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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/7/2011 8:32:13 PM
Hello Friends,

Herman Cain is rising in the polls and is currently the leader of the GOP candidates and in my opinion deservedly so. He's talking about things that matter and has concrete plans on how to improve the financial catastrophe the United States is in due to the fraud and great pretender's failed policies.

What I particularly like about him is that he's not taking any crap from the progressive liberal left wing MSM as you'll see in the 2 videos below. They without a doubt try and disparage him and take him down but he has the fortitude to take these clowns on and come out on top.

Alan Caruba wrote an article I think many of you will find interesting and convince you that herman Cain certainly deserves "a serious look".



Herman Cain is all about fiscal sanity. Herman Cain is about capitalism. Barack Obama is a Marxist.

The Cain Phenomenon

- Alan Caruba Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gov. Chris Christie has dropped out of contention as a GOP presidential candidate. So has Sarah Palin. Fading swiftly is Michelle Bachmann and the others, leaving Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and to the astonishment of a lot of people, Herman Cain.

What would astonish everyone would be a 2012 presidential race between a mulatto, Barack Obama who identifies with his African-American ancestry and ignores his white mother, and Herman Cain who rarely even refers to being a black American because it is increasingly irrelevant as people pay more and more attention to his message.

Cain would crush Obama. One gets the feeling that he got into the presidential race for that purpose.

Obama’s appalling performance in the highest office has seen his polling numbers decline. Obama is likely to be identified as the “American Idol” candidate who went from the Illinois legislature to the U.S. Senate to the presidency in four years. He is a political aberration, the result of media manipulation, and very bad mistake.

Terence P. Jeffrey, editor-in-chief of, reported on Thursday, October 6, that “The Obama administration passed another fiscal milestone this week, according to new data released by the Treasury Department. As of the close of business on Oct. 3, the total national debt was $14,837,009,271,196.71—up about $44.8 billion from Sept. 30.”

“That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $.212 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through G.H.W. Bush combined.”

Herman Cain is all about fiscal sanity. Herman Cain is about capitalism. Barack Obama is a Marxist.

Cain’s message is beginning to resonate in Republican circles, especially among those who identify with the Tea Party movement

This is not to say we can rule out Mitt Romney’s candidacy, though it is increasing clear that Texas Gov. Rick Perry is beginning to sound warning bells in the minds of many Republicans as his charm and bravado begins to thin in the wake of his poor debate performances and his unsteady responses to questions reporters pose.

Daniel Henninger, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal, writing on September 29th, gave a brief précis of Cain’s resume in the world of business, asking “Does a resume like Herman Cain’s add up to an American presidency? I used to think not. But watching the American Idol system we’ve fallen into for discovering a president—with opinion polls, tongue slips and media caprice deciding front-runners and even presidents—I’m rewriting my presidential-election software.”

Henninger concluded that “Herman Can is a credible candidate. Whether he deserves to be president is something voters will decide. But he deserves a serious look.”

It is a long time between now and November 6, 2012, but I think Republican and, should he get the nomination, American voters, are going to giving Herman Cain a very serious look.

If Cain is elected, it will mean that a nation that fought a Civil War over slavery and waited another hundred years to finally confer full Constitutional rights to African-Americans will confound themselves and the entire world by putting Cain in the Oval Office.

I am not counting out Mitt Romney at this early point. He has become a very good campaigner. He’s refined his message, he is charming, and he “looks” like the Hollywood version of a president. He’s also a RINO, a very moderate candidate at a point in current history when the nation needs and wants radical change if it is to avert the deliberate destruction imposed on it by Barack Obama.

Herman Cain’s website offers his “999 Plan” and it is worth reading because it represents all the steps that must be taken to take American back from the brink of bankruptcy, from massive unemployment, and a thorough understanding of how to achieve that.

The primaries that lie ahead—Florida would vote next week if it could, followed by all the other states—will be the final determination of who will be the GOP’s presidential candidate. There’s plenty of time left for the fortunes of candidates to shift, but like Daniel Henninger, I am giving Herman Cain a serious look.

© Alan Caruba, 2011

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/9/2011 5:29:27 PM

Unless this is investigated, why vote? Those that are to be elected are
part and parcel of these lies whoever they might be and the trend can
only deteriorate further untill such time that this and more is brought to the table.
Just my two cents ;-)

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/9/2011 5:49:31 PM

Hi Robert,

That's a lot of stuff, but ya has twists & turns, I don't know if it's true or's a little song that starts with an acrostic and continues into a second verse...







No proof


if there's a


one story



just like




Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/9/2011 7:09:01 PM
Hi Robert.

I've seen that video before and many others like it. The conspiracy theorists have their questions but I for one as you know am not convinced and am not a member of the "truther" group. I've given my reasons in the past why conspiracy videos are not my cup of tea and I don't feel bound to repeat them once again. I believe there are other threads where this video and others like it are the flavor of the day and I'm sure you'll get a lively discussion there with those that agree with your views on this issue.

