First of all Congratulations.
Congratulations to Kathleen and Thomas for staying cool.
Congratulations to everyone who has posted because, despite strong views, it has stayed warm but civil.
Congratulations everyone for supporting a, now well established, feature.
Many of us will know the feeling of having volunteered for something, the job becomes a big one. By now Kathleen must wonder what she has taken on.
My suggestion to the matters raised is this:
Let's give the existing NEW RULES a try. I know that, if things prove problematic in the longer-term Kathleen will be the first to say "Let's take another look".
Let's give a BIG HOORAY for Kathleen for taking this on and give her some credit for being brave enough to take it on, afterall, we can ALL SEE the names proposed so there is no chance of vote distortion.
Roger Macdivitt