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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2011 6:00:08 AM
Hey Kathleen,

I have a funny feeling that the MSM, including Fox and Friends along with politicians from both sides of the aisle will regret taking Hank Williams Jr. on. His song is going viral and he's been on most of the networks and many radio shows around the country. He has many supporters and now I'm convinced even more.

I believe in the end ESPN will rue the day they fired him and Fox and Friends isn't in great shape either for misrepresenting what he said on their program.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2011 6:01:42 AM
Hello Friends,

What have we learned since the day of rage and the OWS protest began? For one there are copycat occupiers in other cities in the USA and the question is what is the common denominator between the different groups?

1. It's been proven that the extreme radical progressive left are the organizers not only in NY city but in all the other cities around the country.

2. Many of the "protesters are being paid to "protest".

3. George Soros and other of his ilk are funding the protests around the country.

4. Francis Fox Piven and like minded radicals (like Cornell West) are calling for violent protests and the list of those calling for violence is growing.

5. In New York city the protesters are living like pigs and acting accordingly.

6. You know it's a sick cause when even the Democ rats who are responsible for most of the economic woes the country is facing are supporting the mobs out there.

7. There have been arrests in almost all of the cities where the " occupy protesters" are.

8. The gangster unions are major supporters both financially and with their members.

9. Worst of all when asked the protesters really don't know why they're protesting. When pushed they come up with garbage like the downfall of capitalism of corporations etc. Gibberish with no realistic demands or any logical basis for their continued protest.

10. OK, this one's even worse they want "redistribution of wealth". In other words moochers and freebie lovers that want to live off the efforts of others.

As I'm writing this I realized the list is endless but the 10 above are enough for now. In the meantime you can read the below article by Ann Coulter who really nailed this pig sty of a protest movement and their backers.

One more thing. What's incredibly funny is that the MSM, progressive liberals et al are trying to compare these people who haven't got a clue why they are out there to the Tea Party. Not long ago they were ridiculed by them all and now 3 years later they're trying time and again to start a liberal progressive socialistic/communistic movement that is comparable to the Tea Party. Coulter calls them the flea party and the name is apt and fitting. Now all we have to add is flea baggers and it's a complete package.



Wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic: Meet the flea party!

So far, the only major accomplishment of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters is that it has finally put an end to their previous initiative, "Occupy Our Mothers' Basements."

Oddly enough for such a respectable-looking group – a mixture of adolescents looking for a cause, public sector union members, drug dealers, criminals, teenage runaways, people who have been at every protest since the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, people 95 percent of whose hair is concentrated in their ponytails, Andrea Dworkin look-alikes and other average Democrats – they can't even explain what they're protesting.

The protesters either treat inquiries about their purpose as a trick question, or – worse – instantly rattle off a series of insane causes: "No. 1, abolish capitalism; No. 2, because 9/11 was an inside job; No. 3, because Mumia is innocent ...

Curiously, the only point universally agreed upon by the protesters and their admirers in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is that "Occupy Wall Street" should be compared to the tea party. Yes, that would be the same tea party that has been denounced and slandered by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media for the last three years.

As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers "angry mobs" and "rabid right-wing extremists." ABC said they were a "mob." CNN accused them of "rabble rousing." Harry Reid called them "evil mongers." Nancy Pelosi said they were "un-American." CNN's Anderson Cooper and every single host on MSNBC called the tea partiers a name that referred to an obscure gay sex act.

But apparently liberals couldn't even convince themselves that tea partiers were an extremist group unworthy of emulation.

At least they're embarrassed about what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party.

Contrary to all the blather you always hear about how lawless street protests and civil disobedience are part of the American tradition – "what our troops are fighting for!" – they are not. We are an orderly people with democratic channels at our disposal to change our government.

The very reason we have a constitutional republic is because of a mob uprising. Soon after the American Revolution, Shays' Rebellion so terrified and angered Americans that they demanded a federal government capable of crushing such mobs.

For nearly 200 years, Americans understood that they lived in a country capable of producing bad politicians and bad policies, but that it was subject to change through peaceful, democratic means. There was no need to riot or storm buildings because we didn't have a king. We had a representative government.

