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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/9/2011 10:00:49 PM
Hey Robert,

First of all I'm not calling you any names nor am I adverse to open discussions as you very well know. What I do object to is when videos that have no viable proof and are full of innuendos and suppositions the discussion becomes fruitless. If you accept the video as fact and I don't then we're in for a nonsensical discussion and neither of us will convince the other.

You know when I post a video or article I always try to insure that facts aren't misrepresented in them. I'll not post anything that is questionable and might be misleading. At least I try to maintain that standard. There have been many articles that I would have enjoyed posting and I didn't cos there were issues that I found to be questionable. I hate when someone posts an article with the warning discretion or discernment is needed.

As far as the 911 attack is concerned it's the truthers that are claiming a conspiracy and by using the term "conspiracy theories" all I'm doing is agreeing with them.

A country doesn't cease to exist simply cos there was an incident as diabolical and atrocious as it may have been. Things carry on and elections are part of the order of things. I'm sure that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein would love not to have elections in 2012 and only he would benefit from that happening to the detriment of the rest of us.

The long form birth certificate was proven to be a fraudulent document and the White House hasn't tried to dispute that fact.

Now when I use the term Eurabia from time to time it's once again stating the sad state of affairs that Europe is in. There are a myriad of articles daily about how the situation is getting worse from day to day and I've no doubt you've read them as I have. I stopped posting them except as warnings to the USA not to make the same mistakes the Europeans have cos it doesn't seem to interest any of our European friends aside from you.

I never said truthers and conspiracy theorists should be "locked away". I'm all for freedom of speech even when I find what's being said to be discriminating and even disgusting. It's your right to believe what you will and say what ever your mind and heart dictate that you express.

Shalom for now,


[if !mso]> [endif]

Hi Peter,

I have no intention of “convincing” you or anyone about the 9/11 lie, definitely not with an outrageous proof towards that fact which I do not have. To me it is clear and needs no proof just as I am not an expert capable of proving the birth certificate as being a fraud, yet I conclude of it as such. However, I do understand that it is today’s norm that all who do not conform to the given consensus within a debate are conspiracy theorists and should be locked away, even though 60% of Europeans think of it as I do, so call us Eurabia as you please, no offence taken because it has a point, but there are such words that offend nations and cultures when they are freely tossed around.

I am still open for an argument that could tilt my understanding of these tragic events other than by name callings. ;-)

If I say; what’s the point of voting, I mean exactly that, because if no insight into these atrocities is taken then whoever is elected will only be sitting on a time fuse of America’s disintegration just as European governments are leading their people into the EU, UN, NATO etc... “Strength of Ignorance”.

Friendly yours,

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2011 12:34:31 PM
[if !mso]> Hi Peter,

That was a quick reply and at 1 AM your time. There is no time when it comes to defending one’s political points of view. ;-)

Obviously, these videos that ridicule the official standpoint of 9/11 will become ever more present as in the same time the US will sink further into oblivion for not standing up to realities that literally smack you in the face. Trouble is; this will not help European countries from taking a hold of themselves either, for lies lead to slavery just as its correlation affirms that truth brings about freedom.

In essence I am still awaiting a singular fact that tends to prove even the slightest element that can stand up to pretending that this is an al-Qaida operation. All bullying or paternalistic belittling would only, as usual, prove to the contrary.

I hope you come up with something worthy to further the debate ;-)

As always yours friendly


Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2011 5:39:57 PM
Hi Robert,

Over the years I've been writing that you should listen and heed what the radical extreme jihadi organizations, clerics and others of their ilk say. When they accept responsibility for any of their terrorist acts 99.99% of the time it's been correct. That's why I posted the article about AlQaeda's anger with Ahmadinejad's insinuations at the UN and at other instances where he made the same claims. They (AlQaeda) consider the 911 attack to be their greatest achievement and take complete ownership for the attack. I thought you understood that with my initial response to your video.

There is no "debate" as far as I'm concerned until there is irrefutable proof and evidence that Al Qaeda wasn't responsible then I'll take another look. In the meantime the videos that "ridicule the official standpoint" as you call it for me are full of allegations, suppositions and innuendos that have no substantial proof of any sort.



