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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2011 3:46:32 PM
Hello Peter,
I have been doing research of my own and slowly but surely connecting the dots.
Watching many people's video's, reading websites - doing due diligence. - here is what I have written so far on my webpage.
Alex Jones is just one of many resources I have been following. Alex is being following the Bildenburg Group - which is one of the branches of this Satanic Conspiracy Club

This is from my webpage blog..
There is an insidious evil Conspiracy, the New World Order (NWO) that is Satantic to the core and run by the Illuminati that is right at our back lawn and almost up to our door step

Conspiracy - Conspiracies Dictionary meaning:
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law . an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

You can fool all the people some of the time
You can fool some of the people all of the time
But, you can't fool all of the people all of the time
Which are you?

This is not a hoax. I am a sane, sensible woman who has been following the signs, ever since I first met the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and was water baptised and also baptised in the Holy Spirit. He gave me the gift of Wisdom and Discernment 25 years ago.
I first heard about a One World Government shortly after meeting Jesus from reading a series of 'Warning' small books written by the late New Zealander, Barry Smith. I was interested and intrigued as the Bible certainly warned us about end time events but at that stage I had no idea how this Illuminati was going to pull it off

Well the signs are all around us - do you really believe that humans can be so evil on their own?

Who is the Illuminati:- Satanical
Picture a Tree and all the branches that come off that tree - They are people in high authority positions around the world who are all part of the Occult, dating back many centuries.
The highest of the highs is The Rothchilds, Rockerfellows Bilderberg, Skull & Crossbones, Jesuit Jews,(not to be confused with Jews from the line of David) Freemasons, which The British Royal Family - past and present Prime Ministers, The Roman Vatican dating back centuries and especially this present Pope Benedict, other various and varied Country Heads from around the world.
Corporation Heads, Federal Bank (which is not Federal, meaning USA Government) most of the big banks the ones commonly termed as 'Banksters', e.g. J.P.Morgan, Wells-Fargo, Bank of America etc etc,

Main Stream Media, Large internet enterprises and servers/services - Bill Gates (Microsoft) Google, AOL, Times-Warner, Disney and the list goes on. - You will read and hear more on the videos and links I have included
All the past US Presidents excepting for the late President J.F. Kennedy and President Nixon were not Freemasons or appear to be involved with ANY secret societies.

JFK and his younger brother Bobby were assassinated. Nixon had to resign because of the Watergate Scandal, which I am being enlightened to the very high possibility he was not involved but made to be the 'escape goat'!

Many other famous people have been assassinated and/or had a very odd and suspicious death - enlightenment may come to you as you view these videos of how despicably evil these people are and their plans for humanity.

Our very lives are at stake and one day you will have to choose whether you will stand up and be counted against this Evil
...or be intimidated and forced to join in their schemes of being injected by e.g. flu shots, Gardisal.. which has been deadly to many and to you especially with low immunity - which many do because of deadly toxins/poisons in our food, air we breath, water we drink, drugs. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved!!
.All deadly assaults upon us from every angle and most unseen, unsmelt, untasted and you become sick and sicker especially with an epidemic which is in the pipeline you will be taken to the FEMA camps which are in nearly all the States now, and Look what is happening in Australia

You will have to have a microchip under your skin which will have all your personal information and they will be able to track where you are at all times, (they have started this already) the ability to buy products but will have the number 666 somewhere on it which will be the 'Mark of the Beast'. I hope you will not accept this under any circumstances as it would be far better to be with the Lord Jesus Christ in eternity than be separated from Him for eternity...for ever and ever

This assault on humanity in the world to reduce the population by a select few is far worse than the Holocaust of World War 2. The various wars that USA troops have gone into and taking all other Free countries (England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc) in with them against imaginary foes that have been manipulated 'country against country' have not killed off enough people so now it is an all out endeavour planned attack to reduce the population by billions, not a few million..yet three quarters of the world are oblivious to this very very dangerous and real threat to each of us. How can we help to wake people up?

You will notice that the USA is mostly being focused on - America is the country whom has to fall and it will. She is the threat to the Illuminati because of her size - the people have gun laws and believe they are free as in freewill - not be discriminated against due to race, colour, religion, sex etc, with freedom of speech.
USA has always come to the assistance to other countries often lately from a bad choice by people's opinions. Without USA assistance all other countries will be more vulnerable and exposed America has been self sufficient and has had all the resources a country could use without the need to import, however this has changed drastically whereby oil-wells, coalmines, factories etc etc have been shut down or the big corporations have taken their business to another country as taxes skyrocket. All deliberate act to pull down the country to fall
Already she is bankrupted but the Main Stream Media (MSM) is not going to tell us this.
The reason USA has to fall as she is too big - in my opinion up until the second world war, (which was also both sides played against each other, bought and paid for by the Illuminati for profit) America had stayed neutral. She was brought in deliberately with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Ever since WW2 she has been involved in every war going to pull her down and have other countries hate us as interfering busy-bodies which she has been, 'the people' say so, and they do not like this.