Even when injustice existed, there were constitutional mechanisms to right wrongs. For nearly a century after the Civil War, congressional Republicans kept introducing bills that implemented the civil rights amendments – only to be blocked by segregationist Democrats. But then, attorney Thurgood Marshall came along and began winning cases before the Supreme Court, redeeming black Americans' constitutional rights through the judiciary.

As long as a Republican sat in the White House, those victories were enforced. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Ark., to walk black children to school in defiance of the segregationist, Democratic governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus – Bill Clinton's friend.

This is what our Constitution was designed for: to use the force of the federal government to uphold the law when the states couldn't (Shays' Rebellion) or wouldn't (segregationist Democrats).

If Richard Nixon had won the 1960 election instead of John F. Kennedy – as some say he did – there never would have been a need for Rosa Parks, the Freedom Rides and the rest of the civil disobedience of the civil rights movement.

But as soon as the Democrats got control of the White House, enforcement of the Supreme Court's civil rights rulings came to a crashing halt. Elected Democrats in the states were free to violate legitimate constitutional rulings without interference from Democratic presidents.

The ingenious system given to us by our Founding Fathers faltered on the morally corrupt obstructionism of elected Democrats. They simply refused to abide by the rules – with glee at the state level, and at the federal level, cowardice.

Here, finally, was an appropriate case for nonviolent protest. There hasn't been another justification for civil disobedience in this country until the Supreme Court invented a "right" to abortion in Roe v. Wade – another act of lawlessness by liberals.

(All this and more is detailed in the smash best-seller, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mobs Are Endangering America"!)

Now liberals compare their every riot, every traffic blockage, every Starbucks-window-smashing street protest to the civil rights movement – which was only necessary because of them. These "Occupy Wall Street" ignoramuses seem to imagine they are blacks living in 1963 Alabama under Democratic Gov. George Wallace.

To the contrary, the Wall Street protesters have no specific objections and no serious policy proposals in a country that is governed, as Abraham Lincoln put it, "by the people." They protest because they enjoy creating mayhem, not because the law is being ignored or their rights violated without penalty by government officials.

They are not in the tradition of the tea partiers, much less our Founding Fathers. They are not in the tradition of the civil rights movement or Operation Rescue. They are in the tradition of Shays' Rebellion, the Weathermen and Charles Manson.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2011 1:54:17 PM
Amen! I wish my own basement dwellers were moved enough to occupy something other than my spare room. ;-)
Hello Friends,

What have we learned since the day of rage and the OWS protest began? For one there are copycat occupiers in other cities in the USA and the question is what is the common denominator between the different groups?

1. It's been proven that the extreme radical progressive left are the organizers not only in NY city but in all the other cities around the country.

2. Many of the "protesters are being paid to "protest".

3. George Soros and other of his ilk are funding the protests around the country.

4. Francis Fox Piven and like minded radicals (like Cornell West) are calling for violent protests and the list of those calling for violence is growing.

5. In New York city the protesters are living like pigs and acting accordingly.

6. You know it's a sick cause when even the Democ rats who are responsible for most of the economic woes the country is facing are supporting the mobs out there.

7. There have been arrests in almost all of the cities where the " occupy protesters" are.

8. The gangster unions are major supporters both financially and with their members.

9. Worst of all when asked the protesters really don't know why they're protesting. When pushed they come up with garbage like the downfall of capitalism of corporations etc. Gibberish with no realistic demands or any logical basis for their continued protest.

10. OK, this one's even worse they want "redistribution of wealth". In other words moochers and freebie lovers that want to live off the efforts of others.

As I'm writing this I realized the list is endless but the 10 above are enough for now. In the meantime you can read the below article by Ann Coulter who really nailed this pig sty of a protest movement and their backers.

