 11:17:24 AM
Hello Friends,

It's quite ironic that all those that were disparaging the Tea Parties since they formed and became a powerful political force now they are trying to compare the "occupiers" to the Tea Party. How funny, strange and hypocritical is that?

Amongst the supporters is the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Again he's showed "understanding" for the hooligans, progressive left, communists, socialists, anarchists, American haters, racists and so much more but as you'll be reminded in the below video he labeled the Tea arty "teabaggers" and worse without any understanding for their legitimate protest. The same goes for the MSM, they ridiculed them at all times and now in order to give the occupiers a smidgen of respectability they compare them to the Tea Party.

A thought that came to mind over the past few days is that all those supporting them and at the same time crying about the Illuminati and Elites seem to forget that these same Elites are funding and supporting them either directly or through the many different organizations they support and fund.

The below video is a reminder of the many differences between the occupiers and the Tea Party and below that is an excellent article that might shed some additional light on the different occupier groups.



What Explains the Left's Affinity for OWS and Abhorrence of the Tea Party?
By Monte Kuligowski

The 99ers, which more accurately are 22ers, have no coalescing message other than a desire for a central command-and-control government, whether nationally or globally. In other words, they share the kindred spirit of redistributive fairness with our puerile president. Initially we saw the Muslim Brotherhood uprising, and now, with the Wall Street Spring, Barack Obama is causing democracy to break out everywhere!

First, Barack Obama said the Wall Street Occupiers express "the frustration of the American people." Then, while honoring MLK at the dedication of the new memorial in Washington, Obama channeled the late civil rights leader in support of the protesters: "Dr. King would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonizing those who work there."

That's interesting, because I cannot remember Obama proclaiming that the Tea Party protesters express the frustration of the American people. I do remember Obama leaving town to campaign for Obamacare in Minnesota on the day several hundred thousand Tea Party protesters descended on Washington in 2009 to make their voices heard. (They left the grounds so clean that maybe Obama never knew they were there.)

And, so far as I can recall, Obama has never argued that Dr. King would want us to challenge the excesses of the federal government without demonizing those who work there.

Maybe that's because Obama was complicit in trying to demonize the Tea Party, leading the way in the immature art of vile name-calling. Reporting for the Atlantic Wire, Jared Keller writes:

[Jake] Tapper comes across a November 30, 2009 interview in which Obama declared that the unanimous vote of House Republicans against the stimulus bills "set the tenor for the whole year ... That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans." Obama's use of the term "tea-bagger," often deployed mockingly by news outlets, surprises Tapper. "Three days after he decried the lack of civility in American politics, President Obama is quoted in a new book about his presidency referring to the Tea Party movement using a derogatory term with sexual connotations," he reports.

In light of that, maybe it's not surprising that Barack Obama has never denounced or apologized for the revolting words of union boss Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., which were directed at the Tea Party:

We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war.

President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march... Everybody here's got a vote ... Let's take these son-of-a-*****es out and give America back to an America where we belong.

Those words preceded Obama's recent Labor Day Speech in Detroit; Hoffa Jr. warmed up the crowd before Obama took over the podium. When Obama addressed the same crowd, he should have been aware of Hoffa's hateful rhetoric, yet Hoffa got a free pass and gets one to this day. Regardless, it's not so important whether Obama knew about Hoffa's agitating at the time; what's important is that Obama has not once taken the time to rebuke Hoffa in the aftermath.

Tellingly, Obama views Tea Party citizens as his enemies. Of course, so do the rest of the far left and its media.

We've heard from the left that the Tea Party consists of an angry mob of racially motivated bigots who are the equivalent of al-Qaeda terrorists. Running with the baseless narrative, the president himself asserted that race is a "key component" of the Tea Party protests. The vice president likened Tea Party participants to "terrorists."

During the debt ceiling debate, Bloomberg's Margret Carlson said the Tea Party people effectively "strapped explosives to the Capitol," wanting to "burn the place down."

Maxine Waters (D-CA), an intellectual giant of the Democrat Party, succinctly sums up how the Obama left really feels about the patriotic movement: "The Tea Party can go straight to hell."

One cannot help but notice the disparity between the irrational animus of the left and what the Tea Party actually stands for.

The Tea Party represents vintage America's time-tested principles on fiscal responsibility. The Tea Party consists of Republicans, independents, and even old-style Democrats. It arose spontaneously in response to the spending madness of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, in the midst of Obama's frenzied rush to pass trillion-dollar bills with thousands of unread pages. Its message to Washington was and is "get back to the Constitution, cut spending, and let's live within our means."

