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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Geert Wilders- I Will Not Be Intimidated By Islamic Thugs Who Want To........
5/1/2009 3:07:17 PM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for joining us again and sharing your thoughts with us.

I have no great expectations from the "scholars" for many reasons but the 2 main ones are the following:

1. I seriously doubt that they will change the shariah law in regard to apostates cos they won't go against the big Mo's explicit command "kill them"!

2. Even if they had any inclination to liberalize the shariah law in this regard they would be afraid to do so due to the reaction of the extreme/radical Islamic Jihadis.

I read the different articles about the Florida branch of the Jewish ADL and I must admit I was deeply concerned and offended by it.

In 1969 after serving 4 years in the USAF I went to work for the Jewish ADL as an organizer for close to 9 months. I was recommended to them by a very close friend in Gulfport, Mississippi who was involved with them at the time.

I traveled to communities in the Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana area organizing ADL meetings. The ADL of old would never have come out with their ridiculous statements as they did now in their condemnation of Geert Wilders and in support of the infamous Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas funded and supported CAIR.

This troubles and concerns me that they seem to have forgotten exactly what the function and job of the Jewish ADL is. One thing for sure is that political correctness is not one of them. Shame on them! Just my opinion on this issue.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Geert Wilders- I Will Not Be Intimidated By Islamic Thugs Who Want To........
5/1/2009 5:31:10 PM

Hello All

We need to be as confident as the Muslims are.  They say, no, they DECLARE, among other things that Islam will rule the world.  "It will happen" said one young Muslim in a New York street gathering of some sort.

This kind of thing is psychologically intimidating and sends shivers up our spines.  We need to do this same to them.

Remember Mosab Hassan Yousef, the young Palestinian who left Islam and became a Christian and whose father is a leader in Hamas?  Mosab is now living in California according to a YouTube video series.

In the first video, Mosab used the same intimidating tactics when talking about the Muslims and Islam but his comments, in my opinion, of course, were positive.  He said,

"I believe Islam is collapsing already.  Yes, it is collapsing.  It looks from the outside it's growing but from the inside it is completely collapsing.  It is not giving answers to the people.  It's not improving their lives.  It's not.... (I couldn't hear what he said here). Within 10 years, that's it!  Islam is going to be over." 

That must be intimidating to Muslims.  To some Muslims it must be music to their ears.

You can see the videos here >  >

See what Muslims THEMSELVES are saying about this on Al-Jazeerah.....

These videos are among the most interesting I have seen so far.   But then there are a lot of interesting Muslim videos on made not just by Christians and Jews but also many by Muslims or previous Muslims.

Just a thought!


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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Geert Wilders- I Will Not Be Intimidated By Islamic Thugs Who Want To........
5/1/2009 6:03:40 PM

Hello again

If at all possible, please copy and paste my previous post, just above, into an email and send it to everyone for whom you have an email address.  They will appreciate it.

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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Geert Wilders- I Will Not Be Intimidated By Islamic Thugs Who Want To........
5/1/2009 11:57:46 PM

Hello Helen,

I agree that we have to be as aggressive as the extreme/radical Islamic Jihadis are. They come in many guises and that also has to be exposed.

Yes to being as aggressive in our declarations as they are and fortunately more and more are joining in the fray.

Thanks for the links. I've already watched many at the tangled site and also the new youtoube link you provided.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - If America Was A Human Being, We'd Talk with It - But It's Not
5/2/2009 12:00:49 AM

Hello Friends,

The great pretender B. Hussein Obama has shown in his first 100 days in office what his agenda is and many still think he's the greatest thing to hit the market since aspirin.

Well aspirin works and B. Hussein om the other hand "works" at appeasing the USA's enemies, apologizing to the world for all the "evil" America has ever done and is on the verge of totally bankrupting this great country.

I wonder when he'll actually listen to what the enemies that he's trying to appease and "talk" to actually say about him and the Unites States of America?

He's do well to listen to the latest sermon of the Ayotallah Ahmad Khatami at the Tehran University Campus. It says it all and reveals what those barbarians think of the USA and BHO.



Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami In Friday Sermon: 'If America Was A Human Being, We'd Talk With It' - But It's Not; There's Been No Change During Obama's First 100 Days; Arab Leaders See U.S. As Mecca – When Will They Learn That U.S. Is Arabs' Enemy?

In his sermon today at the Tehran University campus, Interim Tehran Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami criticized Washington for its call for talks with Tehran, saying, "The Iranian nation is the same nation that put all options of (former U.S. President George W.) Bush under table and into history's dustbin. (U.S. President Barack) Obama is now toeing Bush's line regarding Iran.”

Khatami, an Iranian Assembly of Experts member, also encouraged the Arab world to cut ties with Israel, warned certain Arab leaders over their efforts to maintain close relations with it, and said that the Arab world must realize that should Israel gain power, it would not hesitate to occupy other countries in the region.

In further comments on U.S.-Iran relations, Khatami said: "Praise to the Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran] who said, 'If America was a human being, we would talk with it' – but you are not human beings, and this is the same nation it was 30 years ago... and [therefore] say: 'Death to America!'"

He said that nothing had changed during the 100 days of the Obama presidency, even though Obama had come to power with the slogan of "change."

He added, "Today there is news [in the U.S.] that Iran is named as the most active country supporting terrorism, and the U.S.'s inexperienced foreign minister [i.e. Hillary Clinton] says that if Iran does not agree with our [i.e. the U.S.'s] directive we will intensify the sanctions... "Are you [Americans] after talks? For a long time the world people have been overwhelmed by hearing your (Americans') empty drums.

Calling the U.S. claim of talks with Iran "double standards," he said, "You do not want talks!" and added that Americans are wishing the day will come for them to re-plunder Iran's wealth, but to no avail.

In further comments on U.S. President Obama's policies, he said, "The world knows quite well that Obama has gained no success inside in harnessing financial crisis."

He added that U.S. foreign policy on the Palestinians under Obama presidency was the same at that of his predecessors and a repeat of the same old policy of Bush.

He added, "Americans always consider themselves committed to supporting Israel. That's a dark stain in U.S. diplomacy."

Turning to the leaders of the Arab countries, Khatami said: "These are people who see America as their Ka'ba [i.e. their Mecca], and consider it as assuring their existence. If they didn't flatter America, America wouldn't protect them... When will you learn that America is your enemy? When will you want to learn that Israel is the occupier and the aggressor? When it gathers strength, it will occupy your lands as well... When will you want to believe this truth – that the defenders of Islam and of the Islamic countries is Iran, who is conscientious for you and your honor?"

Read more here.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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