The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community.
To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week
(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW).
This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
In the past 350 post were the minimum requirement, we
aren't locked in on that number but a minimum of 300 posts
is mandatory. Posts that are mainly advertising posts will not
be considered.
Please note highly visible with a positive influence in and on
the community means just that. You have to have an active
forum and/or be active in community forums that are not ad
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member
of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we're honoring Luka Babic. Luka is involved in the community and is seen everywhere supporting, posting and spreading love in many forums.
Luka is a very interesting and active member of our community . Luka is very friendly, supportive, loving and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Congratulations Luka Babic
on your POTW win! 
Dear friends,
I feel very flattered and just speechless. Being excited, I am now not sure what to write in my Biography.
FIRST, I wish to thank to all who made this possible for me. To Anamaria who nominated me, and Geketa , who second the nomination. To all voters, who pay enough of their time to support this poll. To the POTW team, who works very hard each week to bring us joy of this forum and forum Photo of The Week .

This is my first serious biography ever written.
If I try to count just the facts about my life, it will be very easy to realize how life didn`t spoil me too much. But, things usually are not as they seem to be.
At the time of my birth (1990), my country, Yugoslavia, started easily dying.
My first birthday was spent without celebration and a birthday cake. Mother was in the prison.
My second birthday was spent without celebration and a birthday cake. Mother and father have been devorced. Civil war started, and Mom and I became refugees.
I could learn that birthday cakes are not made from nice and sweet materials, but from occasions. Probably due that, I do not believe in recipes :) ... Mother taught me that basically material for cooking is HEART followed by a good mood. With the two of them, a little rocks from the street will taste delicious. I was a little boy, and just - believed her :) ... And, in days when there was a luck of food, we were giggling about the possibility to cook those little rocks from the street. This way, we made things easier and allowed our hearts and a good mood to feed us up. It was easier than trying if those little rocks will really taste good. It was the most precious experience in my life. I am not grateful to Branka because she gave me the birth. She taught me that she has enjoyed a lot a way I came to this world, and that`s nothing to be grateful to her for :). But, for having her as a teacher with the biggest love I ever met or have heard for it ...I am grateful more than I can say.
I don`t have pictures/photographs from my early childhood. Due the civil war, mother`s family have lost all what ever have had.
Daroslav Babic is the first of the both parent`s names in my Certificate of Birth. Last time I saw him when I was sixtheen months old.
Posting at forums, I was faced so often with a praising words about me, but they are usually followed by words "unusual maturity for my age".
Just to make things clear. In the age of 9 ... I already have had 3 bloody wars behind me.
Living without my father, I use to think that all others are much better than me. My self esteem was very low, until one special occasion.
My first climbing on the tree ... I will never forget. I was 4 years old. The tree was very tall. I didn`t scare until I was at the top. OMG!!!! Couldn`t do anything than calling for the help.
One of my friends went quickly to call my Momma. But this lovely lady always loved laughter more than all, including her own son. Just because she was rolling, hearing why she was called, my poor Granny at the age of 64 ... have had to climb on the tree to help me. Again, OMG!!! I could lost the both of them. One, dying from laughter, and another, falling from the tree.
AH! After that situation, I have spoken with myself. If this was too dangerous, as it looked to me, I knew my mother should not ROTFL. So, I decided to repeat tomorrow. And SUCCEED!!! Many years later I was speaking with Branka about that day. My old good wise Mom! Beside she has had a great laughter, she have healed her mother from hidden but very stubborn ambition, to be mother to the both of us. My Granny always has had objections, whatever Mom use to do or to decide. But after climbing on the tree ... she stopped, letting my Mom to be my Mom.
But, growing up with them, I could learn a lot. Branka guided me to earn wisdom to never being crucified between ground (her parents) and sky (Mother) . It was not easy to match the balance, but I think I did.
This year I will finish Grammary school. After that, I will go to University and will study Medicine or Academy for Theater and Movies.
In my spare time, I like to play basketball, to play musics and to enjoy with my friends.
I came to Adland as a child, and still I am here. I enjoy being a part of this Community very much.
Great friends I found here. Anamaria, Dimitra, Adelina, Sara B.,Myrna, Judy S., Terry, Shirley and Mike Caron, King Joe, Peter, Thomas, Phil, Joelee, Larry B. and many others ... I am very grateful for all their love, kindness, encouragement and support.
Thank you once more for this big honor, and thanks for coming to celebrate with me.
It is time to congratulate Luka on his POTW win. Please invite Luka to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.
Luka Babic,
Ana Maria, Jim and I are glad to be honoring you in this week's POTW forum. You've been a great asset to our wonderful community.
Enjoy your week as our
POTW and King of AdlandPro!
Thank you Adland Friends for supporting the POTW Forum