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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Bibi Meets With Obama - A Lesson About Occupied Territories
5/13/2009 1:20:02 AM
Hello Friends,

When I saw today's Dry Bones I couldn't help but laugh. The absurd aspect of the observations are obvious to all readers possibly with the exception of Native Americans and Mexico but is considered to be a realistic and necessary requirement of Israel in regard to the Palestinian conflict.

Aside from the Biblical precedents Israel acquired all the lands that are being populated through legal means and high prices were paid till this day. As a reminder the PA recently passed a law that any Palestinian caught selling land to Israel, Israelis or Jews will be tried and executed.

The lands acquired by wars that were instigated by the Arabs is in question now and I guess what Dry Bones is telling us is that every country has to look at its own past and see if they meet the criteria required by many and imposed on Israel.

As a personal observation I will say that regardless of the justice or injustice of the demands being made on Israel the 2 state solution is accepted by Israel and the only thing standing in the way of resolving the agreement are the Palestinians themselves and that includes the more "moderate" PLO/Fatah and of course Hamas that is totally against any settlement (read their charter and the PLO's for that matter).

A quote I read today by Mark Steyn "
the perversity of the international community in denying to Israel the final status bestowed on countless other territorial disputes over the centuries is nothing more than the "acceptable" face of anti-semitism

Here's your Dry Bones and a golden oldie from the Carter period.



Bibi is about to meet with Obama.
For the occasion, at the request of a reader, I've redone a Dry Bones cartoon classic that, more than 30 years ago, back in 1977, gave Jimmy Carter an accurate history lesson in Occupied Territories.

If the reports leaking out of Washington are accurate, the new President seems stuck with the old misconceptions that withdrawing from territory will placate those who lust for our destruction and that America can help by negotiating on behalf of the Arab states that refuse to negotiate directly with the Jewish State of Israel.

The teacher in the 1977 'toon was Menahem Begin, then Israel's feisty Prime Minister. The teacher in today's cartoon is Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, Israel's current Prime Minister.

As promised on Thursday, here is the famous cartoon that, close to 30 years ago, back in 1977, gave Jimmy Carter an accurate history lesson in Occupied Territories.

The teacher in the 'toon was Menahem Begin, then Israel's feisty Prime Minister.

Dry Bones

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Bibi Meets With Obama - A Lesson About Occupied Territories
5/13/2009 1:28:58 AM

Hello Friends,

The Dry Bones were supposed to be clickable into a larger image but unfortunately that doesn't work. :(

Here are larger images to aid our aging eyes. :)





Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Pope Benedict XVI - Visit To Israel And Missed Opportunities
5/13/2009 11:42:43 PM
Hello Friends,

This Past week we've been honored by the visit of Pope Benedict XVl here in Israel. There were expectations on all sides from this visit and in my opinion all sides were disappointed and with a feeling of missed opportunities.

I'll not get into some of the more personal issues of this Pope's visit but instead will stay on track and the topic of this thread.

During the Pope's visit he made a few statements that in a sense I found disturbing. I have some very good Catholic friends and have no intention to mar that friendship but the facts (as I see them) have to be stated and shown and I sincerely hope they accept them at face value and know they come from the heart and mind of a thinking rational person.

One of the first statements the Pope made while he was still in Jordan was that he has a"deep respect for Muslims". I appreciated the nuance here and irony of the message behind the words. I'm not convinced that most took notice of this but he said Muslims and not Islam. The message here is obvious but I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to say what he thought of Islam, Jihad and their plans for world domination.

In a few cases there were statements made but what was more important was what wasn't said especially when he visited Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Many felt great disappointment for an opportunity missed and most probably won't be repeated in the near future.

When The Pope visited Bethlehem he spoke of many things but not of the decline of Christians in this most famous of cities and one that is important to Christianity and Judaism. When I say decline I'm not talking about small percentage points but from a city that had a majority of Christians over 65% to a mere 5%-10% percent of the population today. The reasons are well known and have nothing to do with Israel but the harsh discrimination by their Muslim neighbors under the leadership of the PLO/Fatah and Hamas.

This forum has dealt with the designs and plans of world domination by Islam. It has dealt with the death sentence of Islam on all infidels and that includes members of all faiths not only Jews. Over the years we've been witnesses to the mass murder of Christians all over the world by Muslims and the destruction of their churches. I invite you to watch the below video to see the facts and statistics for yourself.

