Thank you John and Dave for your support, we appreciate it, sometimes when things get to friendly people tend to lose the sense of whats fair and what is really offered on the table, with taking a new step in things like the POTW this time the cards are showing in full view so you know what to expect. My position here is not important, but know one seemed to want help Kathy, Bogdan said that i knew Adlandpro in and out, that may be true, so i figured i was qualified, just as i am qualified to run Bizzy Blogz. I been told how to address you members as the POTW partner lol , so many suggestions but only one write up of the rules that was accepted by Bogdan, Kathy took a lot of time and energy, planning this out by watching past votes, learning from the mistakes and finally sending in her proposal. Oh by the way Kathy get a HEARING AID darn it! LOL. I want to thank you members who have put your votes in already. Your POTW partner.... bizzy thomas ha ha ha. No no sorry just having fun lol. POTW partner Thomas