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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/6/2011 5:27:36 AM
Hi Jim,

Your comment doesn't make much sense to me. Are you saying we should replace the dregs of humanity the author calls Liberal/Regressives with an even worse bunch you call Liberal/Aggressively/Regressives?



Replace all - Liberal/Regressive with Liberal/Agressively/Regressive
Hello friends, this article from the Canada Free Press was in my inbox today and I as I read it, it really resonated with me. It is a brilliant article that spells everything out in a way that can not be misunderstood, or at least by those who can recognize the facts. I give a thumbs up to Morry Markovitz for this very well written article.

The barbaric savage you actually are

Open letter to tax-the-rich, wealth re-distributing, liberal/regressives

- Morry Markovitz Monday, October 3, 2011

Dear 21st Century Liberal/Regressive:
Your “tax the rich” idea and the idea of redistributing wealth are so intellectually brilliant you can actually boil them down to one single word without losing any of their essence. That word is: “Gimme.”
You want it, you think you need it, there it is in someone else’s possession, so just take it. Just “gimme.” You want, I have, so you feel you have some kind of moral right just to take it from me.Your lack of it plus your want of it, automatically give you a moral right to seize it from me by force.
I have 5 potatoes, you have one, so just grab a couple of mine. Wonderful moral idea. An absolutely brilliant and creative solution to not having something you want. Worthy of an Einstein. No wonder you have only 1 potato. Only a bona fide moron could call a philosophy that belongs in the prehistoric jungle, and which comes straight from the jungle, “progressive.”
What brains you liberal/regressives must have to think of such a clever solution all by yourselves, with only some drivel (by an undoubtedly mentally stable Jewish anti-semite named Karl Marx) to clue you in. Hard to imagine the hilarious ideas you’d come up with if you had ALL the Marx Brothers to memorize excerpts from.
See anything you need anywhere in someone’s hands or garage or pocket? Take it! WOW, what a creative leap. What an admirable moral system must underly that idea. It’s probably so complex we’ve just gotta interview the many thousands of experienced experts who have lived by that rule and now occupy the prison system.
It amounts to legalizing crime, the crime of theft, which all progressives clearly respect as the lovable and moral and endearing trait of a wise and admirable and superior human being like their very barbaric selves. You also think you have a right to a lifetime of comfort and care? Well,OK. How about this: we’ll set up a nice clean prison cell for you, too.

That was a joke. I know you don’t REALLY want to spend your life in a cell. So I understand—FULLY—why you advocate LEGALIZING your criminal proposals.
When an animal wants something, it takes it. When a tiger is hungry, if he sees a litter of squirrel pups he eats them alive. If he sees a lion cub eating part of a recent kill, he takes it from the cub. It’s called the law of the jungle. IT IS IN ORDER TO BANISH THAT LAW FROM HIS LIFE THAT MAN CREATED CIVILIZATION. A lone Tarzan in the jungle would have to live by that law too.
But we do NOT choose to live in the jungle. We are MEN. We live together in man-made, man-created groups. And these places are NOT just collections of bricks and wood, which is all your strictly materialistic mentality can see. They are the result of ideas, of laws, of intense and brilliant thought by great intellects, and of the resulting moral principles which men agree they MUST live by in order to graduate FROM the jungle to the benefits of civilization, and in order to realize their highest potential as human beings in peace, without the threat of being eaten alive by a wild animal or otherwise destroyed by some inhuman liberal/regressive jungle beast like you.
We acknowledge the rights of all men and we do the uniquely MAN thing, we live according to our IDEAS of what is right and wrong for ALL of us as human beings. We RESPECT each other’s existence and rights. We develop detailed, rigorous thinking into documents like a Constitution. We don’t live by “take, and ye shall receive.” We don’t live by the law of the jungle. We chose to rise above that, we escaped from it, because . . . we are HUMAN beings and the last thing we need is to drag back into our magnificent creation—civilization—the very thing we sought to banish when we created civilization: being subjected to the jungle’s moral code of “Gimme,” the code embraced by the modern-day liberal/regressive barbarians.

If you don’t like our system, go back to the jungle where your morality will fit right in. Then you can relax and be comfy in your own kind of world. You won’t be “a stranger and afraid in a world you never made,” or be constantly reminded of your inferior animalistic nature and mental deficiencies by all those superior HUMANS around you who know how to deal with reality better than a pathetic animal like you does. Back there in the jungle with the animals is your true home, where you won’t have to try so hard to convince yourself of your inherent superiority, because you probably will in fact be a wee bit more intelligent than most of the animal life around you.