I have put a few Youtube video's and links on here that I reckon explain - but I do urge you very strongly and in love and concern that you also do searching of your own - do it out of curiosity - please do not just ignore as a nutcase theory. Prove me and others wrong! - Get out your bibles and read, look at the signs all around you - something very drastic is wrong in the world, check out and test your own air, water supply etc

Why are more and more people getting sicker, lethargic, dumbed down, ignorant when we are in the most advanced modern times with all the laboratories, inventions etc since my late father whom was born in 1896 in the year when women were still wearing long dresses and driving in horse and buggy. He saw all the new inventions up until 1976 when he died at 80 years - Nothing much in the way of inventions before he was born happened - Hello!

There is a lot of information on the internet 'they' know there is information but they don't care they feel secure in the knowledge that the multitude of people is still very much in ignorance and they plan to keep them in this state. The Main Stream Media is bought and paid for by this Evil group too so only smaller private stations are getting involved

The Rothschilds Exposed 1/3
The Rothschilds Exposed 2/3
The Rothschilds Exposed 3/3
Rockerfellows 1
Rockerfellows 2
Famous Free Masons

We know what happened to JFK, and this video should throw more light on the reason he was assassinated. Nixon had to resign because of the Watergate Scandal, which I am being enlightened to the very high possibility he was not involved but made to be the 'escape goat'!

President J.F. Kennedy

People are waking up all around the world and protesting. However what many of us noticing also through these forum threads and others - The main population is still not completely aware whom the enemy is.. You have groups protesting against different crimes...e.g. different branches of the tree..yet we need to understand and comprehend the Illuminiti thugs are guilty of Global Genocide the human population on every angle and poisoning us. They ARE the Tree and we have to root them out.

Hi Amanda,

I watched this video and many others by Alex Jones and for many reasons I'm not a fan of this guy.

We all know there are groups that are pulling the strings behind the scenes and that many of our Presidents have been manipulated by them. The fact that an unknown senator with an extremely disturbing background and without any experience whatsoever was elected president is proof of that. In his case we also know who one of the major puppet masters is and we also know he's still pulling the strings with his puppet B Hussein jumping to every whim and fancy of his.

Call them elites if you will or the Bilderbergs etc. but anyone who did his own research knew that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein was not who he tried to portray himself as or the way those promoting him wanted him portrayed. Therefore MSM were totally behind him and the results are there for all to see since they too are controlled by the same groups and puppet masters.

My problem with Alex Jones and all his followers is that they see a conspiracy under every rock. In his videos we see the same "experts" (you should google them, I did and wasn't impressed) in all of them and the same mantra over and over again. Now My major concern is that he totally ignores the Islamic Jihad and more or less adopts the Ron Paul idiocy in this regard (ever wonder why he's such a vehement Paulian?). For the discerning individual that alone should be a warning sign. In other threads I've said in this regard that while there are "elites" pulling the strings behind the scenes along with them you also have the Islamic Jihad and all their money and power. We are witness to these groups working in concert with the Muslim Jihadis and yet they are totally ignored. Think about this for a moment and try and fathom why this so called conspiracy buster says nothing about it in his videos nor is it mentioned on his websites as a danger to the world. There must be a reason for that and I would think there is a hidden agenda we are not aware of. I have my suspicions and have stated them in the past but won't go into that now.

I don't need Alex Jones and his minions to make decisions for me and I much prefer my own research and that of those I trust on the net. Jones is definitely not on that list quite the opposite in fact.

That said there are issues raised in the video that I agree with and they have been on the net way before Jones raised them, he likes to piggy back on the efforts of others IMHO.



Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2011 4:09:24 PM
Hi Peter,
You’ll need to make a list of those people, theories and videos you do not wish to be brought up onto your forums. ;-)

Many “leaders” are tempted and some do just that in their little territories. Where there more than one Alex Jones around town, things would surely have been very different in the succession history of recent American Presidents that has lead to the present one, the problem is education and NOT politics. Politics do not run the world, they are biased and opportune especially in today’s world where they are the in the hands of a select few that have no concern but that of their own power ever since the charter they conceived in London in 1717.

No, Islam is not the problem; Islam is a consequence, consequence of having forsaken education and for having given our responsibilities of civilization from the people to the governments, call it socialism or communism as you wish, no difference either way. Both are power seeking ideologies beyond the care and security of their own people, thus any war raging country or political imposing is suspect of an extremely serious irresponsibility.

Yours, Robert.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2011 7:49:43 PM
Hi Robert,

I disagree with most of what you wrote and I think you already know that.

I want to relate to the question you asked or more correctly the statement you made. You or anyone can post what ever they wish in my threads at any time. What you're apparently referring to is my suggestion that you post your 911 conspiracy info in threads that are in agreement with you cos I am not one of them and aside from stating why in previous replies it'll be a one sided "conversation".

