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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Breast Feeding Fatwah Sheikh Back At Egypt's Al-Azhar U.
5/24/2009 9:50:47 AM

Hi Helen,

Yes, that was the original fatwah that the Sheikh put out and I guess the Al-Azhar University was a bit perturbed by it even though their own Muhammad recommended the same solution as you read above. And we all know by now that anything Muhammad said, did, recommended, ordered is holy and to be obeyed and followed.

But, I'm not convinced that the fatwah had it been accepted would have solved the problem but most probably caused a myriad of honor killings cos of all those suckling guys at work. I don't think the husband of the woman "breast feeding" a grown man would be accepted simply as a "foster mother" feeding her child. What do you think?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Breast Feeding Fatwah Sheikh Back At Egypt's Al-Azhar U.
5/24/2009 5:46:08 PM

And who are these women that would allow such a thing?  I suppose they had no say in the matter being mainly the work horses there only for the enjoyment and slaves of men.  Disgusting!

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Peter Fogel

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5/25/2009 1:02:06 AM

Hello Friends,

Isn't it amazing that the declared enemies of the US are getting the most support from the United States? Interesting question and quite a frightening one when you seriously think of the consequences of the great pretenders past actions and declared future actions.

Although B Hussein recently stated that there is a time limit to the "talk and appeasement" with Iran he failed to tell us what that time limit is. Hmmmm, I wonder if he himself knows? It might depend on how badly Ahmadinejad insults and threatens the US (and Israel of course). So far each insult and threat just gets them more time cos B Hussein doesn't really don't know what it is he wants from them so it's all a wasted of effort and time. But the important word here is time and that's what Iran wants and their friendly ally in the White House is handing it to them on a silver platter. 

Think about it and enjoy todays Dry Bones.



I saw the successful launch of the Israeli "Arrow Missile" on TV this evening. It's supposed to knock down Iranian Missiles that are on their way to wipe us off the map. The second news item was about the pressure, demands, and restraints that the Obama White House is putting on Israel.

I joined the two items together in today's cartoon.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - US Muslim Women - NY Synagogue Bomb Plan Was FBI Plot
5/29/2009 1:46:54 AM
Hello Friends,

I must apologize for my absence this past week but due to a small operation and numerous meetings (about a new project I'm involved in) I've had very little time to log on to the net.

There have been many topics to write about and it was difficult to choose what to start with. I decided to discuss the foiled Jihadist plot to bomb a Bronx Synagogue and a National Guard base.

The recruitment and conversion of many convicts in prison to Islam and extreme Jihad convictions is well known and documented. In a future post I'll discuss this too. The bottom line is that this is an integral part of the "home grown" Islamic plan to infiltrate and bring about their plan for Islamic dominance in the world and in the US.

I had to laugh when I read an article that the National Association of Muslim American Women (NAMAW) is accusing the FBI of "entrapping" the 4 Jihadi terrorists. How quaint and original. The claim that they are a group of idiots is not debated as is the obvious claim that anybody that commits a suicide bombing is nothing but an idiot is a given. BUT, Islam is recruiting these "idiots" to advance their plan and it is just one avenue of their plan for world domination.

The article is quite interesting cos it shows the process that the Muslim population uses to claim innocence of any and all crimes when anyone with any common sense can see that many of their Muslim organizations are simply fronts for extreme terrorist organizations and are funded and supported by them. Even the biased Main Stream Media has no alternative other then to report on these events.



US Muslim Women: NY Synagogue Bomb Plan was FBI Plot

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu


The National Association of Muslim American Women (NAMAW) has charged the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with entrapping four New York City Muslims arrested for planning to bomb a synagogue.

The cell was nabbed last week after a year-long police dragnet that involved an informant, who the Times of London reported probably is Shahed Hussain, a former New York state motel owner. He began collaborating with the FBI in 2002 to avoid deportation to Pakistan after being arrested on charges of fraud.

NAMAW appealed to the Justice Department to investigate the case, accusing the FBI of plotting to entrap the cell as part of a campaign against Muslims. It said that the FBI is “creating the illusion that all Muslims are either terrorists or potential terrorists, thereby substantiating the use of racial and religious profiling on Muslims and Arabs. 

