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Neil Sperling

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Re: Why you Value Forums, and what use are they?
4/4/2007 8:16:52 PM


Thanks for your post - Looking forward to more contact with you!



Jerome Dsouza

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Re: Why you Value Forums, and what use are they?
4/28/2007 5:31:48 AM
Truth to tell Neil...forums are one more and rather potent way of marketing.
Of course that depends on how one connects with other forum members.

Yes, there could be a learning possibility but tell me which forum member wants to take someone by the hand and guide them instead of directing them to some opps or the other?

I speak for myself and must say every time I connect with another member there is at the back of my mind (in front and in between too) the hope that this member will
see that signature line and get interested enough to click, visit, buy!



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Neil Sperling

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Re: Why you Value Forums, and what use are they?
5/4/2007 8:51:24 AM


Hello Friends

Just a quick note- I'm learning Forums are also full of FUN. Simple threads and games to help us get to know each other.

Here are two examples... drop by and make sure the forum owners and participants are friends of yours. I'm sure you want Adland to be a fun experience as well as profitable... don't you?

Jenny SJ

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Re: Why you Value Forums, and what use are they?
5/4/2007 12:37:14 PM
Wow Neil,

That's a 64 thousand dollar question.

I joined the forums to market my business, to make contacts , get my signature known etc. 

But now?  I have learnt that real networking isnt that artificial!  I value forums.  They are great places to learn, share knowledge,  get to know likeminded people and to COMMUNICATE.

Posting a lot is fine if you have something to contribute .  Dave Cottrell's thread on the Focus on Facts forum -   "How to get Real Traffic"
talks about how posts affect our traffic.   But what is clear from that it is the quality of the traffic  that is going to benefit a member. 

So if you post an original post on a quality forum - the visits you may get through your signature line will be superior in quality that visits from poor quality or repetative posts on poor quality forums.

I have to say that, if my web tracker is anything to go by - the traffic that I personally receive through serious forums on relevant topics is of much better quality than the visits from poorer quality ones (by that I  mean the nuimber of pages of my site visited and time spent)

So - I value forums for what they really can be at their best - Discussion forums - which get the grey matter working - whether they are business based or other.  These are the places that I enjoy spending time on and in the company of friends.

As they say - when you have genuine friends and are a genuine friend - the  trust and business  come s naturally, because the trust is real.

Thanks for letting me say my say


Neil Sperling

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Re: Why you Value Forums, and what use are they?
5/4/2007 3:15:08 PM


Great post.... I'm so glad you took the time to share!

Your comments hit the nail on the head. Networking online is not all that much different than networking offline becasue we are still in the people business.

That is why spending some time relaxing in forums that are simply for fun can be good for business too. You get to know another side of the guests... check out Sue Marshall's forum thread "the person under me" in her Take a break forum... add her to your friends list as she is a GREAT friend to have too!

Stay tuned - as I am working on a new thread for my forum explaining the four types of people....

Thanks again for your comments and dropping by my forum!

Neil Sperling MB



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