One more thing. What's incredibly funny is that the MSM, progressive liberals et al are trying to compare these people who haven't got a clue why they are out there to the Tea Party. Not long ago they were ridiculed by them all and now 3 years later they're trying time and again to start a liberal progressive socialistic/communistic movement that is comparable to the Tea Party. Coulter calls them the flea party and the name is apt and fitting. Now all we have to add is flea baggers and it's a complete package.



Wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic: Meet the flea party!

So far, the only major accomplishment of the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters is that it has finally put an end to their previous initiative, "Occupy Our Mothers' Basements."

Oddly enough for such a respectable-looking group – a mixture of adolescents looking for a cause, public sector union members, drug dealers, criminals, teenage runaways, people who have been at every protest since the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, people 95 percent of whose hair is concentrated in their ponytails, Andrea Dworkin look-alikes and other average Democrats – they can't even explain what they're protesting.

The protesters either treat inquiries about their purpose as a trick question, or – worse – instantly rattle off a series of insane causes: "No. 1, abolish capitalism; No. 2, because 9/11 was an inside job; No. 3, because Mumia is innocent ...

Curiously, the only point universally agreed upon by the protesters and their admirers in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is that "Occupy Wall Street" should be compared to the tea party. Yes, that would be the same tea party that has been denounced and slandered by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media for the last three years.

As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers "angry mobs" and "rabid right-wing extremists." ABC said they were a "mob." CNN accused them of "rabble rousing." Harry Reid called them "evil mongers." Nancy Pelosi said they were "un-American." CNN's Anderson Cooper and every single host on MSNBC called the tea partiers a name that referred to an obscure gay sex act.

But apparently liberals couldn't even convince themselves that tea partiers were an extremist group unworthy of emulation.

At least they're embarrassed about what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party.

Contrary to all the blather you always hear about how lawless street protests and civil disobedience are part of the American tradition – "what our troops are fighting for!" – they are not. We are an orderly people with democratic channels at our disposal to change our government.

The very reason we have a constitutional republic is because of a mob uprising. Soon after the American Revolution, Shays' Rebellion so terrified and angered Americans that they demanded a federal government capable of crushing such mobs.

For nearly 200 years, Americans understood that they lived in a country capable of producing bad politicians and bad policies, but that it was subject to change through peaceful, democratic means. There was no need to riot or storm buildings because we didn't have a king. We had a representative government.

Even when injustice existed, there were constitutional mechanisms to right wrongs. For nearly a century after the Civil War, congressional Republicans kept introducing bills that implemented the civil rights amendments – only to be blocked by segregationist Democrats. But then, attorney Thurgood Marshall came along and began winning cases before the Supreme Court, redeeming black Americans' constitutional rights through the judiciary.

As long as a Republican sat in the White House, those victories were enforced. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Ark., to walk black children to school in defiance of the segregationist, Democratic governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus – Bill Clinton's friend.

This is what our Constitution was designed for: to use the force of the federal government to uphold the law when the states couldn't (Shays' Rebellion) or wouldn't (segregationist Democrats).

If Richard Nixon had won the 1960 election instead of John F. Kennedy – as some say he did – there never would have been a need for Rosa Parks, the Freedom Rides and the rest of the civil disobedience of the civil rights movement.

But as soon as the Democrats got control of the White House, enforcement of the Supreme Court's civil rights rulings came to a crashing halt. Elected Democrats in the states were free to violate legitimate constitutional rulings without interference from Democratic presidents.

The ingenious system given to us by our Founding Fathers faltered on the morally corrupt obstructionism of elected Democrats. They simply refused to abide by the rules – with glee at the state level, and at the federal level, cowardice.

Here, finally, was an appropriate case for nonviolent protest. There hasn't been another justification for civil disobedience in this country until the Supreme Court invented a "right" to abortion in Roe v. Wade – another act of lawlessness by liberals.

(All this and more is detailed in the smash best-seller, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mobs Are Endangering America"!)

Now liberals compare their every riot, every traffic blockage, every Starbucks-window-smashing street protest to the civil rights movement – which was only necessary because of them. These "Occupy Wall Street" ignoramuses seem to imagine they are blacks living in 1963 Alabama under Democratic Gov. George Wallace.