“The FBI, posing as Al Qaeda-backed militants to brainwash and coax 'vulnerable' men into the walking trap of their own foiled terrorist plot, causes grave concern to the representatives of Muslims in American society," the organization said in a statement.

Police and federal investigators, after tracking the cell, sold them fake bombs and a phony Stinger missile that the four men planned to use to attack two Jewish buildings, including a synagogue, and a National Guard air base.

The cell wanted to create “a fireball that would make the country gasp, “according to a police officer.

The Muslim women’s group, which previously has asked for a probe of Jewish lobby groups for allegedly spreading hate messages, claimed that one of those arrested has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. They also charged that the FBI informant “persuaded these men into believing that their religion obligated them to carry out acts of violence in the United States in retaliation for U.S. war crimes being carried out in the Muslim world.'

Terence Kindlon, a lawyer who defended the last terror suspect to be tried in New York State, told the Times of London, “It is almost as if the FBI cooked up the plot and found four idiots to install as defendants.”

Referring to nearly 100 law enforcement officers involved n the arrests, he added, “Did they really need all those men in ninja suits with M16 rifles to arrest four idiots? Somewhere, someone in Al-Qaeda must be laughing.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Iranian Official - US Hired Mosque Bombers
5/29/2009 10:52:13 AM
Hello Friends,

I just read a news report that an Iranian official is blaming the US for the bombing of a Mosque in Iran.

This is an interesting issue since their claim is that the US and England funded the terrorists that were guilty of the act. Here we have the country that is the mainstay of Hamas and Hezbollah accusing no more no less the US of funding terrorism while they are the most guilty party in the world of just that act.

From what I read between the lines this is a local act of terrorism but we'll never know the truth cos they will never reveal who the real culprits are when they can conveniently blame the US and England.



Iran Official: U.S. Hired Deadly Mosque Bombers

Friday, May 29, 2009

TEHRAN, Iran —  A top Iranian official accused the U.S. of hiring the bombers who carried out a devastating attack on a Shiite mosque in the southeastern city of Zahedan, killing as many as 23, Fars news agency reported on Friday.

"Three people involved with the terrorist incident were arrested," Jalal Sayah, a deputy provincial governor told the agency. "According to the information obtained they were hired by America and the agents of the arrogance."

Ali Mohammad Azad, the governor general of the province, told the official IRNA news agency 23 people were killed and 125 others were wounded in the attack, which was carried out during evening prayers.

The bombing was the deadliest such incident in the Islamic Republic in more than a decade, according to Reuters.

The blast, which may been a homicide bombing, went off in Zahedan, the capital of a lawless province that frequently witnesses clashes between police and gangs involved in drug smuggling. It has also seen attacks by an Islamic militant group called Jundallah, which claims to be fighting for rights of Sunni Muslims in mainly Shiite Iran but is suspected of Al Qaeda links.

Alaeddin Mazari, a local journalist in Zahedan, told The Associated Press that the explosion occurred in the second biggest Shiite Muslim mosque in the city, some 1,000 miles southeast of the capital, Tehran.

Ali Mohammad Azad, the governor of Sistan-Baluchistan province where Zahedan is the capital, told the official Islamic Republic News Agency the explosion happened at 7:45 p.m. and said a terrorist was involved, but didn't provide further details. He told state television that he detained some suspects who planned additional attacks ahead of the June 12 presidential election.

The state news agency quoted an unnamed official as saying part of the mosque was destroyed and rescue teams were transferring the bodies of the dead and injured.

In 2007, Jundallah, or God's Brigade, killed 11 members of the country's elite Revolutionary Guards in Zahedan.

Sectarian violence has been rare in other parts of Iran, but not totally absent.

Iran hanged three men last month for their involvement in a bombing inside a packed Shiite mosque in April 2008 that killed 14 people in the southern city of Shiraz, about 550 miles south of Tehran.

The blast went off as the mosque's cleric was delivering a weekly speech denouncing the Bahai faith and Wahabiism — an austere brand of Sunni Islam practiced mostly in Saudi Arabia, according to local news reports. Such speeches are not unusual in Iranian mosques.

Iran's Revolutionary Court said the three were members of the Iran Royal Association, a little known monarchist group that wants to overthrow the country's ruling Islamic establishment. It said they had ties to the U.S.

Tehran has repeatedly accused the U.S. and Britain of backing militants and opposition groups. Both countries deny it.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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