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Peter Fogel

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5/2/2009 12:59:28 AM

Hello Friends,

Well the Jihadi's are out in the open in Albuquerque, NM. this billboard is up and of course misleads as usual.

Interesting that this thread started cos of the abhorrent justification of the Hamas for using Human Shields be they children, women, families, hospitals, schools, densely populated areas, public buildings and more and more. Here are a few reminders of their actions and total disregard for the lives of their children and women.

((youtube id="OefgMtXOc1M&feature"))((/youtube))

((youtube id="g0wJXf2nt4Y&feature"))((/youtube))

Needless to say that they don't mention the 10,000 bombs and mortars that Hamas fired on Israel since taking control of Gaza.

Here are a few additional reminders that you can read over at Jihad Watch.

Israel tries to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas tries to maximize them

Hamas placed children on rooftops as human shields preventing Israeli attack on Qassam workshops and warehouses

Gaza family describes how Hamas used them as human shields



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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5/2/2009 11:44:58 AM
Hi Peter,

I wish I lived near
Albuquerque, NM.I would love to rent a bill board saying, "We will have peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us". Golda Meir
I agree that bill board is open jihad, it was probably paid for by US tax payers funds that went to CAIR.

I find it interesting that people even believe that Israel is killing the innocent. I know that Israel goes out of their way to protect the civilizations. Hamas goes out of their way to harm the innocent  because they are too cowardly to openly fight with someone who can defend themselves.  How many car bombs have been linked to the IDF ? None!  How many have been linked to Hamas? Countless.

How many in IDF have openly killed anyone with an ax ? NONE .. Hamas are nothing but cowards hidding behind their own women and children!

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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5/2/2009 4:50:38 PM

Hey Geketa,

I wish you lived there too. The billboard you propose is great and you would probably do more then just the billboard!

Stealth Jihad and Creeping Jihad are all around us and they use any and all tactics. Their Koran allows them to lie to us infidels and it's considered Kosher or should I say halal.

We all have to be on guard and show them up for what they are and it sure isn't "peace loving" US citizens.

Just had a thought. How about a billboard about all the honor killings and abuse of women, not in one of the 57 Muslim countries but in the good old USA and Canada. The statistics are staggering. Peace loving indeed.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - NYC: Human Rights Coalition Rally Against Radical Islam and Violence
5/3/2009 11:22:13 PM
Hello Friends,

On Sunday in New York City the real Human rights rally took place. Not the farce that we all saw and read about the infamous Durban II that was held in Switzerland and disgraced by Ahmadinejad's abhorrent speech that caused some of the countries representatives to get up and leave (but they came back later as if nothing happened).

In NYC we saw people from different races, religions, creeds and cultures band together for the good of man and warn against the dangers of Radical Islam and Shariah law. On a rainy day 500 people came out to support and say no more. We can't keep quiet any more.

Ironically main stream media didn't think this was an important enough event to cover. Believe it or not not one member of the media was there except for Pam Geller from Atlas Shrugs. This proves once again that you won't see
or read real news on TV or the news papers. More and more our only source for true information is the internet and the valiant people working to keep us informed with truth and not what the MSM want us to hear and read. Hmmm, maybe the MSM reporters were afraid to get wet????

One of the speakers a Christian Darfur refugee spoke from the heart and told us all what we have to do in order to survive in the free world. At one point he called the UN the United "do nothing" Nations. My first reaction to hearing this was how true and my second was wrong. They are doing something and it's supporting the 57 Islamic countries in their quest for radical Islam's plan for world domination. 

The Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI) was born and if we all lend a helping hand we will assist in the survival of the world.

Thanks to Pam Geller from Atlas Shrugs for her dedication and hard work.




The Rainbow coalition protested the violation of human rights by political Islam and shariah law. Though drenched in the rain, 300 -500 decent and good people made their way to Times Square in NYC and stood up to the Islamic violence and oppression of free men across the world. Spectacularly diverse but unified in our purpose - life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and an absolute end to jihad.

n the pouring rain, out they came - free men from ever corner of the earth to speak out against Islamic suppression, oppression and shariah law. Here are the partners in this coalition.

