Jim and Peter it would appear that there is no end in sight of all the name calling and innuendos and harassment because we dared speak up and point out an injustice. We did no name calling as several seem to say, but yet we are called names and yes there are a lot more than three of us. A LOT more. I readily make available my contact information on my ALP profile including email address and phone number and I have received numerous emails and phone calls from people supporting our position, but then these are people that have actually read ALL the posts and did not depend on second hand information or heresay We have even been told to produce these private messages like we were on trial or something. I have not seen one incident of us being quoted where we said anything that would make us want to bow our heads in shame. Everything we wrote was the truth. From reading through the different forums, I learned a lot. What really stood out was this was not the first time there has been major controversy with the BFA. Seems there is a history of discord and controversy. This is the conclusion I came to after reading numerous posts from the different forums. Just because you get caught with your pants down AGAIN don't point your finger at the ones that caught you. Stand up like a man or woman and accept responsibility for your actions and stop blaming your troubles on someone else. Another thing that stood out was it was OK for someone to make unkind comments but not OK when someone tried to respond to them. The last I heard that is called a "double standard". Yes you sure can learn a lot by reading the posts history. When I asked a question in the BFA forum I was ignored and never got an answer. Would a reasonable person think I was disrespectful for asking what I did or how I worded it? And I was not the only one asking this if you will read further. I am certainly not your "sweet butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" type, nor do I want to be. I have more than my share of faults and I am willing to admit it. People that know and trust me know I am very opinionated and they will tell you that most of the time I am right. Most of the time, not all the time. I am sure there are those who would not agree with that but then they don't know the real me. I have made a lot of really good friends since I have been a member of this community, people that I think the world of and that I am in regular contact with, either by phone or email or snail mail. Some of them are no longer active here and some will log in occasionally but still many of them are here almost daily. Hope everyone has a great weekend.