Hello Neil,
Thanks,The reason I post so much is I am advertising my presence and Marketing my Identity.
Also when everyone knows and sees me is allows me to develope personal relationships with me.
It allows me to attract others that are serious about there life and there families future.
By being upfront and personal it allows others to challenge your character and credibility.
My character and credibility is the same from day one the only difference is that I have become wiser and smarter.
By being in the forefront you establish a solid foundation for your self.
There are many advantages of being up front and in front all the time, People become familiar with who you are, what you stand for, how you are. But there is alot of work that goes with all of this, but the pay off is amazing.I do not have to work outside my home.I am now my own boss. I call my own shots, but most of all when you advertise your Presnce and Market your Identity when you become recognizable then doors open for bigger and better things. Always make your self accessible to others all the time,my door is open 24/7
when I see a number I call just to say hello I am here if you need me.
So if you would like to chat with me more please call me.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com 253 277 1238 simikathy2@yahoo.com