Hi Jim, Nice to you to honor are veterans. We could never thank our vets enough for what all they have done for us. They have not only given years of their lives, but it is also there lives are changed forever with so much trauma and horrors of war in there lives. Thanks for caring, Myrna “Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Solider Known But To God" Thesewords are inscribed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in ArlingtonNational Cemetery. The Tomb of the Unknowns symbolizes those of Americawho gave their lives in World War I, World War II, and the Korean Warin defense of the Nation’s integrity, honor, and tranquility. Numerousceremonies are performed annually at the Tomb to honor these soldiersand to show the nation’s respect for members of the United States ArmedForces. The most notable of such ceremonies arewreath-laying ceremonies that take place on National holidays, such asVeteran’s Day or Memorial Day, where the President or his designee laysa wreath to mark the national observance of that day. Also, held inhigh esteem are wreath laying ceremonies that occur during statevisits. At these ceremonies, the visiting head of state will pay formalrespects to the sacrifice of America’s veterans in foreign wars byplacing a wreath before the Tomb. All ceremonies performedat the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, with the exception of Tomb Guardduty performed by the Army Honor Guard, are Joint Service functions ledby the Military District of Washington. Therefore, the members of theCoast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard serve as active participants in allJoint Service ceremonies performed at the Tomb, including the highlyrespected wreath laying ceremonies. During these ceremonies, eachservice of the Armed Forces (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, andCoast Guard) provide Ceremonial Honor Guard personnel to representtheir respective service to the public and to the leaders of foreigncountries. The Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard strives to prepareits members for these ceremonies through hours of practice in weaponsdrill, uniform maintenance, and military bearing.