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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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11/9/2008 12:47:14 PM
I saw this photo cross my path..

Michael Caron

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11/9/2008 3:33:29 PM

 Walking Garbage CanHi Joe,

 Shirley just showed me this forum and at first I was not going to reply, however after reading some of the statements I knew that I had to reply.  First, there are so many intelligent members of our community that seem to like to 'Follow the Leader' rather than being the leader.  I am proud, very proud of my friend Patricia for what she has done.  Since 9-1-1 we have all been told that if we had any suspisions what so ever of an impending Terrorist attack we were to contact the authorities immediately.  She followed her instints as a concerned, Patriotic citizen. What I have seen throughout this forum is ruthless attacks on those that wish to keep the peace rather than continue on the road that we have been on for so long.  As for the tombstone that reads;

       United States of America

       BORN: July 4, 1766

       Died: Nov. 4, 2008


I would change that to read:

      United States of America

      Born: July 4, 1766

      Re-born: Nov.4,2008

      People Woke Up

People have been auguing about whether or not Barrack Obama is a natural born citizen.  When the Constitution of The United States of America was first drawn up and the statement was made that the President of the United States of America had to be a Natural Born citizen, the first president of our country should have been, (by virtue of Law) a Native American because there was not one single person that established this country that was born here. That being said, and not to offend all of the highly intelligent people here that have all the correct answers and that are so quick to exterminate, ridicule, and call people lunatics, WE THE PEOPLE have spoken.  Will the next four years be better than the last eight years??  I doubt it.  I don't believe any of the soldiers that died in a war that was fought in the wrong country to begin with will be resurrected any time soon, I don't believe that the five trillion dollar bailout that President Bush plans to sign before he leaves office will be paid off, and I doubt that we will ever regain the confidence that we once shared with other nations will be re-established over night.

As civilized human beings, if we cannot enter a forum without insulting those that do not share our views, and still call ourselves adults, there seems to be something missing.  The majority of Americans voted for Obama.  The states that voted for Bush voted for Obama.  Barrack Obama received the most electoral votes since I beleive 1918 (I could be wrong, so be sure to call me on this one.) This was the very first election where the REAL Americans actualy had a say. I would much rather see a First Lady in the White House that buys her clothes from the same stores that my wife buys hers rather than a Polar Bear Killing Hockey Mom that spends enough for one dress that she could keep one hundred starving families fed for one whole year. There are two people that have entered this forum that I am very proud of.  Patricia Barch and Thomas Richmond.  Be sure that when you respond to my post to insult me that you create some different words or phrases because there is nothing more boring than using the same words over and over.


Mike Easter Cross

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Jim Allen

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11/9/2008 4:10:31 PM

Hello Mike,

Perhaps you need to break out your pocket US Constitution and read the entire passage regarding Natural Born Citizens.  The founding fathers realized the interpretation may be misread by future generations and included the clause that allowed for those that were already here whether born or came here on the Mayflower.

As for reporting terrorists.  This is something we all should do, however, your reasoning "Big Brother" with regards to comments herein this forum is highly suspect of the original Civilian Army in another land that had children reporting their parent, brother reporting their brother and so on.  It was known as the Third Reich, Hitler Youth Movement and the Gestapo.  Remember?  Were those better days?

I respect the office but that does not mean I have to respect the man just as many if not most of us despise GWB, but we respect the office he holds.

Enough said.

Have a blessed day and May God Bless America!


