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Peter Fogel

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RE: Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
11/13/2009 12:09:01 AM

Once again you missed the point. The only people that were ranting were you and a few others. My post spoke for itself facts only and in a polite and respectful manner.

I told those that contacted me not to post in your thread since I saw no logical reason for them to get involved and aside from my one polite reply there I was not a part of the ranting either.

Thanks for the reminder that freedom of speech is still a part of this world and that's the reasons for my posts in the BFA thread. Apparently using that freedom brought about this rampage of attacks, ranting and raving by you and a few others and as I said in my previous post here that was not the intention of my posts and usage of my "freedom of speech" rights in the BFA thread.

Just one more thing to add to this issue. I read in your reply to Kathleen the following:


as moderator of the BFA, in as much it was a teammember's oversight, I felt I should have first checked before giving myopinion that an inactive forum was not to be included in the poll. Ieven shot of a 'pm' to Ana asking her to activate her forum and have itnominated the following month because we were running far behindschedule and I was working to bring it up to date as it is usuallydone...if you notice we did just 3 days of voting and about 5 days ofnominating. I sent judges msgs asking them to get back to me with thescores asap as they didnt have a week as usual. Also after posting apoll you cant go and add or take away. it would have had to bescrapped. and since this was a monthly feature I didn't think itotherwise to ask for Ana's forum to be nominated again next month. Theintention that has been insinuated is far from the truth. And yes Itake responsability for what happened. Ana has forgiven me and I amhappy that there is no air of contention at all between us. THANK YOUANA you are a gracious lady !!! About the rest.......they like cattleare still chewing the cud.....LOL....happy chewing to them if thatmakes them happy and swells their ego...well cheers to their swelledEGO !!!


Now you say "I felt should have checked......I even shot off a PM to Ana asking her to activate her forum....". Which means that when you shot off the PM to AnaMaria you still didn't check whether the forum was active or not which makes it a double oversight. An interesting point is that the team member whose oversight it was actually posted in AnaMaria's forum. Hmmmmmmm.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
11/13/2009 10:29:33 PM

Hello Jim,

I've been reading the posts in the community and it appears that what I wrote in my previous post that the majority didn't bother to read MY post in the BFA thread is correct.

They are still blaming the “few”, the “vocal minority” and “negatives”for calling people names and many other terrible things. Well I'm not going to repeat what I wrote but I'd expect supposedly intelligent people to base their accusations on facts and not on what they think was said or worse what others told them was said. Is the herd instinct so prevalent here that none of them are able to decide for themselves with out being led like sheep? One thing for sure I will read what is written and base anything I write and any opinion I express on facts and not upon what others told me happened.

This really shouldn't surprise me but it still does. I guess no one is interested in doing even the most basic research before they start spouting their bile and inane innuendos all over the community.

Enough said the blowhards will remain blowhards and we 'll let them continue believing we are the “vocal minority” there are many more of “us”then they think.

For those that are interested in reading what I wrote in the BFA thread you can find it here and you can then decide if the post was anything other then polite,respectful and factual. You'll also see that all my replies were also respectful and there was no name calling as many of the herd are accusing us of.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
11/14/2009 2:43:29 AM

Hello Peter and Friends,

I too have been reading the posts in the community and "The Winds are Blowing Again". There does seem to be an air of mistakability flowing through tha blowing wind. I do see some names being slung about but not from where they are believed to be from, but blowing in from many directions. It does appear that there is some absentee forum admisitrators so it seems from "An Open Letter To Peter Fogel

Yes, I do have to admit there seems to be 'herd mentality" about the way things seem to be if you buy the "spin doctors" version. Anyways, "Proof Reading would imply Reading the Proof Yourself".

That is the mistake made in the last Presidential Election by the way. Too many failed to do their own "Proof Reading" and now they are wondering what the hell is happening.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
11/14/2009 4:12:34 AM
Jim and Peter it would appear that there is no end in sight of all the name calling and innuendos and harassment because we dared speak up and point out an injustice. We did no name calling as several seem to say, but yet we are called names and yes there are a lot more than three of us. A LOT more. I readily make available my contact information on my ALP profile including email address and phone number and I have received numerous emails and phone calls from people supporting our position, but then these are people that have actually read ALL the posts and did not depend on second hand information or heresay We have even been told to produce these private messages like we were on trial or something.
I have not seen one incident of us being quoted where we said anything that would make us want to bow our heads in shame. Everything we wrote was the truth.
From reading through the different forums, I learned a lot. What really stood out was this was not the first time there has been major controversy with the BFA. Seems there is a history of discord and controversy. This is the conclusion I came to after reading numerous posts from the different forums.
Just because you get caught with your pants down AGAIN don't point your finger at the ones that caught you. Stand up like a man or woman and accept responsibility for your actions and stop blaming your troubles on someone else.
Another thing that stood out was it was OK for someone to make unkind comments but not OK when someone tried to respond to them. The last I heard that is called a "double standard". Yes you sure can learn a lot by reading the posts history.
When I asked a question in the BFA forum I was ignored and never got an answer. Would a reasonable person think I was disrespectful for asking what I did or how I worded it? And I was not the only one asking this if you will read further.
I am certainly not your "sweet butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" type, nor do I want to be. I have more than my share of faults and I am willing to admit it. People that know and trust me know I am very opinionated and they will tell you that most of the time I am right. Most of the time, not all the time. I am sure there are those who would not agree with that but then they don't know the real me.
I have made a lot of really good friends since I have been a member of this community, people that I think the world of and that I am in regular contact with, either by phone or email or snail mail. Some of them are no longer active here and some will log in occasionally but still many of them are here almost daily.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Was this the ultimate reason for the mistaken exclusion?
12/1/2009 9:13:41 AM
Hi Jim,

I guess it's fitting to share my thoughts with you and our friends here since so much was written in this thread about the unsavory events that took place recently.

It appears that one of the "stars" flew the coop suddenly 11/28/09 for no logical reason but who's looking for logic with her.

The downfall of those that look for followers is that they are unable to accept that many aren't interested in following and have a mind of their own. This is unacceptable to them and apparently they lose much
of their self confidence and start blasting private correspondences in order to justify their existence and explain their actions. Unfortunately in the process they reveal who they really are and it's a far sight from the public persona they are trying to portray. We've seen evidence of this with the recent hysteria, unwarranted attacks, private chat messages made public that revealed all the facts about the misdeeds of those involved and more.

So, they end up running away since that's much easier then answering questions, isn't it? I know many will cry crocodile tears for the missing ones but I for one expected this to happen and was surprised it took so long. This is not the first time and most probably won't be the last. For those that are in mourning episode 3 is just down the road a bit. In the meantime we might get "visitations" in the guise of other "persona's".

Au revoir and bon voyage.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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