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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - JIHAD 2009 - What's In Store for Us.
5/9/2009 2:48:23 AM
Hello Friends,

As many of you already know I consider Islam's plan for world domination to be one of the greatest dangers the world is facing today. Jihad, creeping Shariah, disregard for the laws of the land they live in, stealth Jihad, Shariah banking, honor killings, abuse of women and children the list is endless and goes on and on.

I've been giving lots of thought to the distinction between extreme and radical Islam to the moderate Muslim.

I've mentioned quite a few times Geert Wilders' observation that there might be "moderate Muslims but there is no moderate Islam". When you think about it there is a contradiction in terms here and in a sense there is. I've featured moderate Muslims in this thread a few times and commend the work they are doing. Unfortunately there are not enough of them ready to speak out against the way Islam is being used by the Jihadis world wide.

So the thought came to mind what exactly is a moderate Muslim? If you think about it they are in essence saying that they are not following all the tenets of Islam and think there should be changes in Islam.

Well, for those of you that read anything about Islam that is one thing that is not tolerated. The word of the Koran is to be obeyed as written. No changes and no modifications to what Mohammed said, preached and did. He is the example of excellence and is to be followed and emulated.

So the moderate Muslims are in favor of changing certain aspects of Islam and that is considered heresy and punishable by death. When you think about it in this manner you can understand why there are so few willing to speak out and that makes you wonder if in fact there are many moderate Muslims out there.

You have to ask what those moderates will do in money time? Leave the religion or simply acquiesce to the teachings of the Koran and become part of the mob rule. I have my thoughts on this matter and I wonder what you think. I will add more on this in future posts.

I decided to post these observations after seeing the latest Dry Bones. It in effect shows that killing is a way of life in Islam and part and parcel of their "religion of peace".



I try to comment on the specific news of the day, but, strangely, many cartoons from decades ago are still not out of date. Today, after looking at the news of the day, I thought it was time to step back and do a cartoon overview of what's "going on". It would be nice to think that decades from now this cartoon will no longer be "relevant".

What do you think?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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5/9/2009 11:18:38 PM

Hello Friends,

I read the below article with great interest cos it clearly shows the tactics used by the Muslim Brotherhood and other similar organizations.

What's interesting here is that the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the first organizations that came out with a plan for Islam's quest for world domination. In another post here I already discussed that and in their charter they clearly state the main objectives to be the extermination of Israel and the domination of the world.

Another interesting point is that the MB aren't natural partners with Iran due to different interpretations of Islam but they seem to have united in order to attain their objectives.

One of which is to topple the government of Husni Mubarak and turn Egypt into another Extreme Islamic country that will kowtow to the Iran, Sudan, Syria  group that is slowly growing and gaining strength. And the other is the destruction of Israel by their massive support of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

Now the Muslim Brotherhood claims that B. Hussein is helping the Zionists. What a pathetic joke. As is this speech he's planning to make in Egypt.

He's already made his famous first speech in Turkey and "explained" how much Islam has contributed to the world and should be "respected". Yep, they sure have contributed to murder, terrorism, honor killings, pedophilia, abuse of women, shariah law, sharia banking, silencing those opposed to Islam, stemming freedom of speech and the list goes on and on. All definitely accomplishments that should be "respected". Maybe by B. Hussein the great pretender but not by me and many others.

I wonder how much damage his second speech will create and how many apologies we'll hear spouting from him this time around. The fiasco of his first trip was seen by all and now we've got a second episode to look forward to. It sure will be hard to pick up the pieces after he's gone and put "Humpty Dumpty" back together again (definitely no insult intended by this example). All we can do now is hope that his teleprompter breaks down and all we'll have to hear is uh, ah, hum. ahhh. That'll definitely make more sense then anything he'll read off the prompter.



Muslim Brotherhood: Obama helping Zionists


Egyptian Islamic group dismisses President Obama's upcoming speech to Muslim world


Published:  05.09.09, 16:53 / Israel News

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood dismissed on Saturday US President Barack Obama's plan to deliver a speech to the Muslim world from Egypt as part of a plan to keep Arab and Muslim states divided.

Deputy leader Mohamed Habib said overtures by the United States to countries like Syria and Iran, and recent visits by US officials to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, indicated the speech would be used to further the superpower's pro-Israeli agenda.

"The US administration is trying to use each of these countries individually to serve the American agenda and American interests, in addition to securing, promoting, protecting and guaranteeing the superiority of the Zionist entity," Habib told Reuters.


 'Politics not built on statements'


Obama will deliver a speech to the Muslim world in Egypt on June 4 in which he will seek to repair ties that were severely damaged under his predecessor George W. Bush.

"The statements are rosy, but politics is not built on statements as much as it's based on practices on the ground. Let's wait and see," Habib said.

The Brotherhood, Egypt's largest opposition group, controls roughly a fifth of seats in Egypt's lower house of parliament. The group played a seminal role in the development of Islamist ideology and political groups around the Muslim world.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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5/11/2009 12:40:20 AM
Hello Friends,

PM Netanyahu's scheduled meeting with BHO next week has been getting quite a bit of news coverage and the speculation is rife as to the outcome of that meeting.

Prior to meeting with B Hussein he'll be meeting with the King of Jordan and then with the President of Egypt Husni Mubarak.

Obviously the meeting with Mubarak is the important one since the King has become B Hussein's echo in the area. No one has any doubts what Netanyahu and Mubarak will be discussing in addition to the Palestinian issue.

Dry Bones says it so well as usual.



Before his historic first meeting with President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. I figure that anyone who understands the current situation knows what Bibi and Mubarak will be discussing when they are alone together, behind closed doors. I decided to use a Quiz Show format for this Dry Bones cartoon.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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5/11/2009 7:31:57 AM
Hi Peter,

l had lots of reading to catch up on . The meeting Bibi and Mubarak should prove interesting and my best guess is they will be discussing their neighbor Iran and what to do about their nuclear capabilities.

I also saw that the Taliban in Afghanistan  are using the same kinds of human shields as Hamas used in Gaza. On Friday I saw a report about the Taliban forcing civilians into houses they knew where going to be targeted by air strikes and there were of course women and children held like hostages and many died. Now, that the US are dealing with the same kind of tactics as were used in Gaza we are being blamed for killing the innocent just like Hamas did in Gaza.

Karzai and the Red Cross need to stop being the Taliban's useful idiots in protesting the US air strikes  and yelling that we are criminals.  I believe it don't matter which radical muslim group they belong to the tactics are the same. They are all cowards hiding behind women and children using them as human shields.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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5/13/2009 1:16:26 AM

Hi Geketa,

The Human Shield tactics used by Hamas, Taliban Hezbollah and in fact all the Islamic terrorist groups are well documented and continue to be a "winning" tactic.

It's done for propaganda purposes and of course to save their own skin. Human life has little value in Islam and all you have to do is read the Koran to verify that sad fact.

Bibi and Mubarak met and we'll see if anything positive come out of that meeting. There are common enemies to both countries and I can envision joint participation in future plans if Mubarak's government won't be toppled by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hezbollah/Syrian/Iran combine. Mubarak is a strong leader and only time will tell.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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