Dearest Terry,
How great it is! I cann`t come to Uncha, but Uncha came to me!
Tales told The many moods Of Uncha; Morning calm ... so still ... Not a ripple to be found, Smooth as a sheet of glass; That's Uncha. Wild winds whipping up the lake, Bouncing boats Up And Down Back and forth, White capped waves washing o'er the shores; That's Uncha. Sunset reflections on the water, Breath taking beauty; That's Uncha. ~Terry Gorley~
I have already learned it by heart!
Thanks for dedicating me so beautiful poem!
Your encouraging and praising words means a lot to me. Your wisdom and love are so great teachers!
Also, I like another poem, Believe In Yourself, very much. Each man, without believability ... is a tiny and a weak branch at the strong wind. I lose it from time to time. But, I think it happens to each man, even though may be older than me.
Many blessings and thank yous are flowing your way, my dear friend!
Your friend,
