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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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2/3/2009 4:43:18 PM
George Washington
( in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co.):
"They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
George Washington
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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2/3/2009 4:45:51 PM

Benjamin Franklin
(This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION", at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

"I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.
For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.
If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.
Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention." Benjamin Franklin
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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2/3/2009 4:48:11 PM
Duke to Bush:
"halt funding for Israel":
"We must cut off the source of terrorism"

[USA, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept 13, 2001].
The European-American Rights Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)* National President, David Duke, is calling on President Bush to immediately halt all aid to Israel after a series of terrorist attacks hit New York City and the Pentagon saying: "Israeli atrocities against Palestinians are being paid for in American blood."

David Duke said:

"We send out our prayers of sympathy and support to the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks and call on President Bush to bring those responsible to justice. These terrible acts of terrorism must be fought with every ounce of American resolve. And those who commit such heinous acts must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. No such act must ever be permitted on American soil."

"We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences."

"We are calling on Congress and the President to immediately cut off all aid, economic and military, to Israel."

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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2/3/2009 4:51:09 PM

To George W. Bush
President of the United States

Dear Mr. President,

During your passionate and truly great speech before Congress, you told us of the need to protect America against terrorism. True. You also eloquently told us of the greatness and the courage exhibited by many Americans during the crisis faced on September 11. As a former elected official who has heard thousands of speeches, I must say that yours was perhaps one of the best speeches I have heard in my lifetime.

But, Mr. President, Sir, you also told Congress and the American people something quite inaccurate.

I quote:

"Americans are asking "Why do they hate us?"

"They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other."

With all do respect to you, Mr. President, that statement is completely false. The media has said repeatedly and incorrectly that this was an attack against freedom, and unfortunately you simply repeated that absurd idea in your speech.

The obvious truth is that those who attacked us couldn't care less about the kind of government we have. They did not attack us because they hate our democracy or our freedoms. They certainly did not attack Switzerland or Sweden or any other democracies in the world.

I pray that you will agree with me that the American people deserve the utmost honesty before we take the most serious and dangerous step that a nation can ever make: go to war.

The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.

As strange as it may sound to Americans, those who attack us do so because they view our nation's leaders in exactly the same way as we view them. They believe that you and all of America's recent leaders are the real terrorists.

If you want to know the true reasons why they attack America, you can easily read what they write about America. There are even many interviews with Bin Laden that make clear his motivations.

He and many others say that they must fight America for its support of 50 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.

America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!

America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.

America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.

Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.

America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.

It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, Mr. President, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man?

Of course, whatever the reasons for the attack on September 11, Americans must defend ourselves by whatever means necessary. No American should ever face such horrible terror as on that fateful black Tuesday. And, I salute your determination to defend us.

But, before we respond in an indiscriminate way and breed even more hatred against us, we must be honest about why we are hated and why we are being attacked.

Telling us that we were attacked simply because they hate our freedom -- keeps America from examining the real reasons why we are hated. It must be acknowledged that we cannot end the terrorism against us unless we first heal the hatred that spawns it.

Of course, the Israel Firsters who control America's media don't want us to discuss the dire consequences of our monetary and military actions for Israel. They don't want us to even discuss the relationship between Israel and the events of September 11. Some are even telling the big lie that the attacks had nothing to do with our support of Israel. It is strange that Europe and the whole world recognize this obvious fact, but the American people do not.

We must access the anti-American consequences of our Mideast Policy. It is vital to our own national security.

As President, you must carefully reconsider our foreign involvement and policies over the last 50 years. You must determine if it is truly in the best interest of the American people to be involved in all these foreign wars and conflicts.

As President you were sworn to defend the United States, not Israel or any other foreign nation. I beseech you to exclusively put first the interests of the American people. We cannot afford to be manipulated by powerful lobbies who owe their allegiance to Israel over that of America.

You must also certainly recognize that the agenda of the Jewish-dominated news media can seriously conflict with the interests of the American people. I pray that you as our President will single-mindedly put the interests of the American people first, last and always.

The tragic events of September 11 did not happen because people hate America's freedom. Unless we examine the root causes of the growing hatred against our country, we shall be doomed to suffer more terrible days like September 11. Let us not be drawn into the hatreds and blood feuds of foreign nations.

May God keep and protect you Mr. President. And may he also give America and all the American people his shining protection.

You have in your hands the most powerful sword on earth. At this critical moment in American history may God grant you the wisdom to use its power to heal rather than to inflame an even greater cycle of hate and violence against the American people.

In whatever course of action you take, I urge you to defy the power of the Zionist lobby which serves the interests of a foreign nation, and put first the safety and interests of the American people.

In Your Service, and for America!

David Duke
Sep 20, 2001

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Jim Allen

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2/3/2009 4:55:07 PM
Hey Geo, Is that David Duke the former Grand Wizard of KKK in the great state of Louisiana? He is now The European-American Rights Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)* National President? You're using this guy as an example. For what? There is no credence to this shameful representation of a anti-terrorist. He is basically a terrorist, himself.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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