What's to hate about that? In a sane America, there would be absolutely nothing controversial about the Tea Party. Its message would be celebrated -- even by the Democrat Party.

In his exceptional piece explaining the spirit behind the left's assault on traditional culture, David Kupelian describes the Tea Party:

When I see a tea party scene with a patriot dressed up as George Washington, or a soccer mom with her kids holding homemade signs saying "God bless America," or a grandmother thoughtfully picking up litter after the rally so the city's maintenance crew won't have much to do, I like to think of these good folks as characters right out of a Norman Rockwell painting.

Of course, many residing in the parallel universe of our country's Left Nation don't exactly wax nostalgic over Rockwell's portrayal of traditional America. Kupelian notes that there "is a growing and highly influential segment of our society that thinks normal, 'Ozzie and Harriet,' traditional-minded Americans are evil."

"The irrational hatred toward Sarah Palin," writes Kupelian, "cannot be explained in the usual terms of politics and ideology. The traditional divide of 'liberal versus conservative' or 'Democrat versus Republican' cannot explain such dark, almost other-worldly expressions as 'I hope she dies gnashing her teeth' or death threats against the Palins' children."

We are not witnessing the politics of your father's Democrat Party.

Kupelian observes that those who are given to the new morality shriek like vampires at the light of traditional morality. They are repelled because the light exposes what they have become.

Still, on its face, good versus evil doesn't explain the left's base hatred toward the Tea Party. It may explain, for example, the left's abhorrence of Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council. Many on the left hate Christianity and its moral absolutes, but why harbor irrational hatred over fiscal responsibility?

If the Tea Party preached a religious-based message, the dichotomy would make sense. But the Tea Party is about fiscal conservatism, not religious conservatism (There are religious conservatives in the movement, of course, but so far its message has been limited to debt and spending issues.)

Even with that being the case, we have to understand that the left's repulsion of the Tea Party is nevertheless based on morality.

Titanic spending and taxing initiatives of the federal government are the fundamentals of the new collective morality of the left. The centralized federal government is looked to as the savior of the masses. Part of the moral construct of the new secular religion involves the federal government taking from the "rich" and spreading the wealth to the poor. To the new left, it's a matter of morality for the government to share the earnings of private citizens in a way that is "fair."

An apostle of the left, George Lakoff, provided some clues in early 2009 in his piece, "The Obama Code," as to what the election of Obama would produce. As a linguistics professor Lakoff informed that on the campaign trail, Obama communicated his "moral vision" in code. Tellingly:

The Obama Code is both moral and linguistic at once. The President is using his enormous skills as a communicator to express a moral system. As he has said, budgets are moral documents. His economic program is tied to his moral system and is discussed in the Code, as are just about all of his other policies.

Obama's moral system and statism (or what our founders would call tyranny) are interdependent concepts.

At the heart of the problem is the very foundation of modern and postmodern liberalism: a confusion of jurisdiction between government and private charity. Almost everyone agrees that religious teaching says we should help the poor among us. Traditionalists believe that we have an individual responsibility which has nothing to do with government. In spite of the Constitution, progressives believe that we have a collective responsibility which can be met only through government.

Consequently, the left hates the Tea Party and loves the Wall Street Occupiers.

Monte Kuligowski is a Virginia attorney.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/25/2011 2:13:21 PM
Hello Friends,

When I saw the below announcement about the shut down of all TV and Radio broadcasts on Nov. 9th I was a bit perplexed. After reading the reasons for the "test" that is confirmed by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau I had some thoughts that were not mentioned in their announcement.

You can see the reasons stated on their website in the below article but it sorta reminded me of the shutdown of all media, telephones, cell phones and internet in Iran during the uprisings there and in other Islamic countries as well when they didn't want information going out or coming in.

Another thought was B Hussein's preparation for the upcoming elections. How convenient would it be for an emergency all of a sudden "happening" and all of America's communication systems being shut down. The step from TV and Radio being shut down to include all other communications including the internet is a very short step.

I'm not liking this "test" and I have a feeling many others have similar thoughts to my own.



Did You Know Feds Will Temporarily Cut Off All TV and Radio Broadcasts on Nov. 9?

If you have ever wondered about the government’s ability to control the civilian airwaves, you will have your answer on November 9th.

On that day, federal authorities are going to shut off all television and radio communications simultaneously at 2:00PM EST to complete the first ever test of the national Emergency Alert System (EAS).

