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Peter Fogel

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5/15/2009 3:33:14 PM
Hello Friends,

Every once a true patriot and decent man comes on the scene that deserves our support and respect. Lt. Col. Allen West is one of them. He believes in the values that the US stands for and is not afraid to say what has to be said. The Constitution is his guiding light and he is willing to fight for it.

Men like Lt Col Allen West deserve our support. He is a candidate for congress in the 2010 elections and all those in Florida that can should support him.

Last month I posted an article written by him and was very impressed. This month's is just as good if not better.




15 May 2009

Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)

Enemy at the Gates”

Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans, here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road political assessment. There is so much which has occurred since my last missive. Of course we breached the Obama 100 day milestone and all I can say is....Holy Cow Batman!

However, as I sit here pondering my focus for this month I am reminded of a bit of history from ancient Rome. Back after the defeat of the great Carthaginian General Hannibal, Roman parents would use a simple threat when disciplining their wayward children, “Hannibal is at the gates”. There are many issues facing the Obama administration, and I am sick of his “I inherited this” excuse. He should not have run for President if he finds that he is too inept to display visionary leadership.

The primary objective of the federal government is to protect the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of the American people. This past month I have had the opportunity to participate in some events which tells me they are failing.

The Honorable Geert Wilders, Dutch Parliamentarian, visited South Florida for a “Free Speech Summit” in April. Hon Wilders is a man of great courage and conviction who lives under threat, as well as his family, from Islamic radicals simply because he tells the truth. He has also been brought up on charges of hate speech by his own Dutch government cowering to pressure from Islamic clerics, mullahs, and imams.

Hon Wilders was denied entry to the UK, he was invited to House of Lords, by British Home Secretary because of Muslim threats to riot.

This all because he has chosen not to be silent but to confront the enemy at the gates of western civilization, radical Islamic ideologues.

This is not the first time that the so called “religion of peace” has stood at the gates of western civilization. Charles Martel turned them back in 732 AD at the Battle of Tours. The Venetian Christian fleet turned them back in 1571 at the naval Battle of Lepanto. The Germanic and Polish Knights came to defeat the invading Ottomans in 1683 in Vienna.

However, there was one place where western civilization did not stand when this enemy came to its gates. That place was Constantinople, what was once the seat of the Byzantine Empire, cradle of art and education. It fell in 1453 to the conquering Ottoman Turks, Muslims.

Hence, I found it very interesting that while addressing the Turkish general assembly our dear fearful leader stated that the United States is not a Christian Nation. He further stated that we are not at war with islam.

The hypocrisy would be humorous if not so dire; Barack Hussein Obama surrendered our values to a Nation established upon the destruction of a Christian empire. Furthermore, he failed to understand the countless attacks of Islamic armies on western civilization. The enemy was given a free pass.

And do not portend to lecture me about the Crusades, there had been nearly 400 years of Muslim oppression in the Holy Lands and in Spain before Pope Urban II declared such an expedition circa 1095. Atrocities occurred on both sides, but the impetus for this military action came from the mistreatment of Christian pilgrims. The movie “Kingdom of Heaven” is replete with historical inaccuracies.

Why this history lesson?

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them”.

Here we are in the 21st century fighting against an enemy, yep, I said enemy, which still maintains a 7th century ideology. It is a totalitarian, imperialistic system which truly has no roots in religion, just a suitable mask behind which it hides true intention.

We are currently embroiled is an insidious discussion about a psychological intimidation tactic called waterboarding. All the while our men and women have to fight doggedly because this enemy murders, ritually guts, dismembers, and beheads our troops when captured. This is an enemy which targets civilians and holds a belief that the clear way to paradise is to kill those who are not of their belief, non-muslims, kaffirs, infidels.

And yes, I have studied the Koran and the hadiths of Muhammad.

But what is most frightening is that this enemy now has 30-35 training camps right here in our America. This enemy is actively recruiting in our prisons, matter of fact pay attention to how many Islamic centers and mosques are near our federal and state prisons. This is an enemy who by sheer demographics are now out-population us in America. Our birth rate is somewhere around 1.6 while Muslims in America, and indeed worldwide is near 8.1.

Last year right here in Broward County at a pro-Israel rally I witnessed taunts to my Jewish friends of; “Hitler did not finish the job” and “Go back into the ovens”, captured on You Tube. Where were the criminal arrests for hate speech?

We even have a coward Broward County Commission which allowed the Council of America-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to purchase ads placed on busses which stated; “Islam: The Way of Life for Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad”. This was done during the Judeo-Christian holiday season of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas.