Friends, the Pope knows all this and made no mention of it during his visit to Israel and Jordan. This as I said was another wasted opportunity to say what had to be said by a respected world leader aside from being the Pope and the head of the Catholic religion.

I wonder when another chance like this will come about? Once again political correctness won as opposed to saying what has to be said. What a shame.

Please watch the video I'm sure you'll understand why on a personal level I'm so disappointed and more important why the world should be disappointed. I certainly hope the Pope's agenda isn't to appease the Islamic world as BHO's is.

Watch the video here.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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Re: HSIG - Pope Benedict XVI - Visit To Israel And Missed Opportunities
5/14/2009 4:11:23 AM

Hello Peter,

Interesting insight you bring up here, and I see nothing that might mar feelings or beliefs in what you say. In fact you present it in a very real and factual manner that pretty much amuses me, because if I do not make any big deal about these travels it simply is because they do NOT achieve any positive results and maybe even create quite the opposite.

It would be beyond an Adland’s forum capacity (sorry Bogdan! J) to get into the real ground floor issue of the matter, even if we all agree that it is more than an issue. Suffice to say that the Pope is not a political leader, and that statement is already a political statement in itself!

Since the Vatican council of the 1960’s the Church has fallen into the error of “religious freedom” it now proclaims (Many times condemned by earlier Popes). And by so doing, for the sake of inter-religious talkings, they have opened the Pandora box they thought to have sealed. Religious freedom not only brings about religious indifference but gives equal rights to good as well as to evil, thereby preventing the very objectives it sought to obtain.

Having proclaimed “Urbi et Orbi” human dignity above all else, the man is now confronted with the necessary political correctness that prohibits his authority of proclaiming “Urbi et Orbi” the dignity of God, and that man’s only and real freedom and dignity stems from his kneeling down in front of he who redeemed us by accepting our sins to nail him unto the cross so as to be the perfect and total sacrifice only capable of stemming the wrath of God of our inherent sins. Yep, the truth sets you free and at all levels, sheer common sense to me.

This situation is precisely what Pope Pius X denounced as early as in 1905, not surprising that there is a priestly society erected to his name and patronage since, whatever the world’s political correctness is or is not for the day at hand, because politics as fashion has a knack of getting itself out-of-fashion sometimes overnight!

Okay, some may think this is drifting way off from the subject at hand, but I do not. Either we accept separation of state and faith or not, but if we do then why expect the Pope to be political? One super big knot one way or the other.

Friendly yours,


Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Pope Benedict XVI - Visit To Israel And Missed Opportunities
5/15/2009 3:28:28 PM
Hello Robert,

Interesting comments as usual. It is true the Pope is the titular head of the Catholic Church and as such isn't per se a political leader but in a way he is. The Vatican is a mini state within Italy/Rome and as such has all the agencies as all other countries and states have. So in addition to being the Center for the Catholic Religion it is also a political entity and is recognized as such by all countries in the world.

Politics are rife within the Catholic church as you well know and political issues are dealt with now as in the past on a daily basis.

That said I will refer to your closing statement that dealt with the separation of Church/religion and state. As you know I am a strong believer in that but that shouldn't stop a religious leader from stating the obvious and one of the examples in my post was the current population of Christians in Bethlehem today as opposed to the past and the reasons for that.

The main topic of the post was the massacres, murders and butchered Christians in Africa and other parts of the world by Muslims that again was not mentioned by the Pope.

The 2 above examples are not political but moral and ethical issues and as a religious leader he has every right to discuss and mention them and in a sense a moral obligation to do just that.

Let me give you an example from a different issue that is very dear and important to many in the world including the Catholic Church. Abortions. This is not only a moral and theological issue it's also a political one and has become so more and more over the years. The Catholic Church has taken both a moral/ethical and political stand (and rightly so in my opinion) and has come out against abortions world wide.

The dividing line between politics and religion is sometimes very thin and regardless there are issues and dangers that have to be dealt with by all leaders for ethical and moral reasons.

Yesterday the Pope visited in Nazareth and there he declared amongst other things that Muslims and Christians have to stop the hating and start loving. Well, that was a starting point and once again the main issue wasn't dealt with. Another missed opportunity.

So, in conclusion the missed opportunities remain as is. The Pope did make some political statements that won't help the Israel Palestinian conflict and missed touching on some moral truisms and dangers facing the world.

I for one am sorry for the missed opportunities and regret they weren't dealt with in a different manner.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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