This isn’t a wild conspiracy theory. The upcoming test is posted on the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau website.

Only the President has the authority to activate EAS at the national level, and he has delegated that authority to the Director of FEMA. The test will be conducted jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through FEMA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS).

In essence, the authority to seize control of all television and civilian communication has been asserted by the executive branch and handed to a government agency.

The EAS has been around since 1994. Its precursor, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), started back in 1963. Television and radio broadcasters, satellite radio and satellite television providers, cable television and wireline video providers are all involved in the system.

So this begs the question: is the first ever national EAS test really a big deal?

Probably not. At least, not yet.

But there are some troubling factors all coming together right now that could conceivably trigger a real usage of the EAS system in the not too distant future. A European financial collapse could bring down U.S. markets. What is now the “Occupy” movement could lead to widespread civil unrest. And there are ominous signs that radical groups such as Anonymous will attempt something major on November 5th- Guy Fawke’s day.

Now we know in the event of a major crisis, the American people will be told with one voice, at the same time, about an emergency.

All thats left to determine is who will have control of the EAS when that day comes, and what their message will be.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/26/2011 4:24:38 PM
Hello Peter,
The webpage link went to a bad link from my end - I get a few of these lately.
I went to copy and paste the Genesis 17 page and highlighted the verses I was speaking about and my browsers crashed and I did not bookmark it was the perfect size to copy and paste this is from another link.
So I was referring in Genesis Chapter 17...,my words.... That between Ishmael (father of Muslims) and Isaac father of Jews following this line.. Two great nations who multiply exceedingly.

002:And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly

006:And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
015:And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.
016:And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her

020:And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.
021:But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

As the video, I shared this because I felt it explained pretty much everything from the beginning of the Elite who how they came to be.. How they have accomplished what they have gotten away with so far and their plans from now on in 27 minutes - I thought it flowed and did not get too hooked up on one problem more than another but presented as a whole.

Non compliance for me, means - I stand up and speak for what I believe in.
When I go to town I have had the chance to speak with a number of people that I am nearby too e.g. grocery, customer service etc one on one during the course of conversation I have brought up the topic of Wallstreet, or did they know about the New World Order etc
then said there is all the information on the internet that the MSM will not tell them and on a piece of paper one of us has (must remember to have paper with me) I make a short list for them to search and especially on Youtube so they can view which I think makes a better impact than reading on it own.

I am seriously considering when James comes home to visit the Sheriff Office and the Police to joking - yet seriously make out a complaint for being poisoned and talk to them about the NWO - they have families too and then need to know.

James and I are presently on town water supply and want to put in a well. We will be looking for good quality filtration to put on our drinking water. I boil water now but not sure if that does any good against whatever has leeched in there as the last couple of months I have noticed the toilet water (only water in the house that settles to notice) there has been black sooty stuff that leaves a ring around the bowl, this does not occur everyday perhaps once per week.. It brushes off easily when cleaning - I don't know what it is!!

James and I do not have credit cards but use a debit card. However for a couple of months or so I have taken nearly all the cash out each week. We cannot close our bank account because the trucking company James drives for is out of State and his pay goes in direct credit. So far banks and check outs are not scanning the money to see where it is being spent.

I am on basic dish TV watch of an evening a couple of drama's maybe a talk show like Piers Morgan if he has someone interesting.
Then turn off the power and the set - same with unplug the internet when I am not using it.

James and I have already discussed so neither will be getting vaccinated against winter flue, swine flue or any other type they say we should have or make mandatory now a chip in our arm or forehead even when they make it mandatory. The only way will be on our dead body.


Hi Amanda,

I suppose you're referring to what is called in Ezekiel the war of Gog and Magog. The end times. I doubt very seriously that you and I will be witnesses to this war and it's not easy to imagine such a war since it'll be like nothing that ever happened in the history of mankind. If you're interested you can read more about it here.

I watched the video and found it interesting and aside from the recommendation of non compliance and love as the way to fight the Elites/Illuminati it's more of the same as most of the videos on this subject. I'm not sure exactly what non compliance is (aside from the example he gave for a soldier refusing to go to war). Should we stop watching TV (well I'm already doing that- I watch very little TV), close our bank accounts, throw away our check books, destroy our credit cards (already did that, I only pay cash), stop buying food, refuse to pay for our utilities, water etc.? And then join with our enemies to fight the Elites and sort out the problems between us later on? Not a very realistic suggestions and battle plan IMHO.


