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Rinna Rani

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/30/2009 3:48:53 PM
Hi Helen,
Thanks for your point of view and I appreciate your frankness in this and you have a true point of view when it comes to adults.

I wonder why they cannot think?  Please I do ask of you, do continue to pray for the children and the war to stop.  The LORD will surely know what to do.

Thank you Helen for the love you are showing the children.  The thought that we have for them and the prayers we say is truly going to change things.

Jim Allen

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 3:55:13 PM

Let's suppose I am right Geo,

Let's suppose for the past year you and yours have been tossing rocks, bombs, stones or whatever at my house, my yard, my kids, my pets and/or any family member or friend and there was death or maiming.  There would be nowhere for you to hide in this world or any other.  Severe retaliation is my guarantee.  As far as you or anyone knows those losses have already happened to a degree in my family and circle of influence. 

My former administrative secretary's son was killed, many of my friends have met there demise while there on humanitarian causes.  So I have felt the loss and have mourned them.

Sensitivity has nothing to do with your statement or the picture you put up in place of real ones.

For the record, I hold with no one that harms children intentionally.  The HAMAS and Palestinian combatants has caused the deaths of their own by using them as shields.  There is NO Justification for those losses.  But place blame where blame is due and not on those, that have been the recipients of daily bombings, suicide bombers and those that recruit and hide them. 

As for aid to the Palestinians, I have no problem with that as long as it goes to those that are the non combatants and the children.  HAMAS by the way are stealing those supplies from the very ones you are portraying in your fake picture.

I do pray for peace for all nations, everyday I awake and every night I go to sleep.  The only way to save the children is to STOP the Aggressors and all evidence points to radical Islamics that will make peace with you if you bow to their whims, which isn't going to happen.

Joe, you are right there should be a solution.  How about starting with honor of one's word.  How many treaties and peace accords must be tossed aside and broken before the aggressors are treated as the curr dogs they act like?  As you know talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.  I believe Israel is done talking with dishonorable folks like HAMAS and Hezbollah.

Look folks if I avowed that unless you believed the way I do, you should be eradicated, would I, be accepted?  HELL NO! 

So why the double standard in this instance?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 7:06:20 PM

Hello Friends,

I see there was some lively discussion while I was out. I also saw that Geo started a thread of his own where he is trying to show a different picture of this conflict. I will be responding there too.

There is no doubt that the present conflict was started and created by the constant and consistent bombings of Israel by the Hamas over the past 3 years. During that period Israel didn't respond and continued with the peace talks with the Palestinians. There was also a peace fire with the Hamas that they didn't renew in December 2008. In addition during that same period the Hamas continued bombing for the simple reason to do everything in their power to insure that there will be no peace. It is their stated purpose to destroy Israel and they have no desire for peace. All you have to do is read their protocols and you'll see that they not only have they no desire for peace they intend to continue on with their attacks and tactics till the end of time.

Israel withdrew from Gaza over 3 years ago and removed all military forces, villages, settlements and their inhabitants from the Gaza area. Gaza is not an occupied territory and has been under the full control of the Palestinian leadership since then. Hamas has done nothing to improve the lives of its inhabitants quite the opposite is true up to and including the murder, incarceration and torture of all those that oppose them. In a previous post I gave the link for a video with a high ranking PLO official that verifies just that.

After 5000 bombs and 4500 mortar attacks Israel finally decided that enough is enough. That is the truth. I wonder where all the truth seeking people were when the bombs were raining down on Israeli cities, villages and kibbutzim? Not interesting enough I guess.I also wonder how any country would react when their cities are bombed daily?

The death of any child is a tragedy and we suffer with every loss. Their children and other casualties of the recent war and previous wars were treated in Israeli hospitals and even more so during the period that the bombs were raining down on Israel. The only difference is that we educate and teach our children that we are yearning for a true and lasting peace and they're children are taught from childhood that killing Israelis and Jews is not only permissible but required according to their religion.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza
1/30/2009 8:31:27 PM

Hello John,

Thanks for your visit and comment.

They are really "brave" individuals the Hamas leaders. Not only do they hide behind children and women they are in hiding in safe places, (tunnels, Mosques, hospitals etc.) while the general population is in the fire line from the bombings the Hamas leadership are the cause of. 

Thanks for your support.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 8:41:57 PM

Hello Rinna,

Unfortunately I am not in the enviable position of not taking sides and passing "judgment" on the actions of others. We have been living this situation for over 60 years even before the State of Israel existed.

You can't have war without casualties unfortunately and that includes woman and children. My only wish is that the Hamas would have the same love for their own children that we have. I have always loved children and they always loved me in return and my heart bleeds for any child that dies for any reason.

We can only hope and pray that the Hamas will learn to love their children as we do. Their actions surely show the exact opposite.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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