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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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11/8/2008 12:44:39 PM

Now Barack Obama chosen, Jennifer Granholm, the Governor of Michigan, to be on his economic team!  He's GOT to be KIDDING!  Granholm has driven the state of Michigan into a ditch and now she gets to drive the entire country into a deeper ditch?!  Can't wait to see THAT!!!

Michigan has lost 100,000's of jobs, and 10,000's of people (maybe more) have permanently moved out of the state just within the last few years.

Michigan's unemployment numbers are always several points higher than the country's average unemployment percantage.

The average 2-income couple in Michigan earns $10,000 LESS per YEAR than the average 2-income American couple.

JENNIFER GRANHOLM is part of the Obama economic team?  GOOD LUCK to the rest of the USA!  Just take a look at the doom she has brought to Michigan this decade and ask Obama WHY he would ever choose HER for ANYTHING to do the with country's economy!?  Unless he WANTS EVERYONE to lose their jobs, or earn LESS at the jobs they have, or permanently LEAVE and make a new start somewhere else!

They plan to revamp the auto industry, that's east Michigan.  What about west Michigan?  This WAS the furniture capital of the USA, the biggest city here is Grand Rapids, it should be a shining star, it has beautiful scenery and nice people, too bad there are less of them now than 8 years ago.  What about WEST Michigan?  What about our schools, our roads, our jobs, the 100,000's of people HERE on the west side of the state?  Jennifer Granholm and Barack Obama better look beyond the big cities and big industries and their own agenda, whatever that is.

America, prepare to be driven into a ditch!  Jennifer Granholm has done nothing for Michigan except ruin it.

Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/8/2008 12:58:52 PM

Hello everyone:

I am not one to breakdown the rituals of business; my health could not bare the strain. Moreover, we should all realize that when you have a Republican as team leader and Democrats making up the bulk of the team; those who will not cooperate with the plans of that team leader, nothing can be accomplished, nothing works as it should, or could. Same with the reverse !!

As with baseball, great pitcher great catcher, but the infield lacks stamina and the out filed lacks concentration and most can not hit the ball at all, well.... no hits...mostly all errors.

Football ? Wonderful quarterback, great receivers... but no defense and no offense when the time comes to assist and protect the quarterback...

Golf... guess that depends mostly on your follow though and the clubs you use to drive your point home. FORE !!! :)

My apology if this all seems like I'm making fun of much of what is going on here today... I'm recovering from a mild TIA... which was no fun at all !

Anyway, as it is written, stay alert, and know that no matter what happens.. the signs are there that HE is coming to establish HIS I'm not talking about BHO ;)


Joe Buccheri 


Jim Allen

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11/8/2008 1:12:54 PM

Hello Bill,

There you go beating the dead horse again. 

We all agree that we disagreed with Bush's policies and campaigns of fear from unseen enemies.  He is gone as of January 20th and his replacement will do more damage, by actually driving away businesses that provide jobs and penalizing those that create them.  Win for Who?

With BHO we chose to ignore the obvious and fell for Hope, Change and Yes We Can mantra, that is proving to be more fearful than a Bush Whitehouse. 

Many allowed their disdain for Bush, to cloud their own good judgement. 

Well now you got what you wanted a cold, plotting, power hungry individual that is surrounding himself with many of the same players, that were railed against as the house of cards that was built during the Clinton years.

Yet many yourself included, refuse to see you have a Bush, Cheney relative taking over with more power than any previous President. 

Now will you take the time and inform and educate yourself on this man's past?  Probably not because he offering to steal from the rich and give to the poor like a modern day Robin Hood. 

The difference being The Rich stole from the poor, so Robin Hood stole from them and gave back to the poor. 

BHO is giving the same folks that were caught stealing more of your money and giving you crumbs in return and you are estatic!  Amazing isn't it. 

I give you 6 months before you start crying about his poloicies too.


Jim Allen III - I didn't Drink the Kool-Aid

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Joe Downing

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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/8/2008 2:06:37 PM

Hello Joe and those who are concerned with our country's futre!

It is good to see that post Joe about the things we allow in this country, do nothing about, then complain because the country is in a wreck. 

I sense that there are some God fearing people here and a few in my neighborhood, but I don't think many are really paying attention to what God is all about.  I am no degreed Rabbi, Minister or Priest, but I have studied the Bible and have attempted to live my life with a heart of love for all.  I have faltered at times and thank God He is a forgiving God.

You know, God has done many things througout the time man has been here to make life better for man and his kind.  And man keeps advocating that he is smarter than God.  Amazingly, God created us with two ears and one mouth, but man seems to speak more than man listens. 

There are those who state that "history tends to repeat itself".  I agree and I believe it is because man attempts to reinvent God and the meaning of His word every couple of generations.  Today people assume an intelligence far above His word and His prophets.  I'm not saying that none of us are intelligent people, but how many of us have devoted our lives to God and HIS purpose?  Is God our passion?

Before anyone begins quoting verses from the Bible, let's venture down the memory lane that Joe B. humbly posted above.  Why did we remove the Ten Commandments from our courts or any public display?  Why did we remove prayer from school?  Why do people pick and chose from His word and not accept it in whole? Why is it not cool to have a religious belief these days? Why do we look the other way when sins are being committed?  Why do we support TV and the movie industry when IT is the largest method of distribution of sin?  Why do we kill babies because someone decided they didn't want them?    Why is there so much hunger and fighting in this world?  Why do we not know our neighbors?  Why do we have so much sickness?  Why do we have to have armies to defend our countries? 
Why do we not respect each other?  Why, why, why?

And we think we are intelligent?

When I read about the American Revolution times, I came to an understanding that many things were not right with people.  There was a lot of arrogance and inconsideration towards each other.  There were those who wanted everyone else to do as they wanted.  People just wanted to live a good life and to have the freedom to worship God in any way they discerned.  They wanted to make it on their own, but congruently with neighbors.  Neighbors... the people they looked up to or depended on for assurance that things were good.  Why did history fall out the way it did?  Because the majority, not all, of these people were God fearing people.  They attempted to obey His word as well as they could.  The upheld good morals and ethics as a whole society. 

I think we are battling a similar piece of history.   Respect for our fellow man has dissipated and well... here we are.  Arguing over matters that should not be argued. 

When someone does something inappropriate, it should be questioned.  Questioning these matters does not make it evil, but should allow us with open minds to assure that the right thing is being considered. 

I am glad to hear that some people are still saying, "God Bless America".  We must have hope that good things are coming even if we have to get off our butts and make sure of it.  I suggest that everyone not be part of the cared for group and start being part of the caregivers. 

God Bless Everyone!


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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/8/2008 6:14:33 PM
Thank you Joe D., you are so right.

God Bless,

                InGODWeTrust.jpg picture by marie1946
God Bless Everyone

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