Congratulations Luka!
WOW ... you are an incredible young man! lol ... I know you already know I believe that about you, but felt it appropriate to tell you again since you have earned the honor of being King for the week!
I will leave this poem since you already know the temperment of the lake reminds me so much of you!
Tales told The many moods Of Uncha; Morning calm ... so still ... Not a ripple to be found, Smooth as a sheet of glass; That's Uncha. Wild winds whipping up the lake, Bouncing boats Up And Down Back and forth, White capped waves washing o'er the shores; That's Uncha. Sunset reflections on the water, Breath taking beauty; That's Uncha. ~Terry Gorley~
Believe In Yourself
Believe in yourself and in what you can do, Believe in the goals that you strive to pursue, Believe in the friends who believe in you, too... Forever and always, believe. ~Author Unknown~
Enjoy your week King Luka!
I bless you and embrace you with love of my soul
I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life
Love & Hugs