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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/13/2009 5:20:44 PM

Hi Kathleen

I was a little younger at 17 when I had my first job as a junior clerk with Nestle's chocolates (I can still smell the chocolate aroma). My boss wanted to line me up with a pretty girl working in the office. When I told him I already had a girlfriend he seemed bemused. Just because someone is introverted doesn't mean that they are girl-shy.
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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/13/2009 5:31:10 PM

Hi Jim

Yes, I can understand where you're coming from. Even early in life I could make the correct decisions. When I was a boy scout I was made a Patrol Leader, probably because I could read a map and plot a compass course better than the other boys. It just proves you don't have to be a domineering type to be respected.
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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/13/2009 5:53:00 PM

Hi Joe

We have a couple of things in common here, being introverts and having extrovert wives. My daughter, who is probably somewhere in between, bought me a Chinese Astrology card for my last birthday. Apparently I was born in the year of the goat, which tickled my wife's funny bone.

Here's an extract:
The Goat appears the mildest of the Chinese signs of the Zodiac, but appearances can be deceiving. The Goat prefers an uncomplicated, easy life, free of conflict or problems. But if danger appears, especially when it's a matter of saving his or the life of others, he will put up a ferocious battle. The Goat may have an impassive nature, but cannot be forced to follow a path he doesn't like (that's me to a "T"). Because the goat attaches little importance to material goods, the Bohemian life in an art colony would suit (I agree with the material goods, but not so sure about the Bohemian lifestyle, lol).

Sound like anyone you know?

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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/13/2009 6:11:49 PM

Hi Amanda

My wife and I are totally opposite, which is an attraction, they reckon. But the attraction will only last if you have other things in common, such as humour, morals and the same money values etc.

My wife has heaps more friends than I do, but I don't see the need for more than I have, close friends, that is. She calls me "anti-social" which is fine with me. But I enjoy a BBQ or social evening with another couple, or maybe two other couples. She also says I'm happy in my own company. I believe that is a plus.
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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/19/2009 12:39:16 PM
Hi John,

Thank you for this explanation of the introvert now I understand why my husband would rather have a tooth pulled without Novocain than to go to parties with me. You sound just like him when we get invited out. He starts with( when the rare occasion happens  that he does go with me )  how long do we have to stay? or  why do  I have to go ?

Being an extrovert I have always had problems understanding why someone would not want to be around a crowd of people like me. Thank you for shedding some new light as to the why. :)



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