Tawfik Hamid, former member of the Jemaah Islamiya terror group, joined Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jewish and other Muslim leaders and organizations to call for defeat of radical Islam and heighten awareness about the danger that Islamic supremacism poses to human rights across the globe.

An Israeli terror victim, Muhammad Yahya, and Simon Deng

((youtube id="o0pkRxGVxBA&feature"))((/youtube))

Sudanese leader Simon Deng, who is a a freed slave; Mohamed Yahya, leader of Muslim Darfur group Damanga; Hindu human rights leader Arish Sahani; anti-slavery spokesman Pastor Gerald Bell, Rajinder Singh Khalsa and Bhupinder Singh Bhurji representing the Sikh community; and others.

The "Rally for Human Rights and Freedom," sponsored by the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI), and a new rainbow coalition of dozens of diverse partner organizations, will feature a special ceremony to honor the US Military, Homeland Security, police, firefighters, emergency workers and others who have defended the United States from terror. A representative of the 9/11 Families will be present, as will a retired NYC police officer who lost a family member on 9/11.

Peter Gadie, father of a 9/11 victim of Islamic attack on America

HRCARI spokesperson notes, “As part of this initiative, we intend to educate elected officials to  helps prevent the spread of Shariah Islamic law. We will work to publicize the threat of Radical Islamic terrorist groups and their allies, and endeavor to protect the right to freedom of religion, and freedom of speech in the face of those who seek to silence advocates of human rights against the threat of Radical Islam.”

HRCARI believes that Radical Islam is a worldwide threat against commonly accepted human rights and is the most urgent topic of our generation.  

((youtube id="lC4ufjtVCtk&feature"))((/youtube))

More pictures and updated videos at Atlas Shrugs

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - The United Do Nothing Nations Except When..............
5/7/2009 12:18:33 AM
Hello Friends,

I apologize for being absent for the past few days but I had a small medical issue and now things are more or less back to normal.

there are a few pressing issues I'll be dealing with today and tomorrow but I thought it proper to bring things back into perspective in regard to the UN and others with their biased reports and statements.

A few days ago the UN came out with a paper accusing Israel of attacking UN facilities during the recent campaign in Gaza. These then were proven to be incorrect and that the UN facilities were being used by Hamas to bomb Israel and Israel simply retaliated to the source of the attacks.

That said and with the foreknowledge of the true facts the UN still saw fit to release this "paper" with an attached letter from the UN chief praising Israel's cooperation blah blah. Hypocrisy in motion and another addition to the biased views of the UN we've all come to expect. Let's not forget though the 57 Muslim nations and their allies that are in fact "running" the UN.

Recently in New York there was a united rally against Islam by members of all religions, creeds, faiths including Muslims. One of the speakers called the UN the "United do nothing Nations" and that is so true except when it comes to Israel. They differentiate between the deaths of Israelis and Jews to acts of self defense by Israel after 8000 bomb and mortar attacks. Of course there were deaths and let's not forget that the majority of the them were Hamas terrorists and the civilians they used as Human Shields in many different ways up to and including using the UN facilities to bomb Israel.

Here's Dry Bones with his unique way of putting things in perspective. It's an oldie and it just proves that there is nothing "new under the sun".

The VOA reported yesterday that:
Israeli President Calls UN Gaza Report 'Outrageous'
"Israel's President on Wednesday rejected as "outrageous" a U.N. inquiry that blamed Israel for six serious attacks on U.N. premises during its recent Gaza offensive.

Israeli President Shimon Peres said his government does not accept "one word" of the report, calling it "one-sided" and "unfair."

"We think it is outrageous. We shall never accept it," Mr. Peres said. "We do not think we have to apologize because we have the right to defend the lives of our children and women. They can stop the missiles? All the people who criticize us, can they stop the shooting? Can they stop the killing? The fact is, the minute we strike, they stop shooting."-more

Dry Bones


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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