I'm posting an article below in which Al Qaeda is pissed at Ahmadinejad for insinuating that they weren't behind the 911 attack. Their claim is that the 911 attack was one of their greatest achievements and is piqued at the lunatic Ahmadinejad for insinuating otherwise. I would normally post this in my HSIG thread but since you raised the issue here I'll post it here instead. In the body of the article there is a MEMRI comment link for more information on this subject, if you're interested have a look.

As for the your question why vote the answer is a simple one. We have to get rid of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein else we'll have another 4 years of his regime and that bodes ill not only for the USA but for the world at large.



Al-Qaeda to Ahmadinejad: It’s Our 9/11!

Posted by P. David Hornik Bio ↓ on Oct 3rd, 2011

The Guardian reports on a spat within the ranks of the global jihad. It seems Al-Qaeda has sent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a nasty message, fearful that the Iranian president is denying them credit for what they see as “the greatest special operation of all time.”

In his UN speech on September 22, which sparked a massive walkout, Ahmadinejad launched into an anti-American (and anti-Semitic and anti-Western) tirade and, as part of it, asked:

Who used the mysterious September 11 incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq?…

…By using their imperialistic media network which is under the influence of colonialism they threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military action.

Last year, when the need to form a fact-finding team to undertake a thorough investigation concerning the hidden elements involved in [the] September 11 incident was brought up; an idea also endorsed by all independent governments and nations as well as by the majority in the United States, my country and myself came under pressure and threat by the government of the United States.

Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea.

Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?

Why should it not have been allowed to bring him to trial to help recognize those who launched terrorist groups and brought wars and other miseries into the region?

Although Ahmadinejad doesn’t completely discount Al-Qaeda involvement here, his clear implication that someone else was ultimately responsible has ruffled the terror organization’s feathers.

“The Iranian government,” Al-Qaeda complains (as quoted in Iranian media) in the latest issue of its English-language Inspire magazine,

has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al-Qaeda was behind 9/11 but rather, the US government. So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to [sic] such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?

One thing that comes to mind here is the Truthers; if Al-Qaeda itself is so eager to take credit, doesn’t their house of cards collapse? Beyond that, Al-Qaeda is upset because, as the Sunni spearhead of the jihad, it doesn’t like to see Iran, the jihad’s main Shiite wellspring, stripping Al-Qaeda of its medals so summarily. (For more on this ongoing quarrel, see MEMRI’s comments.)

Or as Inspire puts it:

For them, al-Qaeda was a competitor for the hearts and minds of the disenfranchised Muslims around the world. Al-Qaeda… succeeded in what Iran couldn’t. Therefore it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so? Conspiracy theories.

Blast those conspiracy theories! Though its target is Iran, it’s piquant to see Al-Qaeda here—in effect—discomfit the legions of Western nutcases who see Uncle Sam’s hand behind the Twin Towers attack. In one notable example, a book arguing that thesis was a bestseller in France.

It’s hard to imagine, then, a less edifying dispute: between, on the one hand, an arch-terrorist and “president” of a country who affirms to a cleared-out UN chamber the bon-ton belief that the U.S. commits terror against itself; and, on the other, a perpetrator so proud of mass murder that it rushes to reprove him.

Those who assess that Al-Qaeda has been “severely weakened” by the recent elimination of kingpins like Anwar al-Awlaki and Osama Bin Laden himself might also detect a certain anxiety to safeguard old “achievements”; but time will tell whether such optimism is really warranted. It is, though, another of the many ironies here that Ahmadinejad—no less vicious and, as he closes in on nukes, even more dangerous—spills his anti-American bile unmolested in New York while smaller-scale terrorists are hunted down.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/9/2011 8:45:19 PM
[if !mso]> Hi Peter,

I have no intention of “convincing” you or anyone about the 9/11 lie, definitely not with an outrageous proof towards that fact which I do not have. To me it is clear and needs no proof just as I am not an expert capable of proving the birth certificate as being a fraud, yet I conclude of it as such. However, I do understand that it is today’s norm that all who do not conform to the given consensus within a debate are conspiracy theorists and should be locked away, even though 60% of Europeans think of it as I do, so call us Eurabia as you please, no offence taken because it has a point, but there are such words that offend nations and cultures when they are freely tossed around.

I am still open for an argument that could tilt my understanding of these tragic events other than by name callings. ;-)

If I say; what’s the point of voting, I mean exactly that, because if no insight into these atrocities is taken then whoever is elected will only be sitting on a time fuse of America’s disintegration just as European governments are leading their people into the EU, UN, NATO etc... “Strength of Ignorance”.

Friendly yours,


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