In regard to the rest of your comments I totally disagree which is evident from the many hundreds of posts I've made on the radical Islam/Jihad agenda. Disregard it if you wish and no I don't believe it is a consequence but rather a pro active world wide agenda that is growing in strength daily and the poor state of Europe, EU or if you wish Eurabia is in, is the proof of the pudding. If you wish I'll give you a list of the countries that have been hit the hardest but I really believe you are already aware of them.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2011 8:27:17 PM
Hi Amanda,

I think you misunderstood my post. We all know there are power groups. Call them Elite, Illuminati or what ever but they aren't the only dangers the world is facing. I thought I made that clear in my previous post but maybe I didn't explain myself properly.

I watched the videos and the links in your post and many I've seen in the past. The information is interesting and I can relate to parts of the content. The only one I have a serious problem with is the Adam Kokesh video. He's problematic for me and has associations with code pink and other radical groups.

In any case It's good to know you're doing your own independent research and due diligence.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/16/2011 9:38:58 PM
Hello Peter,
I am a little confused what you are saying - As I do not feel that you actually read what I wrote before I share the video's.

I wrote from personal experience what I have seen, felt, tasted, smelled personally. Then have read, watched and listened to various material.
What I noticed more and more as so many people have shared - there is an evil around us - we have not exactly known what it is..some have called it:-
Fed Bank
Wall Street,
Downing Street
Buckingham Palace
The White house
Governments - USA and other countries
Muslims extremists
Middle East countries
Great Britain
the list goes on... Which are only 'branches' of this Evil..
We are all looking under various 'rocks' and I agree each of these 'rocks' are bad..No one in the forums have actually come up with who the enemy is.
Now people are starting to understand and comprehend the actual Tree source - Satan.

I am saying out loud up front - It is Satan. God's Enemy- God being our Heavenly Father who made Adam and Eve, and all creation in 6 days - 7th day He rested...

The Illuminati as they call themselves are a bunch of people in High Society, Autocratic, Aristocratical, Presidential, Prime Ministerial, Royal, Vatican etc etc Who have all come from the background of Witchcraft and the Occult who are Self appointing into these high places, who are manipulative, domineering, intimidators, evil murderers, thugs worse than any Marfia Mobs we have ever heard of. They start all the unrest themselves in secret then blame someone else because they own the Media. We have believed much of what the media has said because at the time there was no solid proof that it was any different.

10 years later for example 911 - the Twin Towers, the people are waking up and they know something terrible happened and they know in their hearts (like I did) but could not believe that our own country would do such a terrible act of violence upon us, then blame Osama Bin Laden. - This was a coop right into the lap of Bin Laden, he would have loved taking the credit for this to give him more power.
Imagine if you wanted an achievement, had done your homework and tried but could not quite pulled off the big prize because you did not have the means and it was out of your reach - -then something happens and you get the credit for. Bin Laden could not deny it because by this stage it was all over the news and no one would have believed him anyway. So he became the star of a show that he was not actually in.

The People are also seeing the pattern over the decades that these same Illuminati Secret Thugs of Satan have plotted and gotten away with, pitting one side against the other in wars then funding both sides to make a profit and kill innocent people to reduce the population - this kind of genocide has not been effective enough so now they pollute the air, waters, soil, our bodies - but now they are being exposed for what and who they are because the internet is far better media than any MSM is when you choose to search. - what is their next move? Why, they are now trying to infiltrate the internet and tell us that due to spyware, hackers, virus, Trojans etc etc they need to shut down the internet to make us safer!!

Satan and his Illuminati Secret Thugs are pure evil as they plot to mind control, cause sickness, death in the guise of finding cures yet we see all the side effects of the drugs, wars, poisoning our water, air, food we need to live on. They outlaw anyone wanting to grow or sell pure natural food and natural suppliments and minerals - All for the sake of bringing in their One World Order to enslave us under Satan's command.
This is whom I am talking about..

I have shared a few video's especially the short ones as I know longer video's can be difficult to find 1 - 2 hours to sit down and watch. I tried to give a selection from different people. There are hundreds, if not thousands to look through.

I am presently watching 5 videos called the Royal Wedding of Ritual Witchcraft, which is going through history and where common used words, names came from. It is enlightening.
As you suggested I did not understand where many of the common festive, religious holidays came from - you are right Peter and thanks for giving me the boost to go look.


Hi Amanda,

I think you misunderstood my post. We all know there are power groups. Call them Elite, Illuminati or what ever but they aren't the only dangers the world is facing. I thought I made that clear in my previous post but maybe I didn't explain myself properly.

I watched the videos and the links in your post and many I've seen in the past. The information is interesting and I can relate to parts of the content. The only one I have a serious problem with is the Adam Kokesh video. He's problematic for me and has associations with code pink and other radical groups.

In any case It's good to know you're doing your own independent research and due diligence.




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