A newborn human infant operates on the law of the jungle too. When he sees what he wants, he reaches for it and if nothing interferes to stop him, he takes it. Just like an animal. Just like a liberal/regressive. He is not yet a full human being, just like a liberal/regressive. He still has all his non-human animal attributes, but has yet to develop his uniquely HUMAN ANIMAL behaviors, knowledge, and ideas. Just like a liberal/regressive. He has yet to develop his human MIND. Indeed, just like a liberal/regressive, an infant’s mind hasn’t yet progressed to the fully HUMAN level. Someday it will, assuming he doesn’t have liberal/regressive parents.

Human parents teach their animal-like infants how to grow into full human beings. Liberal/regressives want to teach full grown human beings how to turn themselves back into animals. CORRECTION: They want to FORCE full grown human beings to turn themselves back into jungle beasts.

HUMAN parents teach an infant how much better it is FOR HIM,HIMSELF and for EVERYONE around him who are his potential friends and assets, if he can develop the ability to see beyond the range of the immediate “now” moment in which other animals perpetually live, and look into the future, long range, and THINK, and accumulate knowledge and plan for perpetually improving his lot and the welfare of everyone in society simultaneously,rather than stagnating at the level of an animal who lives today in the same way and at the same level as he did 10,000 years ago—and who will remain in that same moment eternally. WE are the ones who teach our infants how to PROGRESS steadily by understanding the relationship of the present to the future, and that it is often in a HUMAN being’s own best interest to give up or “trade” a current need or want for much greater rewards tomorrow and next month and next year. And that to be able to live in such a world of hope, ever increasing knowledge, ever-lengthening lifespan, ever-improving health, ever-expanding cultural and intellectual opportunities and ever improving conditions of every stripe, he must respect the full rights of others who share those goals, he must regard them not as objects which may be holding something he wants now, but as equals to himself, with the same human rights,which he must respect if he expects them to respect his—under a moral code which would never work for animals, but which is the ONLY code that will work for a HUMAN BEING if he chooses to be a full human being, to actualize his potential, and to rise above the reflexive, instinctual “gimme NOW” level of a jungle beast or a newborn human infant or a liberal/regressive.

It is PROFOUNDLY IRONIC that those who call themselves “progressive” advocate a MORAL philosophy that amounts to a monstrous REGRESSION, demanding that we return to the morality NOT of a human adolescent or even a human child, but to the morality and ethics of a beast in a pre-historic jungle. It is anti-human, it is anti-civilization, it is anti-HUMANE, it is anti-INTELLECT, it is anti-MIND it is anti-LIFE and it is anti-PEACEFUL HUMAN CIVILIZATION WITH MUTUAL RESPECT AMONGST ALL GENUINELY CIVILIZED INDIVIDUALS. It is ANTI-those who prefer the UNIQUELY HUMAN laws of civilization to the law of the jungle.
And need I add: it is ANTI-PROGRESS. It is in fact, a regression all the way back to the beginnings, the absolutely most extremely regressive idea anyone could possibly conceive. Back to the time BEFORE human beings had even arrived on this earth. Back to total chaos, and LITERAL “dog eat dog.” That’s the incredible irony of its advocates calling themselves “progressives.” It would be hilarious if it weren’t so stupid—and so frightening that people with advanced college degrees can be so abjectly ignorant, and so incredibly STUPID. (Come to think of it, the stupidity part is actually very understandable. Isn’t it obvious that abject stupidity is a PRE-REQUISITE in order that someone be able to advocate seriously the savage ethics of the jungle as a moral ideal and practical base for human civilization?)

C’mon, Mr. Liberal/Regressive, admit it. You may not be a “noble savage” but you are a savage, and a pretty darned moronic one at that.
OK, down to brass tacks now:
You, sir or madam, are an advocate against humanity, human intelligence, and an arch enemy of everything man has accomplished in rising above the law of the jungle. You are a throwback, not of a century or even a millennium, but a throwback by eons and ages. You see someone who has what you want, or what someone you like wants, and your moral idea—MORAL, I emphasize—for obtaining it is ... just seize it—like an animal would or like a human infant would try to do. You want to re-introduce the law of the jungle back into civilization, which was created to escape that very law of the jungle. You want us to regress back to even further than the operating moral code of a human child. You want men to adopt the moral principles governing the behavior of newborn human infants and of wild jungle beasts. You want to legalize, to incorporate into the laws of OUR HUMAN civilization, provisions which will enable the moral philosophy of “gimme” to be exercised and enforced by law. And you want to live in OUR HUMAN civilization, but demand that you be allowed to behave like a wild animal toward the rest of us.
And worse: Pathetic moral coward that you are, you want to use OUR LEGAL SYSTEM to force SOMEONE ELSE to use THEIR fangs to do your dirty work for you so you won’t have to see yourself as the barbaric savage you actually are. You want to open wide our doors to the jungle, and welcome its prehistoric jungle law back in to destroy the civilization that HUMAN BEINGS have created.
And you call this a MORAL code. And you call this “PROGRESSIVE.”
Do you really dare to think of yourself as human?
Oh, that’s right, I guess you do. For a moment there I forgot how stupid you are.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/6/2011 7:53:43 AM
Hello Friends,

For all those still supporting the fraud and great pretender B Hussein watching this video is a must. In his own words he proclaims he deserves to be a one term president and as you'll see the numbers speak for themselves.

