
Forum: Everything is Open for Discussion - Let's Talk in the Kitchen

Description: If you post here without a profile with image your posts will be deleted. We all have opinions, occasionally we even have good ideas. So whatever you have a strong opinion on let us have a discussion. Please do not start new threads for an ad. They will be deleted. Please be aware that blatant advertising in conversation threads, will be deleted. Now let's try to be civil. If you can abide by these simple rules, WELCOME!..
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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Democrats Stole Your Money it took them 40 years but they are on the way to your bank account
12/23/2009 10:00:24 PM
4 275
Select capable men from all the people-men who fear God trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain
12/23/2009 5:00:11 PM
4 281
The Senate’s Christmas Gift
12/21/2009 4:37:28 PM
3 170
Where to Buy Gas
12/17/2009 10:26:07 PM
4 144
Do you have a good photo on your Adlandpro profile? A photo is so important
12/17/2009 2:13:24 AM
2 169
BEWARE ScamArtist in Adland
12/14/2009 2:03:02 PM
1 146
Not a Stargate Portal just a fizzled rocket~ Awwwww.....
12/11/2009 9:41:40 AM
5 215
Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
12/1/2009 9:13:41 AM
25 1659
Shell cleared 3.25 Billion dollars and then laid off 5,000 people
11/19/2009 2:36:34 AM
1 90
Boost Your List By 500%?
11/17/2009 1:42:02 AM
1 124
It's time to take a reflective look at the core beliefs of a culture that values
11/14/2009 2:03:52 PM
3 223
11/11/2009 1:14:32 AM
1 89
Last Chance LIVE Webinar
11/3/2009 1:19:07 AM
1 96
November 11 is Veterans Day - Please Remember our Veterans of Yesterday and TODAY
Page: 1, 2, 3
10/30/2009 3:30:31 AM
14 1807
How Will 12SecondCommute Benefit Me?
10/28/2009 12:57:09 PM
1 120

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