Jim Allen III - Proud American and Patriot.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Thomas Richmond

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11/9/2008 4:28:06 PM
Thanks Mike and Joe, lets stick to the topic, i think this comment sums it up rather nicely for me anyway. What everyone keeps forgetting is that being born in the country in question isn't the only way to make a person a natural citizen of a country. This goes for Obama and McCain. McCain was born to parents who were both U.S. citizens in Panama. He's an American citizen. Obama was born in Hawaii, but (for you lovely haters out there) even if he was born in Kenya, his mother was a U.S. citizen, as well as his father (though a citizen through naturalization, not natural born), which makes his a U.S. citizen. Good grief. This man's "americanism" has been questioned enough. What is it about him that makes him un-American, un-patriotic, and unacceptable? Why don't people man up and say what it really is - it isn't for any real reason than the fact that white people still don't trust black people, or even half-black people. Bottom line. This is just yet another attempt to discredit a capable candidate. If he was born on the moon to parents who is an American, he automatically has American citizenship. Squash it.
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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11/9/2008 4:35:02 PM
Hello Michael,

As a small portion of your post concerns me, I will respond to this..
"As for the tombstone that reads;
United States of Ameri
BORN: July 4, 1766

Died: Nov. 4, 2008


I would change that to read:

United States of America

Born: July 4, 1766

Re-born: Nov.4,2008

People Woke Up"

I did not take this photo, as I said on the top it came across my path and posted for what ever you may read in the words.
As to changing the words - I would not dream of doing this as it was not my photo to tamper around with.

People have been auguing about whether or not Barrack Obama is a natural born citizen.  When the Constitution of The United States of America was first drawn up and the statement was made that the President of the United States of America had to be a Natural Born citizen, the first president of our country should have been, (by virtue of Law) a Native American because there was not one single person that established this country that was born here.

I understand where you are coming from here, however there had to be a first President and Constitution written so these were drawn up for the future. All the latest Presidents have complied with this Constitutional rule and John McCain whom was born in Panama while his American born parents were stationed in the Military there produced his birth certificate without any trouble - so it seems to me, only fair that Barack Omama also produce his authenticated birth certificate of where he was born.  Instead there has been a fake Hawaian birth certificate posted on the internet, he has blocked off all school records, medical records etc from the public and still has not produced his authentic birth certificate.  Is it any wonder why people are talking and speculating?

I do not believe that I have..  "What I have seen throughout this forum is ruthless attacks on those that wish to keep the peace rather than continue on the road that we have been on for so long."

Yet I have read where your friends have attacked others and said some very unsavoury words - you cannot blame people in defending themselves when it appears that we are all 'lumped in together'

"This was the very first election where the REAL Americans actualy had a say. I would much rather see a First Lady in the White House that buys her clothes from the same stores that my wife buys hers rather than a Polar Bear Killing Hockey Mom that spends enough for one dress that she could keep one hundred starving families fed for one whole year. "

I find the media who were quick to print Sara Palins spending on her wardrobe are very one-sided especially if this all the spending she has done and erred on from the peoples view.  I do not recall Sara killing Polar Bears (if she did I reckon it was more likely to be because it was an endangerment to humans as it was coming to close into civilization and probably was relocated and came back - polar bears are protected, I thought) I did read that she was involved in a cull for wolves.  There are alot of animals that have to be culled out to a manageable herd, pack, flock, gaggle etc because they can eat out their natural food source which leads to starvation, desease...  Some animals also have to be moved as they will interbreed which leads to all sorts of disfigurements.

What about the 'billions of dollars' Obama has spent on his campaign this was never questioned into any depth and where does the left over $$$$s go?  Nobody mentions how much he spent on his suits or his wifes wardrobe yet they are quick to jump on Saras..The media was definitely biased where Obama was concerned as he is their Golden Boy.

His own flesh and blood aunt is living on welfare and he said he did not know she was still in the States..(family concern?) His half brother is living in Kenya on a pittance - where is his compassion and spreading the wealth around when he cannot even look after his own family.

Where did the money come from that he now lives in a million dollar home, his millions of dollars in education, travel to various parts of the world.  He was not born into riches from parents of wealth.  I have lots of questions but no answers..

Be sure that when you respond to my post to insult me that you create some different words or phrases because there is nothing more boring than using the same words over and over.

I have no intentions of insulting you, however I am wondering why a few people (your sentence above is one such question) often 'lead with their chin' when they come into a forum - some of the beginning or ending sentences come across as confrontational as if you are looking for an argument then wonder why you get the argumentive answers to your question.



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