It seems as if hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil when it pertains to the failures of the fraud is the name of the game. Isn't it time to take off the blinders and become thinking and reasoning people again? Or is that asking to much?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/6/2011 8:08:29 AM
Hello Friends,

I think it's time for the identity of the organizers and funders of the lefts Day of Rage/ Occupy Wall Street crowd. It's an easy task to source all the backers of OWS and other organizers of these protests and you'll find the same crew of progressive left wing socialists and communists behind them all. In addition when they send out their union rabble rousers and goons it should be even more obvious. Worst of all is George Soros coming out in New York in open public support of these useful idiots ...... useful for the progressive left and not freedom loving Americans.




Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a free, open-source social networking website for activists. It is maintained by an independent group of organizers who describe themselves as “committed to doing technical support work for resistance movements.” Strongly anti-capitalist, OWS characterizes America as a “ruthless,” materialistic society where the chief objective is to “always minimize costs and maximize profits”; where “lives are commodities to be bought and sold on the open market”; and where “the economic transaction has become the dominant way of relating to the culture and artifacts of human civilization.” The “deep spiritual sickness” that necessarily results from this repugnant philosophy of perpetual economic "growth for the sake of growth," says OWS, has caused “vast deprivation, oppression and despoliation ... to cover the world.” OWS's prescribed remedy is to replace the foregoing arrangement “with a society of cooperation and community” – i.e., a socialist economy.

OWS was a key organizer of the September 17, 2011 “Day of Rage” protest targeting Wall Street, the hub of New York City's financial district. According to the group, the purpose of that event was to express “opposition to the principle that has come to dominate not only our economic lives but our entire lives: profit over and above all else.” Other noteworthy organizers of the September 17 rally, which drew approximately 1,000 participants, included USDayOfRage, NYC General Assembly, Take The Square, the AdBusters Media Fund, and Anonymous.

According to journalist Aaron Klein, the September 17 protests apparently represented “the culmination” of a campaign by Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN and president of an SEIU local in New Orleans, who in March 2011 had issued a call for “days of rage in ten cities around JP Morgan Chase.” Rathke's efforts were supported by Stephen Lerner, an SEIU board member and radical-left organizer who candidly aims to “destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement”; “bring down the stock market”; “bring down [the] bonuses” of executives in the financial sector; and “interfere with their ability to ... be rich.”

Occupy Wall Street pledged that during the weeks and months after September 17, 2011, its members would continue to “launch daily smart mob forays all over Lower Manhattan … peaceful, creative happenings in front of [such places as] Goldman Sachs, the SEC, the Federal Reserve, [and] the New York Stock Exchange.” “With a bit of luck, and if fate is on our side,” OWS said, “we may be able to turn all of lower Manhattan into a site of passionate democratic contestation – an American Tahrir Square.” (This was a reference to the major public town square in Cairo which had served as a focal point for the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.)

On October 1, 2011, a horde of the Wall Street demonstrators shut down traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge for two-and-a-half hours, a move that resulted in some 700 arrests. Among the high-profile personalities who had already made personal appearances in support of the demonstrators were Michael Moore (who spoke at the September 17 New York rally), Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, Cornel West, Charles Barron, Frances Fox Piven, and Charles Rangel.

OWS's mission is supported by a host of activist organizations and leftwing labor unions, including the Working Families Party, National People's Action, Citizen Action,, Common Cause,, the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, and the Service Employees International Union.

Occupy Wall Street strongly endorses the tenets put forth in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1944 State of the Union Address, which asserted that Americans “cannot be content” so long as “some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.” In particular, the organization supports Roosevelt's contention that government should guarantee all Americans the right to work at “a useful and remunerative job”; to “earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation”; to live in “a decent home”; to reap the benefits of “a good education”; to access “adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health”; and to have “adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/6/2011 10:49:01 PM

Here's another "Honest Joe" moment, ya know...he enjoys being right :)

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/7/2011 7:09:59 AM
Hi Kathleen,

You might consider it an "honest Joe" moment but I see it as a call to arms of the deaf, dumb and blind progressive left democ rats to insure they will continue to support the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Call yourself an underdog and say that things are getting better but not as fast as the people would like and your support base will buy the lie that things are improving. AND as gullible as they are they'll continue supporting the failure B Hussein and his regime truly are.

So, I see it as a pity me tactic to give them more time (4 more years) to make things even worse then they are today.




Here's another "Honest Joe" moment, ya know...he enjoys being right :)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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