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Dimitra Bravou

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8/10/2007 7:21:52 AM
Hi Rajaram,

Thank you for your comments, they are most interesting and useful to all.

Enjoy your weekend brother.


Rajaram S.K.

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8/10/2007 7:54:04 AM

Dear Dimitra,

Thanks for your quick response to my last post.

You too have a great weekend Sister.

With my true Love and peace to all, in your family

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram
8/10/2007 12:03:38 PM

Hello Branka and Friends

   I really love the diversity on this forum. It is very interesting to how people from different countries perceive such things as life, love and Religion. Regardless though, of the different perspectives expressed here, there is one common thread that bonds us all together. We all believe that it is right to love our fellow man. Forgiveness is of great importance when it comes to loving others because none of us is without sin. These are traits that are common ground in nearly all Religions as well.

   This brings me to the great irony. With such importance being placed on love and forgiveness, why is it that nearly all wars have religious beliefs at their root. Does war not go directly against the teachings of nearly all Religions. Does war not go directly against the personal beliefs of nearly all men. What  Religion is it that tells us to rather than forgive our neighbor we must kill our neighbor. What Religion is it that tells us that when we need more of something we can simply go and take it from others, even if it means killing them.

   To point out one very major difference between Religious beliefs I use this comparison. Right now , much of the world is engaged in war. Particularly the war between The West and the Middle East. The justification for this war from the West is that all men have a right to live in peace and freedom. Therefore we must help other countries like Iraq establish a democratic form of government. So now, it is OK to go against our Religious beliefs and kill others who are opposed to this notion that all men are to be free. Then we have the religious doctrine of some in the Middle East that says that by blowing yourself up in a crowd of people in order to kill as many of those people as you can, assures you of a seat at the right hand of God in Heaven. Those on either side of this proverbial fence believe just as strongly as the other. Perhaps another Communion Of Eternity for war has existed for as long as man.

    Another thing that I mentioned earlier was that there were about 4200 different religions that are recognized as religions, around the world. This does not take into account those who do not belong to any one particular faith. There are hundreds of millions of people who do not claim any particular faith. Does this mean that they have no Religious belief at all? I think it is more likely that considering the diversity of the 4200 Religions that there are perhaps millions more  different types of Religious beliefs that are not yet recognized. And, every time that two of these beliefs combine there is yet another whole new set of beliefs. More of The Communion Of Eternity. To me, this seems like trying to empty the Atlantic Ocean by pouring your pail into the Pacific Ocean. So, based on this, it seems to me that mankind has a long, long way to go before we all become one with our maker. Surely, we could not accomplish this in just one lifetime. There must be other lifetimes in our futures. Heaven is not about the survival of the fittest. It is about the eternal salvation of all of mankind. Isn't it?


Baby Kaleb, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light.                     
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Rajaram S.K.

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8/11/2007 3:11:54 AM

Hello Branka and friends,

I SHALL SHARE WITH YOU ALL ABOUT...."LOVE IS...."   as I read in Times of India, Bangalore dated August 11, 2007;

Atharva Veda IX.2.19

Love (Kama) is the first born, loftier than the  Gods, ancestors and men.  You, Oh LOVE, are the eldest of all, altogether mighty.  To you we pay homage!


Avatar Meher Baba

Love is such that the lover needs no asking to do anything.  By loving, your whole being will be changed and your life will end in freedom.  The gift of LOVE is a rare gift of GOD, and rarely is one capable of receiving it.


Howard Thurman

Love has no awareness of merit and demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature.



One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is LOVE.


Bill, I love your last post's last few words,"It is about the eternal salvation of all of mankind. Isn't it?...." You are right. We are all striving for the same goal of ACHIEVING SALVATION...MUKTHI, LIBERATION ETC., ULTIMATE AIM OF THIS PRESENT BIRTH OF EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET RIGHT NOW...BUT WE JUST DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE, HOW MANY AIM TOWARDS THIS GOAL, IN THEIR LIFE TIME....AND WE DO NOT KNOW AS TO HOW MANY WILL REACH THEIR AIM, FOR SURE....

And about your...."Heaven is not about the survival of the fittest...." SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST IS THE RULE OF LAW, PRESENTLY IN PRACTICE IN ALL THE COUNTRIES, NOT TO MENTION OTHER PARTS OF OUR LIFE. There is actually, a great struggle and tug-of-war at all stages of everyones life going on presently, we sincerely hope at all the different levels, of course immensely.

With Love and Peace to all

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram
Rajaram S.K.

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8/11/2007 5:58:08 AM

Hello Dimitra, Anamaria, Branka and everyone,

I shall continue my last posts, with some more spititual informations as below mentioned;

In my forum page -



Chapter XIII

Verse 22.

The PURUSHA, seated in PRAKRITI, experiences the qualities born of PRAKRITI; attachment to the qualities is the cause of his birth in good and evil wombs.

One has his/her destinies of their own, as per their past/present good and bad deeds - experiences the joys and sorrows in life but also develops a blind attachment to them and this is "THIS CAUSE FOR ITS BIRTH IN GOOD OR EVIL WOMBS." "AS ITS DESIRE, SO IS ITS WILL" is a scripturual declaration of an eternal truth......

I sincerely hope that you all shall gain something more than, what you might know already in your spiritual journey in your community. 

With Love and Peace to all

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram

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