[if !mso]> [endif]

Hi Peter,

That was a quick reply and at 1 AM your time. There is no time when it comes to defending one’s political points of view. ;-)

Obviously, these videos that ridicule the official standpoint of 9/11 will become ever more present as in the same time the US will sink further into oblivion for not standing up to realities that literally smack you in the face. Trouble is; this will not help European countries from taking a hold of themselves either, for lies lead to slavery just as its correlation affirms that truth brings about freedom.

In essence I am still awaiting a singular fact that tends to prove even the slightest element that can stand up to pretending that this is an al-Qaida operation. All bullying or paternalistic belittling would only, as usual, prove to the contrary.

I hope you come up with something worthy to further the debate ;-)

As always yours friendly


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2011 5:41:04 PM
Hello Friends,

"Volunteers" or "protesters" being paid to protest??? Who woulda thunk it?????

The farce continues and some still think this is a "revolution" and they would follow the progressive liberal socialist/communist crowd. Wonder what their agenda is ....... could it be more freebies at the expense of others? Think about it.

The below article has a video that you should watch. Unfortunately it's not a youtube video and you'll have to click on the link to watch it here.



Astroturf on literal parade: Occupy DC agitator admits to paying protesters.

The Daily Caller has some entertaining video up of a ‘Occupy DC organizer’ admitting that some of the spontaneous voluntary protesters that he has in tow – ones, not even incidentally, that are more, ah, diverse than the baseline of ‘pasty-faced white twenty-something hipster who’s seriously underwater in his/her liberal arts degree student debt’ – are actually being paid to show up and wave signs in a language that is perhaps not the mother tongue of the country of their birth*.

Let’s go over a few of the things suggested by this video. Kudos for the Daily Caller for sending in a reporter who could speak Spanish, by the way: that was just entertainingly nasty, and probably what forced the admission in the first place.

First off, and the most serious point: if you’re wondering why on earth the guy in the video above is even willing to admit that some of his squad of ‘volunteers’ were not actually volunteers, you shouldn’t. From his point of view – which is to say, the point of view of the activist Left – of course you pay people to pad out your numbers, if you have to. Everybody does that. I mean, it’s great if there are enough motivated people out there to swell your crowd, but you still budget to bring in more folks anyway. This is one major reason why the activist Left is so infuriated with the Tea Party movement, by the way: many of them honestly and truly believe that the groups are being subsidized and funded directly from major corporations, and they legitimately don’t understand why this isn’t being exposed in the media**. So… sure, everybody does it, so why not admit to it?

Second… now, I may be jumping to conclusions, here, in assuming that at least one of the individuals in that video may not even have a green card. But I’m going to take that chance and state that, while I am of course a notorious pro-amnesty immigration squish, it’s at times like these that I can understand the attitudes of my more hard-nosed colleagues. I mean, look at that. There are plenty of aforementioned American twentysomething hipsters – at that very rally – who would have been darned glad to get the job of holding up a sign and woodenly repeating random progressive pablum. But they didn’t get those jobs, did they? And if you’re a fellow immigration squish who’s thinking that I’m being too hardline, consider this: by any objective standard an illegal Mexican immigrant willing to work three jobs is of more practical value to the country than a twenty seven year old inconveniently tattooed former barista with a Masters degree in semiotics. Let the latter carry the darn signs, and free up the former for more useful work.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*And more importantly, the country that would issue their passports. If they have passports. Which they may not actually have.

**Sure, you know and I know that the answer to that is that you can’t wave around a Bloody Check that doesn’t actually exist, but this is the Activist Left that we’re talking about, here. They have a narrative that they need to let them sleep at night, and it’s perilous to challenge it. For a given value of ‘perilous.’

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2011 8:54:16 PM
Hello Peter,

“There is no debate” Hmmm! Then Al-Qaida is word of truth, that’s laughable and it discredits all your political arguments. Let it be.

Obviously to Ahmadinejad the capabilities of Islam see no difference between these two cockpits below especially for those who have trouble with a Cessna 150, (not to mention the instant navigational skills needed with no training, only possible for qualified camel riders). What’s more interesting is to hear of the official lies that astound with their sickening affirmations that simply do not stand up to the most basic aero dynamical realities. Then let us not forget the buildings, some bricks fall onto building7 and it crumbles, I prefer to watch and believe in Mickey mouse. Who cares, the victims are dead and political ambitions are what is important. “Strength of Ignorance” apposed to “Truth Sets Free”.

Friendly yours



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