To the contrary, the Wall Street protesters have no specific objections and no serious policy proposals in a country that is governed, as Abraham Lincoln put it, "by the people." They protest because they enjoy creating mayhem, not because the law is being ignored or their rights violated without penalty by government officials.

They are not in the tradition of the tea partiers, much less our Founding Fathers. They are not in the tradition of the civil rights movement or Operation Rescue. They are in the tradition of Shays' Rebellion, the Weathermen and Charles Manson.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2011 4:27:54 PM
Hello Peter and Kathleen,
I agree with the comments you have made. Yes I reckon Hank Jr has got his dander up and his fans whom have been loyal to him for years will stick behind him.

One could see that Hank was set up for some reason by the expression on his face as he was not expecting political questions - like Hank said, he thought he was attending the interview to promote his late father Hank Williams Sr, yet Fox & Friends ask questions about Hank jrs politics!!

Aren't the Media just lovely, trip up their guests and then mud sling, disavow when they do not get the answers they expect. (sarcastic grimace)

What happened to 'Free Speech'?

Remember the Dixie Chicks whom said their remark about Pres Bush - they have not been heard from since as their careers went down the toilet.

Back-stabbers and bullies are these M.S.Media presenters - they blow hot and cold as the wind blows. You can certainly tell they are no more than puppets, as they are scared to stand up for what is true and anyone exercising their right to Free Speech - they collapse like a house of cards when a guest says something they think the rest of the public may not like - or is the owners of that particular Media may not like!? hmmm

Hey Kathleen,

I have a funny feeling that the MSM, including Fox and Friends along with politicians from both sides of the aisle will regret taking Hank Williams Jr. on. His song is going viral and he's been on most of the networks and many radio shows around the country. He has many supporters and now I'm convinced even more.

I believe in the end ESPN will rue the day they fired him and Fox and Friends isn't in great shape either for misrepresenting what he said on their program.



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/15/2011 9:16:19 AM
Hi Amanda,

Hank Williams Jr. is making quite an impact and rightly so.

Just yesterday I believe on MSNBC one of their presenters said that a Kent State is needed. Now that SOB was calling for outright violence and murder of innocent people. Do you think he was suspended or fired from his job?? The pig Rosanne Bar called for guillotining Bankers and corporation owners. Her prize was a new TV show.

So your question where is freedom of speech is a correct and legitimate one. The obvious answer is that freedom of speech only pertains to the radical extreme left like FF Piven, Cornell West and all the others calling for revolution and violence. The Conservatives according to them just have to shut up or be fired. But. we won't be shut up by the immoral MSM, nor by corrupt politicians, nor by the fraud and great pretender B Hussein and his regime.



Hello Peter and Kathleen,
I agree with the comments you have made. Yes I reckon Hank Jr has got his dander up and his fans whom have been loyal to him for years will stick behind him.

One could see that Hank was set up for some reason by the expression on his face as he was not expecting political questions - like Hank said, he thought he was attending the interview to promote his late father Hank Williams Sr, yet Fox & Friends ask questions about Hank jrs politics!!

Aren't the Media just lovely, trip up their guests and then mud sling, disavow when they do not get the answers they expect. (sarcastic grimace)

What happened to 'Free Speech'?

Remember the Dixie Chicks whom said their remark about Pres Bush - they have not been heard from since as their careers went down the toilet.

Back-stabbers and bullies are these M.S.Media presenters - they blow hot and cold as the wind blows. You can certainly tell they are no more than puppets, as they are scared to stand up for what is true and anyone exercising their right to Free Speech - they collapse like a house of cards when a guest says something they think the rest of the public may not like - or is the owners of that particular Media may not like!? hmmm

Hey Kathleen,

I have a funny feeling that the MSM, including Fox and Friends along with politicians from both sides of the aisle will regret taking Hank Williams Jr. on. His song is going viral and he's been on most of the networks and many radio shows around the country. He has many supporters and now I'm convinced even more.

I believe in the end ESPN will rue the day they fired him and Fox and Friends isn't in great shape either for misrepresenting what he said on their program.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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