All this is occurring and we have a President who states we cannot use the term enemy combatant. He is pledging to send $900M American taxpayer dollars to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas which controls the Gaza strip. He has declared he will shut down the GITMO facility, with no plan. And lastly, as our leader, Barack Hussein Obama has bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, a well known supporter of promulgating terrorist propaganda, of dispensing radical clerics and imams, and to madrassas and mosques all across the world, and America.

What message does this all convey?

Even this week we saw Pope Benedict exhibit cowardice in the face of this enemy during his trip to the Middle East.

I humbly beseech you to become more aware of this enemy. I implore you to read and study history, read books by Robert Spencer, Dr Andrew Bostom, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Mark Steyn, Walid Phares, and Brigitte Gabriel. View the films Obsession, Fitna, Third Jihad, and Homegrown Jihad.

We must realize that when tolerance becomes a one way street it leads to cultural suicide.

This enemy is not only at our gates, he resides amongst us; infiltrating our cultural, economic, educational, and political systems. We have school districts being sued to take pork products off school lunch menus. We have honor killings occurring in America. We have groups like CAIR, MAS, MPAC, ISNA who are masquerading under a cloak of advocating Muslim rights but have been tied to Islamic terrorist groups.

Are there Muslims in America who love our Country and want to live in peace and enjoy our freedoms, of course. However, their voices remain silent because we have cowardly and unprincipled leadership which is recalcitrant in defining, and holistically confronting, this enemy.

Hon Geert Wilders is a dear friend and I have pledged to him that I will be his counterpart in America. We shall not be as Constantinople and the Byzantines.

Will you join me to preserve the greatest Republic and Constitutional Democracy the world has ever known? Nope, no apologies here!

Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC(R) A B West

Atlas Shrugs
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - History And Geography Lesson - Pakistan/India/Afghanistan
5/15/2009 4:18:37 PM
Hi Friends,

Dry Bones seems to have the knack of simplifying important concepts in a way that every one can comprehend.

In the latest issue he once again gives an important history and geography lesson one that many either forgot or never knew. It would appear that Ghandi knew what he was doing when he agreed to seperate India into 2 Countries. That didn't stop the Pakistanis from attacking India ever since and with their Nuclear abilities make them a dangerous enemy.

Now the tables have turned. The Taliban is attacking them (Muslim against Muslim, hmmmmm) and Pakistan's nuclear capabilities are even more damgerous if they fall in the hands of the barbaric Taliban (that B Hussein wants to "talk" with the moderate faction. Only he could think that one up.).



A couple of days ago I did a cartoon map/lesson about America's Occupied Territories. It was history and geography. Today's cartoon is a map/lesson about the "Pakistan's Problem". Why did geography seem so boring in high school? And so important today?

Dry Bones
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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5/15/2009 5:41:22 PM

Hello Peter,

Very interesting gentleman this Lt. Colonel, AND he seems to have his historical facts to the spit and polish, these things do help when politics are as they should be, responsible and serious matters. Very true that tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.


Putting flowers into gun barrels is both bad for the gun and shocking for the flowers! J


Regards, Robert.

Peter Fogel

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5/16/2009 11:14:58 AM
Hi Robert,

I have to agree that Lt. Col West is an unusual man and worthy of our support.

He is indeed very knowledgeable and knows the history of Islam and the Koran well. He is aware of the dangers and is willing to speak out and that includes the usurper in the White House.

I believe the US has a counterpart to Geert Wilders and I'm convinced that his voice will be heard. We need people like him in politics and the shame is that there aren't enough of his ilk.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Smuggled Torture Video From The UAE - Unbelievable
5/17/2009 4:40:56 AM

Hello Friends,

B Hussein reversed his stand on releasing "torture" pictures of terrorists detainees. I guess even he realized he stepped over
the bounds of what an American President be allowed to do.

What's interesting is that many liberals are aghast at this reversal but even worse the Jihadi Muslim Countries are all screaming foul. Yep, you heard right the countries that are the most guilty of torture, beheading, whipping, stoning, murdering etc are crying foul! Unbelievable.

A video was smuggled out of the UAE the original is 45 minutes long but the acts were so gruesome that it was whittled down to 9 minutes and that's bad enough. The torturer is Prince Sheik Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan the brother of the country's Crown Prince.

Assisting Prince Issa is a uniformed policeman and as one watches the video you can sense the satisfaction and enjoyment of the Prince. The UAE Ministry of Interior acknowledged to ABC that Prince Issa was involved but the police after "investigating" closed the case. Prince Issa's brother is the Chief of Police. Interesting??!!



((youtube id="CsSkQWg1aM0&feature"))((/youtube))

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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