The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community.
To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week
(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW).
This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member
of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
This week we're honoring Jennie Dal Bello. Jennie is involved in the community and is seen everywhere supporting and posting in many forums.
Jennie is a very interesting and active member of our community . Jennie is always willing to lend a helping hand and is an avid supporter of our forums.
Congratulations Jennie Dal Bello
on your POTW win! ![Wink](
First of all, I'd like to thank Geketa Holman for nominating me and Larry Blethen for seconding her nomination. Next I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me.....week after week after week, LOL.
I was born in August, 1963 in Pukekohe, south of Auckland, in the North Island of New Zealand. When I was a week or so old, I choked on some after birth. I was blue before the family doctor reached our home, so it was nearly curtains for me!
I was the middle one of 5 girls. Poor mum believed the old wives tale that you couldn't fall pregnant if you were breastfeeding...she had four of us in 3 years, the first two being twins. She said we nearly put her in the local mental hospital....there I'd be digging up the linoleum in the kitchen with a knife and the twins would be pulling it back! My earliest memory was sneeking out when I was about 2-3 while I was supposed to be napping, and taking off down the stoney driveway on my tricyle. Somehow mum always heard me! When I was 4, I took my blind cousin and the boy next door all over town looking for my dad....I found him about the same time the police found us, LOL.
We had a mainly happy childhood. Mum and Dad took us on a lot of camping holidays around the North Island. I wish we'd been old enough to appreciate it then. Maybe that's what started my love of travel...the concept of it anyway, as I never got to jet off abroad like I dreamed of doing as a starry eyed teenager. I made do with reading about it, LOL.
I was allowed to leave school at 16 because I'd been accepted into TAFE (Technical Institute) to do a year long secretarial course, which I did really well at. I got my first job with Telephone Services in Auckland at 17.
At 18 I went on a blind date on Friday the 13th. He turned out to be my first husband and the father of my first 2 children, Louise and Shane. I fell pregnant with Louise at 18, and not long later (early 1982) we moved to Australia. We settled in Sydney and I had Louise 11 days after I turned 19. For some reason I can't remember now, we moved back to New Zealand 11 months after we'd arrived in Australia. When Louise was a year old, her dad and I got married. Early 1985 we moved back to Australia (I was pregnant with Shane by that time). When I was 25, and Louise was 6 and Shane 3, we separated.
I was working by that time, for a large insurance company, and enjoyed going to work. My youngest sister had moved over from NZ and was living with us. She did alot of baby sitting while I did a lot of going out, LOL. I took Louise and Shane over to NZ for xmas a couple of times, but I haven't been back since the last trip in 1990/91. By 30 I had another child, Zac, and had left work to be a full time mum. Louise and Shane loved having me at home and not having to go to before and after school care. I know now how important it is for mums to be home with their children.
When Zac was about 18 months old, I met my current husband, Moreno. He lived in Melbourne with his elderly widowed mum, and I lived in Sydney. After a short courtship (2mths), he and his mum sold up and moved to Sydney, and we got married. I had already said to him that I didn't mind if his mum lived with us, not knowing at the time that he'd promised her after his dad died that she could always live with him as long as she wanted to. As you can imagine, a single bloke marrying a woman with 3 children was never going to be easy. To cut a long and heart breaking story short, Louise and Shane ended up living with their dad and stepmother, a long way away (Louise was 12 and Shane 9). I didn't get to see them much until about 2 years ago....I will always regret those missing years, not seeing them grow up.
I had my 4th and last child, Jordan, in 1997. By then we had moved down to Melbourne, and still live here. My mother-in-law had a stroke back in 2005 shortly after being diagnosed with Alzheimers. She still lives with us and Moreno and I look after her. I have homeschooled Zac and Jordan since they were 5, which thankfully is much easier to do in Australia than places like the US.
Louise had her first child in June last year, making me a grandmother at the age of 43. It was the same age I made my mum a grandmother when I had Louise! Rylan is such a darling, but I know that's how every grandma feels, LOL. They live a 2 hour plane trip away, so I only get to see them a couple of times a year, which is hard.
About 3 years ago I decided to try and find something online that would earn us some money. Like so many others, it was a struggle and took ages to actually see some money come in. It wasn't much, but enough to keep me working at it. I ended up spending way too much time at it, and my boys were complaining that the computer was taking me away from them. So now, as some of you know, I'm 'retired' from internet marketing. However, I couldn't 'retire' from Adlandpro and still spend time here. I especially enjoy participating in the Photo Contest, it's alot of fun.
I could write more but I think I'll leave it here. Thanks for sharing some of my life!
It is time to congratulate Jennie on her POTW win. Please invite Jennie to join your list of friends if she isn't already on it.
Jennie Dal Bello,
Ana Maria, Jim and I are glad to be honoring you in this week's POTW forum. You've been a great asset to our wonderful community.
Enjoy your week as our
POTW and Queen of AdlandPro!![Wink](
Thank you Adland Friends for supporting the POTW Forum