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Sam Sunday

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8/2/2007 8:40:11 PM

My very dear and close friend Branka,

Pardon me for not responding to your call early, you'll agree with me that this is by far my busiest week since I joined this community, but I am not oblivious of the fact that friends like you are the reason for this happening which is so mavelous in our eyes.

Thanks for the invitation. Your topic is a very interesting one that tend to challenge our life style and behavioral pattern. Communication has been established as the biggest weapon of mankind which is more like a two-way sword and like Geogios put it, a lot depend on how we use it.

I can still remember before I got married to my wife, during our marriage counselling. we were told that >70% of our marriage will depend on comminication. Incidentally my wife is an introvert and our first two years remain the hardest and most gruesome period of our union because of lack or poor communication. Thanks to our church marriage committee, we just had to go back for futher tutorials on how to express ourselves to each other.

Technology in one hand is supposed to enhance our communicability, but like every other man's products, if not properly managed it can became our tool of destruction and negativity. Internet today is a blessing to many as well as curses to a lot other users. 

And so we should chaff out the best part of communication and apply them to our day to day relationship in order to attract the positive result, be it on personal, family or busines basis.

Rajaram S.K.

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8/3/2007 7:16:47 AM


I love your following post of RESPECT....

"It is R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!!

Where has all the respect gone? Without respect, a joyful communion cannot exist.  I teach my children this...

RESPECT = Kindness + Lovingness + Gentleness

If you leave any out, the equation changes.  This equation allows for a higher or advanced communion..."



This is possible by your right equation;

RESPECT = Kindness + Lovingness + Gentleness

This is lagging in society nowadays everywhere. Yes, the same problem everywhere about Respect. Am I right, Joe? A Good family has a very respectable members in it, respecting everyone, especially elders more than any one. They deserve and expect much more from the youngsters of today.

Love all and Hate never. Show your sincere repect for everyone by your actions, from the bottom of your heart. Respect everyone, as you love and respect GOD, whoever He may be. Be in communion with the Lord with your true respect to Him. Always praise Him and never abuse Him for all your wrongs, due to your ignorance. Show respect to Him and lead the younger generations towards that repectable path of Love, Peace and Light towards the Lord.

With Love and Peace to all

Rajaram S.K.

S.K. Rajaram
Ana Maria Padurean

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8/3/2007 9:22:57 AM
Hello everyone,

I already had some trials to post but always something come up and I could never finish my post! Hope this will not be the case again.

It is interesting how this itopic is able to mass me up! LOL
Usualy I know very well what I want to say and what am I talking about, but now!

Reading throught the posts, my thoughts are flying to different directions. The only aspect I'm sure I do not want to go into is "the union of two molecules ... " and that is because being a chemist I'm afraid the post will be too long LOL.

Going a bit back to "growing up emotionaly" I would love to add afew words:

How will you know when you grew up?!

You will know when you've grown up emotionally when
it's easy to tell the difference between what you need
- like air, water, food, and minimal attention -
and all the other things in life that you only want.

And you will know it is your own job to provide what you need and want.

After a while of seeing the world this way
you will even be glad
that all of this is your responsibility instead of someone else's.

It's wonderful to know that you are always with
the only person you ne

Than regarding RESPECT! I very much love Rajaram's ecuation :-)

<<A Good family has a very respectable members in it, respecting everyone, especially elders more than any one. They deserve and expect much more from the youngsters of today.>>

Very much agree with this; though I think that everyone deserves the same respect, regardless of their age; the only discusable thing here is
<<expect much more from the youngsters of today>>

Now, it would be much difficult to explain this in a few words.
Everyone has his own right to his own life ( I won't get by now into rights-responsabilities issue - this also comes with growing up; LOL)
My expectations from my children (other than they to be happy or so...), and their "must grew up to them" - puts a burden on their shoulder and may discountenace their own dreams and life! ... and so they are not free anymore.
Hm, I have to stop here because I feel that I'm stumbling into this, and my English at this moment do not help me to get out of this!
Just let me add something I hope it will help you more to understand what I mean here:

You are more important than your successes.

You are more important than your failures.

Your children are more important than their successes.

Your children are more important than their failures.

The person is always more important than the behavio

See you later :-)
Your friend,

8/3/2007 7:32:56 PM

Hello Neil,

Knowing in how great rush you are ... I wish to know to tell you how much I appreciate each your coming back .

THERE`S ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR ANY KIND OF APOLOGY from your part. I think each our poster and visitor can feel honored and blessed with your presence.

"Another thing - I am an analyzer type personality.... when my thinking is "challenged" I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.... and when someone stretches me out of my comfort zone I love that just as much - and due to my love for these types of things occasionally I push people out of their comfort zone forgetting not everyone like that at all. ( see my forum on four types of people for further insight on this topic )"

This statement is your precise painter! And I like this your portrait. Don`t be my the worst enemy and left me at my comfort zone, please!

SEE YOU LATER . Thank you for throw me each your glove !  :)



8/3/2007 8:47:55 PM

Dear Joyce,

Thank you for this excellent post.  Understanding and developing this question about communion of  body and spirit, speaks itself about your spiritual maturity.

"Community, finding areas of common interests is essential for moving forward in a positive manner if we are to build things that will last. This is also done very well at the opposite spectrum and e are all living with those consequences."

Dear friend, your time and contribution are very appreciated. I am looking for your further posts!

Bless you and embrace you with love of my soul!



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